DHAKA (AFP) - Bangladesh opposition leader Khaleda Zia on Tuesday called on citizens to stage a mass march to the capital Dhaka in an escalation of protests aimed at derailing controversial January elections.
Zia s call stokes tensions in the impoverished country, with over 100 people already killed in clashes since late October when the opposition launched the protests to force Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to resign and make way for the polls to be held under a neutral caretaker government.
"I urge all citizens to march to Dhaka on December 29. This march is to say no to these farcical elections and to say yes to democracy," Zia, a two-time former prime minister, said in a speech.
"Wherever you are, carry a red and green national flag and march to Dhaka. We call this a march for democracy," she said in the capital.
She asked the citizens to form "protest committees" in every village to foil the polls."
The centre-left government insisted it would go ahead with the January 5 polls despite a boycott by opposition parties and major foreign nations announcing they won t send any election observers.
On Monday, the United States joined the European Union and the Commonwealth countries in refusing to send observers to monitor polls, denting the credibility of the elections.
Both the US and EU have raised questions about the polls as the winners of more than half of the seats in the 300-seat parliament have already been declared as they faced no opponents.
It means technically that Hasina s Awami League government could form a government even before ballots are cast as the party and its allies have won 154 seats.
Zia s main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) and its 17 allies including the country s largest Islamist outfit, Jamaat-e-Islami party, called the uncontested victories "the worst scandal in the country s election history".
They said they are boycotting the polls because they fear the elections will be rigged by Hasina. The opposition wants Hasina to quit and make way for a neutral caretaker government to hold the polls in line with the four previous elections.
Hasina has rejected the opposition demand, saying the caretaker government system is unconstitutional.
Last week, she ruled out changes to the election schedule, mocking Zia, her bitter rival for nearly three decades, that she had missed the election train.
Zia s call for a mass march comes as the country has been reeling from the deadliest political violence since its independence from Pakistan in 1971.
At least 265 people have died since January in violence that has pitted opposition activists against police and ruling party supporters. At least 115 of them have been killed in the past two months when Zia stepped up her campaign to topple Hasina.
Zia said she was still ready "to continue talks" with Hasina to resolve the crisis after three rounds of UN-brokered talks between the two major parties yielded no result.
But Zia accused the government of not being sincere, charging that "it wants to cling to power at any cost".
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
137th birth anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam being celebrated today
LAHORE: The 137th birth anniversary of the founder of Pakistan Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah is being celebrated throughout the country today (Wednesday).
A number of programmes have been chalked out to highlight the guiding principles of unity‚ faith and discipline. The government has announced a public holiday on Wednesday.
Qur'an Khwani will be held at the Mazar-e-Quaid in Karachi and a change of Guard's ceremony will also be held at the Mazar-e-Quaid.
Various cultural organizations and educational institutions have chalked out different programmes to highlight the life and political achievements of the great leader.
In a massage issued on the eve of 137th birthday of the father of nation Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif said that Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah made history by carving out a new state by the strength of his wisdom, steadfastness, righteousness and statesmanship.
“The great Quaid envisioned Pakistan to be an independent homeland for the Muslims of subcontinent where they could live their lives according to their religious and cultural beliefs,” Nawaz added.
The PM reminded that Quaid envisioned Pakistan to be country where democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights will hold sway, adding his dream of Pakistan was of a country where there would be no discrimination on the basis of caste, creed or religion and where all citizens would enjoy equal rights, he added.
“On this auspicious day, we should pledge and resolve to work whole-heartedly and dedicatedly to build a strong and prosperous Pakistan,” the PM urged.
Prime Minister said that patriotism, dedicated work and selfless service for the greater glory of Pakistan could be the most befitting tribute to the memory of Quaid-e-Azam.
A number of programmes have been chalked out to highlight the guiding principles of unity‚ faith and discipline. The government has announced a public holiday on Wednesday.
Qur'an Khwani will be held at the Mazar-e-Quaid in Karachi and a change of Guard's ceremony will also be held at the Mazar-e-Quaid.
Various cultural organizations and educational institutions have chalked out different programmes to highlight the life and political achievements of the great leader.
In a massage issued on the eve of 137th birthday of the father of nation Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif said that Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah made history by carving out a new state by the strength of his wisdom, steadfastness, righteousness and statesmanship.
“The great Quaid envisioned Pakistan to be an independent homeland for the Muslims of subcontinent where they could live their lives according to their religious and cultural beliefs,” Nawaz added.
The PM reminded that Quaid envisioned Pakistan to be country where democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights will hold sway, adding his dream of Pakistan was of a country where there would be no discrimination on the basis of caste, creed or religion and where all citizens would enjoy equal rights, he added.
“On this auspicious day, we should pledge and resolve to work whole-heartedly and dedicatedly to build a strong and prosperous Pakistan,” the PM urged.
Prime Minister said that patriotism, dedicated work and selfless service for the greater glory of Pakistan could be the most befitting tribute to the memory of Quaid-e-Azam.
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Belgium sells European Commission HQ for nearly 640 mn euros
BRUSSELS: Cash-strapped Belgium is nearly 640 million euros richer after selling the European Commission's Berlaymont headquarters building to BNP-Paribas-Fortis bank and AG Insurance, a report said Wednesday.
