Tuesday 4 December 2012

Four young Europeans to attend the official Nobel Peace Prize Ceremony

BRUSSELS: Four young Europeans, Ana from Spain, Elena from Italy, Ilona from Poland and Larkin from Malta, will join EU leaders in Oslo for the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony. They won the drawing and writing contest organized by the EU institutions, in partnership with the European Youth Forum, on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace prize to the European Union.

"Peace, Europe,Future: What does Peace in Europe mean to you?" This was the question put to young people from the EU and acceding or candidate countries aged between 8 and 24. Children aged 8 to 12 expressed their answer in a drawing, young people aged 13 to 24 in a short text of maximum120 characters, in any of the 23 EU official languages.

The contest attracted close to 5 400 applications, from 33 countries: 1 173 drawings for the age group8-12, 1 870 texts for the age group 13-17 and 2 354 texts for the age group18-24.

The European Youth Forum pre-selected the 16 best entries for each age group. A jury chaired by the famous comic book author Jean Van Hamme selected three of the final winners (one per age group):

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