The giant metal-clad Berlaymont dominates the area around the Schuman district in Brussels which is home to many of the main European Union institutions.
Futuristic when built in the 1960s as a symbol of European resurgence, the Belgian government sold the building to the Commission in 2004 for some 553 million euros on a 27-year lease, L'Echo said.
The business daily said BNP-Paribas-Fortis and AG Insurance will pay Belgium 636 million euros for the 18 years remaining.
In 2031, at the end of the lease, the Commission has the option to buy the building, offering a potentially large pay off for the two companies.
The sale proceeds mean total Belgian state debt will fall below the 100 percent of Gross Domestic Product threshold -- an improvement the Commission itself may welcome even if it still leaves the country well short of the 60 percent EU limit.
The giant metal-clad Berlaymont dominates the area around the Schuman district in Brussels which is home to many of the main European Union institutions.
Futuristic when built in the 1960s as a symbol of European resurgence, the Belgian government sold the building to the Commission in 2004 for some 553 million euros on a 27-year lease, L'Echo said.
The business daily said BNP-Paribas-Fortis and AG Insurance will pay Belgium 636 million euros for the 18 years remaining.
In 2031, at the end of the lease, the Commission has the option to buy the building, offering a potentially large pay off for the two companies.
The sale proceeds mean total Belgian state debt will fall below the 100 percent of Gross Domestic Product threshold -- an improvement the Commission itself may welcome even if it still leaves the country well short of the 60 percent EU limit.
Sunday, 15 December 2013
If NATO gets globalized
By Imran Chouhdary (imransaqib5@gmail.com)
The opportunity to visit the NATO Defense College in Rome was a learning experience in many regards. It was interesting to see how the biggest peace keeping “military” force gets educated and how its goals, methodologies and activities are evolved. I already knew that NATO constitute upon 28 members whereas, other 22 countries are working with NATO on various fronts as partners.
A civil-military coalition, NATO is expanding its goals and multiplying its activities with a well devised strategy inclined more towards the international disputes than that of defense and protection. Currently it is involved in around 200 border disputes worldwide.
Not surprisingly, the Middle East or Islamic countries are an important focus especially in the research work. A lot of work is being done in the recently established Middle East faculty (2009). NATO seems to have ambitions of solving the issues of the regions as well.
The NATO Defense College is currently working on three fronts; Education, Research and Outreach. For education, it invited leading educationists, academics and scholars from all across the world and a very well-established and well-equipped Think-Tank does the research work under highly qualified and able minds. And it possesses specialized trainers for the Specialized Outreach Program.
The delegates from across 67 countries of the world take various courses while attending more than 200 lectures in total while the field study institutions have been established in France, Germany and Britain. The NDC (Rome) does planning and the specific research on the under consideration decisions.
The officers scheduled for specific operations get training from the school in a German city 'Oberammergau'. People from different sections (including military personals, educators, thinkers, scholars, journalists, public representatives and NGO activists) get trainings.
After our visit to the NDC in Rome, we went to the town of Sisily known as 'Siracusa' where institute of higher studies in Criminal Science (ISISC) is situated. Here the course on criminal justice is being taught for the judges and lawyers of various countries including Europe. According to the administration they have taught and trained almost 27000 persons during 40 years, which includes judges from Iraq, Afghanistan and other Islamic countries. Duration for courses varies from one week to six months and it cost only 250 Euros per week. The course about Sharia Law and Islamic Justice System was highly informative.
NATO came into the existence by the end of the World War II when the United Forces of Japan and Germany had terrified Europe and rendered it hopeless despite of perpetual moral, financial and armed support of United States of America (USA). Meanwhile, in 1945, Americans did 'Trinity Test’; the first nuclear experiment and within next months, on 6th and 9th of August 1945, they carried out two nuclear attacks on the twin cities of Japan (Hiroshima & Nagasaki). After this, the rival super power USSR also started trying attaining the nuclear weapons and succeeded in doing so on 29th of August 1949.
Thus on 4th of April 1949, America signed with 11 European countries an agreement called as North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as NATO. The main purpose was to contain the power and influence of USSR and communism. However, in 1955, the 'Warsaw' pact united the countries of Eastern Europe and divided the Great Europe on the ideological basis thus again terrifying the remaining Europe.
So, NATO was actually to save the “world” from nuclear war but with the end of the Cold War, NATO also changed its objectives while shifting its focus towards the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Africa, and Afghanistan. Its expenditures are largely being sponsored by America. The Germany is second biggest donor.
Naturally, both the countries influence major decisions as well. Principally, all the member countries should be taken in confidence before any major decision but practically USA, and few other major powers, take decisions and sometimes, the Americas singlehandedly takes the decision and starts moving. The rest of the NATO has to move with it. For example, Germany, France and Belgium did not agree with the decision to attack Iraq but the America carried the strikes. In the same manner, France announced its attack on Libya without any agreement with other members.
Another important issue is the moral credibility of NATO that always finds a hostile population of the country where it does its operation. It is especially true with Islamic countries where populations always turn against NATO and demand its expulsion from the country. The NATO think tanks should carry out analysis of the reasons. Does NATO troop support groups disliked by the general masses or does it protects oppressors? Why the neutrality of NATO is always doubtful? Why it is seen with hidden agendas?
It is evident that the sentiments against America exist in Muslim world, which sees Europe as comparatively a softer power. The expectations and perceptions of Muslim world is one of the important dangers for the idea of the NATO expansion and truly globalised force. The NATO strategist should keep major resources for the rebuilding and development of the areas that come under its attack. It will pave the way in gaining the support of the local population. Moreover it will help then having a way for their respectful return and the achievements of global motives.
The opportunity to visit the NATO Defense College in Rome was a learning experience in many regards. It was interesting to see how the biggest peace keeping “military” force gets educated and how its goals, methodologies and activities are evolved. I already knew that NATO constitute upon 28 members whereas, other 22 countries are working with NATO on various fronts as partners.
A civil-military coalition, NATO is expanding its goals and multiplying its activities with a well devised strategy inclined more towards the international disputes than that of defense and protection. Currently it is involved in around 200 border disputes worldwide.
Not surprisingly, the Middle East or Islamic countries are an important focus especially in the research work. A lot of work is being done in the recently established Middle East faculty (2009). NATO seems to have ambitions of solving the issues of the regions as well.
The NATO Defense College is currently working on three fronts; Education, Research and Outreach. For education, it invited leading educationists, academics and scholars from all across the world and a very well-established and well-equipped Think-Tank does the research work under highly qualified and able minds. And it possesses specialized trainers for the Specialized Outreach Program.
The delegates from across 67 countries of the world take various courses while attending more than 200 lectures in total while the field study institutions have been established in France, Germany and Britain. The NDC (Rome) does planning and the specific research on the under consideration decisions.
The officers scheduled for specific operations get training from the school in a German city 'Oberammergau'. People from different sections (including military personals, educators, thinkers, scholars, journalists, public representatives and NGO activists) get trainings.
After our visit to the NDC in Rome, we went to the town of Sisily known as 'Siracusa' where institute of higher studies in Criminal Science (ISISC) is situated. Here the course on criminal justice is being taught for the judges and lawyers of various countries including Europe. According to the administration they have taught and trained almost 27000 persons during 40 years, which includes judges from Iraq, Afghanistan and other Islamic countries. Duration for courses varies from one week to six months and it cost only 250 Euros per week. The course about Sharia Law and Islamic Justice System was highly informative.
NATO came into the existence by the end of the World War II when the United Forces of Japan and Germany had terrified Europe and rendered it hopeless despite of perpetual moral, financial and armed support of United States of America (USA). Meanwhile, in 1945, Americans did 'Trinity Test’; the first nuclear experiment and within next months, on 6th and 9th of August 1945, they carried out two nuclear attacks on the twin cities of Japan (Hiroshima & Nagasaki). After this, the rival super power USSR also started trying attaining the nuclear weapons and succeeded in doing so on 29th of August 1949.
Thus on 4th of April 1949, America signed with 11 European countries an agreement called as North Atlantic Treaty Organization, also known as NATO. The main purpose was to contain the power and influence of USSR and communism. However, in 1955, the 'Warsaw' pact united the countries of Eastern Europe and divided the Great Europe on the ideological basis thus again terrifying the remaining Europe.
So, NATO was actually to save the “world” from nuclear war but with the end of the Cold War, NATO also changed its objectives while shifting its focus towards the Middle East, Asia Pacific, Africa, and Afghanistan. Its expenditures are largely being sponsored by America. The Germany is second biggest donor.
Naturally, both the countries influence major decisions as well. Principally, all the member countries should be taken in confidence before any major decision but practically USA, and few other major powers, take decisions and sometimes, the Americas singlehandedly takes the decision and starts moving. The rest of the NATO has to move with it. For example, Germany, France and Belgium did not agree with the decision to attack Iraq but the America carried the strikes. In the same manner, France announced its attack on Libya without any agreement with other members.
Another important issue is the moral credibility of NATO that always finds a hostile population of the country where it does its operation. It is especially true with Islamic countries where populations always turn against NATO and demand its expulsion from the country. The NATO think tanks should carry out analysis of the reasons. Does NATO troop support groups disliked by the general masses or does it protects oppressors? Why the neutrality of NATO is always doubtful? Why it is seen with hidden agendas?
It is evident that the sentiments against America exist in Muslim world, which sees Europe as comparatively a softer power. The expectations and perceptions of Muslim world is one of the important dangers for the idea of the NATO expansion and truly globalised force. The NATO strategist should keep major resources for the rebuilding and development of the areas that come under its attack. It will pave the way in gaining the support of the local population. Moreover it will help then having a way for their respectful return and the achievements of global motives.
'Mein Na Manoon' first ever play performed at MAO
(Lahore:) First ever stage play has been performed at MAO college auditorium during the last three days of the week. The play got high level appreciation from the audience.
The play represented village life with its typical simplicity of life with its unique sluggishness among the class of cultivators and peasants. The play depicted row between husband and wife on the performance of household chores and duties of men in the fields. The issue leads to shift of duties both by the husband as well as wife that is well shown through the title ‘Mein Na Manoon’( I can’t accept). It reflects change in the social strata that is slowly creeping into the family set ups. The play was written by Prof. Sadiqa Maqbool. The cast comprised of college students. All the set designing and direction was also done by the coordination of students and the staff.
Earlier this week an exhibition was also held depicting different periods of English history as it is represented in literature of the various stages of English history of English literature.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
I am fine if a guy sings my song to impress my daughter: Honey Singh
Rapper Honey Singh says his songs are not to demean women and claims if a boy sings them to impress his daughter he has no problem with it.
The 23-year-old 'Lungi Dance' hitmaker, who is married for more than two years, said that audience like songs on girls so his maximum chartbusters are on the fairer sex.
"I am yet to have a child and if I am blessed with a baby girl and in future if a guy tries to impress my daughter by singing my hits, I have no issues with it. "It's a misconception that I compose songs for girls. I have sung a song for Bhagat Singh too but nobody knows about it.
I have sung about boys but all of them are super-duper flop," Honey said on the sidelines of Agenda AajTak conclave. Having started off his career with music direction in Punjab, the controversial rapper later shifted to Bollywood. But Honey says he never intended to sing for the Hindi Film industry. "I am not interested to sing in Bollywood.

I sing for only those actors whom I admire. I sing free of cost for them. I want to take independent music ahead and my songs are completely based on my observations," she said. The singer is currently gearing up for Tamil debut with 'Kolaveri Di' producer Anirudh Ravichander.
The 23-year-old 'Lungi Dance' hitmaker, who is married for more than two years, said that audience like songs on girls so his maximum chartbusters are on the fairer sex.
"I am yet to have a child and if I am blessed with a baby girl and in future if a guy tries to impress my daughter by singing my hits, I have no issues with it. "It's a misconception that I compose songs for girls. I have sung a song for Bhagat Singh too but nobody knows about it.
I have sung about boys but all of them are super-duper flop," Honey said on the sidelines of Agenda AajTak conclave. Having started off his career with music direction in Punjab, the controversial rapper later shifted to Bollywood. But Honey says he never intended to sing for the Hindi Film industry. "I am not interested to sing in Bollywood.
I sing for only those actors whom I admire. I sing free of cost for them. I want to take independent music ahead and my songs are completely based on my observations," she said. The singer is currently gearing up for Tamil debut with 'Kolaveri Di' producer Anirudh Ravichander.
Zoya's film has nothing to do with our real life: Farhan
As an actor Farhan Akhtar, who also directs and produces movies, had a fabulous year with biopic "Bhaag Milkha Bhaag" and now he is looking forward to Dev Benegal's film with Kareena Kapoor and his sister Zoya's next directorial venture which he says has nothing to do with their off screen relationship.
"Let me take this opportunity to very clearly state that Zoya's film has nothing to do with our real life relationship. It is entirely a work of fiction," said Farhan about the content in Zoya's film.
He will start shooting for Benegal's film after "my forthcoming film 'Shaadi Ke Side Effects' releases".
So far he has acted in films like "Rock On!!", "Bhaag Milkha Bhaag" (BMB), "Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara" and each film has given a chance to do something new.
The actor-filmmaker said: "In some kind of away, I am automatically drawn to roles that take me to the other end of the spectrum."
Excerpts from an interview:
Q: You seem to be more active as an actor than a filmmaker?
A: When you are surfing, and you catch a nice wave, you don't leave it halfway through to find a better one. I am in that kind of a space. This journey seems so correct. I am truly enjoying this experience, working with the people that I am working with right now. And I'm getting such wonderful opportunities to work with such amazing talent. I don't know when again I'll have this opportunity. I am just now looking forward to my next film as an actor. And that's in Dev Benegal's film.
Q: Kareena is your co-star in this film?
A: Yes. She is. And I am really looking forward to working with her. We start shooting together right after my forthcoming film "Shaadi Ke Side Effects" releases.

Q: Does Dev's film give you the chance to do something new again?
A: Oh yes, that's almost become a subconscious precondition for every role I do. For me, to consciously seek unpredictable roles would be dangerous. In some kind of way, I am automatically drawn to roles that take me to the other end of the spectrum. I've just finished Saket Chowdhary's "Shaadi Ke Side Effects". For the first time it truly feels like I am doing a romantic comedy.
Q: This is the first time you're attempting a comedy?
A: As a full-on mood, yes. But there were pronounced elements of comedy in "Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara". When I read Saket's script, I found it genuinely very funny. And at the same time it is maturely written.
Q: Are you consciously selecting a different co-star each time?
A: What?! No! But come to think it's true. It's been a different co-star every time. I've made no conscious effort to pick different co-stars each time. But that's a good occurrence. Every time you work with a new co-star a whole new dynamic emerges. I am sure the same will happen with Kareena.
Q: Tell me about the films that you and your friend Ritesh Sidhwani are producing?
A: There is my sister Zoya's film. It'd be shot when I am shooting Dev Benegal's film. But my work in the two films won't overlap. I have very seriously different looks for both the films.
Q: You are in all the two films that Zoya has directed so far and now a third?
A: Yeah, and why not? I am happily a constant in her films. And besides she works with other actors too, doesn't she?
Q: Zoya's film is about a brother and a sister? Is it based on your relationship with her?
A: No no. That confusion has prevailed for a while now. So let me take this opportunity to very clearly state that Zoya's film has nothing to do with our real life relationship. It is entirely a work of fiction.
Q: Are you doing any other films as an actor?
A: Yes, a film produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra to be directed by Bejoy Nambiar. It's Vidhu's script. That's something I am looking forward to.

Q: This is the one where you share screen space with Mr Bachchan? Do you two play father and son?
A: Yes, and no.
Q: Come to think of it so many films of yours have been trendsetters?
A: If you want to call them that. To me Bhaag Milkha Bhaag is definitely a landmark. It has taught me so much. Last week I went for my daughter's sports day. All the little students there in school, even the shy little 6-7 year olds were hiding behind each other and calling out 'Milkha' to me. That felt wonderful.
Q: Milkha has impacted the way we look at sports besides cricket?
A: Students have met me and said that the film has changed the way sports and games are looked on in the college curriculum. BMB has opened up a world of possibilities. It has inspired me to believe that the really difficult things in life can be achieved by sheer application. And it doesn't matter which vocation one is in.
"Let me take this opportunity to very clearly state that Zoya's film has nothing to do with our real life relationship. It is entirely a work of fiction," said Farhan about the content in Zoya's film.
He will start shooting for Benegal's film after "my forthcoming film 'Shaadi Ke Side Effects' releases".
So far he has acted in films like "Rock On!!", "Bhaag Milkha Bhaag" (BMB), "Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara" and each film has given a chance to do something new.
The actor-filmmaker said: "In some kind of away, I am automatically drawn to roles that take me to the other end of the spectrum."
Excerpts from an interview:
Q: You seem to be more active as an actor than a filmmaker?
A: When you are surfing, and you catch a nice wave, you don't leave it halfway through to find a better one. I am in that kind of a space. This journey seems so correct. I am truly enjoying this experience, working with the people that I am working with right now. And I'm getting such wonderful opportunities to work with such amazing talent. I don't know when again I'll have this opportunity. I am just now looking forward to my next film as an actor. And that's in Dev Benegal's film.
Q: Kareena is your co-star in this film?
A: Yes. She is. And I am really looking forward to working with her. We start shooting together right after my forthcoming film "Shaadi Ke Side Effects" releases.
Q: Does Dev's film give you the chance to do something new again?
A: Oh yes, that's almost become a subconscious precondition for every role I do. For me, to consciously seek unpredictable roles would be dangerous. In some kind of way, I am automatically drawn to roles that take me to the other end of the spectrum. I've just finished Saket Chowdhary's "Shaadi Ke Side Effects". For the first time it truly feels like I am doing a romantic comedy.
Q: This is the first time you're attempting a comedy?
A: As a full-on mood, yes. But there were pronounced elements of comedy in "Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara". When I read Saket's script, I found it genuinely very funny. And at the same time it is maturely written.
Q: Are you consciously selecting a different co-star each time?
A: What?! No! But come to think it's true. It's been a different co-star every time. I've made no conscious effort to pick different co-stars each time. But that's a good occurrence. Every time you work with a new co-star a whole new dynamic emerges. I am sure the same will happen with Kareena.
Q: Tell me about the films that you and your friend Ritesh Sidhwani are producing?
A: There is my sister Zoya's film. It'd be shot when I am shooting Dev Benegal's film. But my work in the two films won't overlap. I have very seriously different looks for both the films.
Q: You are in all the two films that Zoya has directed so far and now a third?
A: Yeah, and why not? I am happily a constant in her films. And besides she works with other actors too, doesn't she?
Q: Zoya's film is about a brother and a sister? Is it based on your relationship with her?
A: No no. That confusion has prevailed for a while now. So let me take this opportunity to very clearly state that Zoya's film has nothing to do with our real life relationship. It is entirely a work of fiction.
Q: Are you doing any other films as an actor?
A: Yes, a film produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra to be directed by Bejoy Nambiar. It's Vidhu's script. That's something I am looking forward to.
Q: This is the one where you share screen space with Mr Bachchan? Do you two play father and son?
A: Yes, and no.
Q: Come to think of it so many films of yours have been trendsetters?
A: If you want to call them that. To me Bhaag Milkha Bhaag is definitely a landmark. It has taught me so much. Last week I went for my daughter's sports day. All the little students there in school, even the shy little 6-7 year olds were hiding behind each other and calling out 'Milkha' to me. That felt wonderful.
Q: Milkha has impacted the way we look at sports besides cricket?
A: Students have met me and said that the film has changed the way sports and games are looked on in the college curriculum. BMB has opened up a world of possibilities. It has inspired me to believe that the really difficult things in life can be achieved by sheer application. And it doesn't matter which vocation one is in.
Deepika gets four nominations at BIG Star awards
With four back to back hits this year, it is quite natural for Deepika Padukone to lead the nomination categories at award functions.
The actress has been nominated in four categories at the BIG Star Entertainment Awards this year.
The fourth edition of BIG Star Entertainment Awards is scheduled to take place Dec 18, said a statement.
And Deepika's list of nominations includes - most entertaining actor in a thriller film for "Race 2"; most entertaining actor in a comedy film for "Chennai Express"; most entertaining actor in a romantic film for "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani" and "Ram-leela"; and finally most entertaining dancer for her performance in "Ram-leela".
She started the year with Abbas-Mustan directed action thriller `Race 2`, which earned Rs.100 crore. Later she impressed the audience as a nerdy character in "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani".

Followed by her entertaining act as a South Indian girl in the box office record-breaking movie "Chennai Express".
Her last release was "Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela", in which director Sanjay Leela Bhansali presented her as a Gujarati girl and people not only enjoyed the film, they also appreciated her chemistry with co-star Ranveer Singh.
The free-flowing, unmeasured and operatic opulence hit the bull's eye at the box office.
The actress has been nominated in four categories at the BIG Star Entertainment Awards this year.
The fourth edition of BIG Star Entertainment Awards is scheduled to take place Dec 18, said a statement.
And Deepika's list of nominations includes - most entertaining actor in a thriller film for "Race 2"; most entertaining actor in a comedy film for "Chennai Express"; most entertaining actor in a romantic film for "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani" and "Ram-leela"; and finally most entertaining dancer for her performance in "Ram-leela".
She started the year with Abbas-Mustan directed action thriller `Race 2`, which earned Rs.100 crore. Later she impressed the audience as a nerdy character in "Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani".
Followed by her entertaining act as a South Indian girl in the box office record-breaking movie "Chennai Express".
Her last release was "Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela", in which director Sanjay Leela Bhansali presented her as a Gujarati girl and people not only enjoyed the film, they also appreciated her chemistry with co-star Ranveer Singh.
The free-flowing, unmeasured and operatic opulence hit the bull's eye at the box office.
Gauhar Khan stuck at 29!
'Bigg Boss 7' contestant Gauahar Khan celebrated her 29th birthday two years ago on a reality show? So, is she still 29?
It is considered rude to ask a woman her age, but host Salman Khan in his inimitable style recently asked contestant Gauahar Khan on Bigg Boss 7 how old she is. And Gauahar promptly said she is 29 years old.
Now this is highly amusing because if memory serves right, in 2011 when Gauahar was part of another reality show, Khan Sisters, with sister Nigaar Khan, she had celebrated her 29th birthday! Oh, oh. Either Gauahar forgot that she had made that announcement two years ago, or she is suffering from some kind of a memory lapse about her age.
Says a source, `There are so many people who watched the show and saw her celebrate her 29th birthday in Khan Sisters. Unless she lied her age in Khan Sisters as well.`

Even if we go by her calculations, in 2003 she was engaged to filmmaker Sajid Khan, after which they went their separate ways. So does that mean she was barely 19 when she was almost hitched?
Adds the source, `Looks like after another contestant Armaan Kohli's age muddle, it is now Gauahar's turn.`
It is considered rude to ask a woman her age, but host Salman Khan in his inimitable style recently asked contestant Gauahar Khan on Bigg Boss 7 how old she is. And Gauahar promptly said she is 29 years old.
Now this is highly amusing because if memory serves right, in 2011 when Gauahar was part of another reality show, Khan Sisters, with sister Nigaar Khan, she had celebrated her 29th birthday! Oh, oh. Either Gauahar forgot that she had made that announcement two years ago, or she is suffering from some kind of a memory lapse about her age.
Says a source, `There are so many people who watched the show and saw her celebrate her 29th birthday in Khan Sisters. Unless she lied her age in Khan Sisters as well.`
Even if we go by her calculations, in 2003 she was engaged to filmmaker Sajid Khan, after which they went their separate ways. So does that mean she was barely 19 when she was almost hitched?
Adds the source, `Looks like after another contestant Armaan Kohli's age muddle, it is now Gauahar's turn.`
Dia Mirza connects with her fans on her birthday!
Renowned actress and former Miss Asia-Pacific (2000), Dia Mirza, officially launched her website as well as Facebook page on her birthday i.e. 9th about time she shared her experiences through these years with her well wishers. She looks at her website as a medium to highlight the good work done by others, create awareness about social issues & amidst all this, give a glimpse into her life. Her digital team, Everymedia Pvt.
Technologies Ltd. therefore decided to bring all that she does onto one platform. Says Dia, `I have been shy and reluctant all these years to set up a web page & digital interaction for myself but my team believes that it's about time that I make some of the very important & cherished aspects of my life public. I am taking this opportunity in the hope that many of the wonderful encounters I have with people & organizations that have inspired and motivated me personally, will inspire & motivate people who choose to explore my domain`.
The actress has her interests in pottery, horse-riding, painting, writing etc. which is reflected through her Facebook page. Her digital properties include snippets about her school, memorable images from her college days and beauty pageant giving her fans a glimpse of her life. After acting in several feature films Dia took to film production to further her cinematic ambitions. She jointly owns Born Free Entertainment with Sahil Sangha. She is currently working on their second feature film Bobby Jasoos starring Vidya Balan.
Poonam Pandey Roped In To Promote Dimple's Film
Internet queen Poonam Pandey is inching into Bollywood. It is now learnt from reliable sources that Poonam has been invited by the production house Viacom 18 to promote their new What The Fish.
While all the details of Poonam's very hush-hush deal with Viacom 18 are yet to emerge, it is learnt that Ms Pandey's `high-visibility factor` would be used to give the film a boost.
Says a source, `Viacom 18 have planned a big bash on December 10 where Poonam Pandey will share the platform with the film's leading lady Dimple Kapadia. Poonam is expected to whip up provocative interest in the film.`

Curiously this is the first time that a celebrity from outside a film project is being invited to create awareness for a film.
Poonam, we also hear, is all set to sign a film with Viacom 18.
While all the details of Poonam's very hush-hush deal with Viacom 18 are yet to emerge, it is learnt that Ms Pandey's `high-visibility factor` would be used to give the film a boost.
Says a source, `Viacom 18 have planned a big bash on December 10 where Poonam Pandey will share the platform with the film's leading lady Dimple Kapadia. Poonam is expected to whip up provocative interest in the film.`
Curiously this is the first time that a celebrity from outside a film project is being invited to create awareness for a film.
Poonam, we also hear, is all set to sign a film with Viacom 18.
Mallika takes time off from work in the US
Mallika Sherawat is currently in the US. The actress, who spends more time in Los Angeles than in Mumbai, is apparently taking time off after her recent small screen outing.
The motormouth knows how to keep herself in the news -- she has been creating a stir in LA with a video which has gone viral online there. It shows Mallika giving an earful to an Indian journalist. Mallika who had made some comments about Indian society being regressive for women a while back has the scribe questioning her and getting an earful.
The motormouth knows how to keep herself in the news -- she has been creating a stir in LA with a video which has gone viral online there. It shows Mallika giving an earful to an Indian journalist. Mallika who had made some comments about Indian society being regressive for women a while back has the scribe questioning her and getting an earful.
Whoa! Ranbir gets Rs 12 crore for an ad?
Apparently, Ranbir Kapoor is getting paid a whopping Rs 12 crore for his new commercial for a biscuit brand
According to the latest buzz, Ranbir Kapoor who is currently seen doing a commercial for a biscuit brand has been paid Rs 12 crore.
A source close to him says, `Ranbir was the first choice to be the face of the company because of his endearing personality. Also, the company was looking for an actor with a mischievousness side and thought the star would fit the bill. So they decided to approach him and was keen to have him on the board.`
It is said that the actor was in talks with the company and agreed to pay Rs 12 crore as well.
A company insider adds, `Ranbir did quote a huge amount but since most of the top actors charge similar price, the brand approved it and went ahead with their campaign. Moreover, now, since they are getting a lot of positive feedback for the commercial, they feel it was all worth it.`
The star as well as the company's spokesperson remained unavailable for comment.
Rani meets crime branch chief for some special purpose?
Actress Rani Mukherjee, who is playing the role of a police officer in her next film 'Mardaani', today met the Mumbai Police Crime Branch chief Himanshu Roy to understand the nitty-gritty of an officer's job profile, body language and lifestyle.
The meeting between Rani and Joint Police Commissioner (Crime) Himanshu Roy lasted for nearly an hour at the latter's office at police headquarters in south Mumbai this evening.
"Rani is playing the role of a crime branch officer in her upcoming film 'Mardaani'. She wants to understand how a crime branch officer functions, ways in which officer probes various cases, officer's body language and lifestyle among others so that she could get accustomed to the officer's conduct," Roy said. Rani also tried to dig into the dangers being faced by an officer during an operation.
"She sought to understand the work schedules of an officer and dangers being faced during a police operation, etc. She was very keen to know various aspects of an officer's life," Roy explained.

However, the 35-year-old actress refused to speak to media after the meeting. 'Mardaani', a Yash Raj Films' (YRF) project will be directed by Pradeep Sarkar. Sarkar had earlier directed 'Laga Chunari Mein Daag' and 'Lafangey Parindey' for YRF. Rani's last outing with the banner was 'Dil Bole Hadippa', which failed to create magic at the box office. The shooting of the film is likely to begin soon.
The meeting between Rani and Joint Police Commissioner (Crime) Himanshu Roy lasted for nearly an hour at the latter's office at police headquarters in south Mumbai this evening.
"Rani is playing the role of a crime branch officer in her upcoming film 'Mardaani'. She wants to understand how a crime branch officer functions, ways in which officer probes various cases, officer's body language and lifestyle among others so that she could get accustomed to the officer's conduct," Roy said. Rani also tried to dig into the dangers being faced by an officer during an operation.
"She sought to understand the work schedules of an officer and dangers being faced during a police operation, etc. She was very keen to know various aspects of an officer's life," Roy explained.
However, the 35-year-old actress refused to speak to media after the meeting. 'Mardaani', a Yash Raj Films' (YRF) project will be directed by Pradeep Sarkar. Sarkar had earlier directed 'Laga Chunari Mein Daag' and 'Lafangey Parindey' for YRF. Rani's last outing with the banner was 'Dil Bole Hadippa', which failed to create magic at the box office. The shooting of the film is likely to begin soon.
The game changers in Bollywood in 2013
Formula rules in the Hindi film industry. Or at least that's what the perception about this particular genre of cinema is. Rarely does one witness anything out of sync here. And those who charter the roads less travelled are usually banished to the back burner. However, 2013 saw some instances which was not only promising (for the present) but also trend-setting (for the future). HitList zooms on some incidents and the Bollywood personalities behind them who facilitated such changes...
Deepika Padukone
Reason: Since the advent of R100-crore club, it's been the male actors (namely the Khans and Akshay Kumar) who have been hogging the limelight for registering themselves in again and again. For a change, this actress had four releases this year and all of them grossed over 100 crore in the country -- Race 2, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, Chennai Express and Ram-Leela.
Priyanka Chopra
Reason: PC is perhaps the only active Bollywood actress who is keen on singing. After taking her acting prowess a notch up last year with Barfi!, she exhibited an interest in music by releasing her debut single In My City while collaborating with Jay Sean. She later released her second single Exotic which featured rapper Pitbull. 2013 saw her in two item numbers, one blockbuster and a forgettable film.
Vidya Balan
Reason: She had just one release in the year, Ghanchakkar, which failed miserably at the box-office. But something worth noting took place in Cannes a month before this film opened in the theatres. Vidya was a part of the grand jury at the celebrated film festival and rubbed shoulders with the likes of Steven Spielberg, Ang Lee and Nicole Kidman. An honourable feat for the 35-year-old National Award winner.
Rishi Kapoor
Reason: Dimple Kapadia recently pointed out that there's a lack of covet-worthy roles when it comes to actors who have passed a certain age. And she's certainly not mistaken. However, Rishi Kapoor proved to be an exception to this theory. Earning prominent roles, the veteran actor had five big releases in the year and all of them -- with the exception of Besharam -- earned him rave reviews.
Sushant Singh Rajput
Reason: Moving from small screen to big screen can be called a natural progression. But it's generally a slow process too. And seldom does one come across a TV actor who is suddenly leaping into a bigger league. Something of that sort is happening with the Kai Po Che star. Just two-films-old, he's presently working with acclaimed directors like Shekhar Kapur Rajkumar Hirani and Dibakar Banerjee.
Anil Kapoor
Reason: Not very long ago, speculations were rife about Anil Kapoor being more interested in Hollywood than in Bollywood. That was then. As of now, he's the protagonist as well as the producer of the most gripping television series (hopefully) in a long while. And for an actor who stayed away from the small screen while his contemporaries were making their foray on the tube, it's encouraging.
Kapil Sharma
Reason: Humour more than just sells. This fact was (once again) established by Kapil Sharma with his hugely popular comedy show. Attending it to promote their upcoming films has become sort of a pilgrimage for actors nowadays. In fact, Shah Rukh Khan and Akshay Kumar have been there twice. Given the spontaneity of the show, nobody appears to say no to it. Some even request to be a part of it.
Farhan Akhtar.
Reason: It's quite known that mainstream actors have a choc-a-bloc calendar with shooting for one film after another is a routine. Calling the current system an assembly line won't be far-fetched. Much against this set up, Farhan accomplished something out-of-the-book by dedicating nearly two years for a single role in Bhaag Milkha Bhaag. To his credit, the biopic did well at the box office too.
Honey Singh
Reason: For the record, he remains the highest paid singer for a single song in Bollywood. Having faced his share of legal troubles for `vulgar` lyrics, the 29-year-old taciturn crooner is as popular as popularity gets -- largely in the metropolitan areas. Catchcy numbers like Lungi Dance and Punjabiyan Di Battery ensured him a consistent place on the chartbusters throughout the year.
Manisha Koirala
Reason: She fought ovarian cancer, won and is now back at work. The buzz is Rajkumar Santoshi and Sanjay Leela Bhansali have reportedly offered her films now that she is keen to return to Bollywood. As of now, she is going through scripts and is keen to return with a meaningful role. Interestingly enough, Manisha prefers to call herself a cancer crusader -- not a cancer survivor.
Supporting roles
Kiran Rao
Reasons: Independent films in our country travel across the globe on the film circuit but very few of them actually receive a proper Friday release. Anand Gandhi's Ship of Theseus did. And a lot of the credit goes to the Dhobi Ghat director because she effectively funneled all the resources required to present the film.
Karan Johar
Reasons: When Bombay Talkies released as a tribute to 100 years of cinema, hardly anybody was expecting this filmmaker to go beyond his comfort zone and come up with a shortie that highlighted repressed homosexuality. On the contrary, his 'gay encounter at gunpoint' question on his chat show sounds rather regressive in comparison.
Feast your eyes as Sonam Kapoor walks you through her various avatars
The divalicious Sonam Kapoor has always managed to impress the fashion police. Each day and at every event, the lady has showed us something new, and hardly goes wrong with her choices.
Her latest photoshoot for a popular glossy, Hi! Blitz has literally left us wanting for more, that’s how hot she looks.
The tagline reads, Fashion Fatale In Dior, and Sonam definitely lives up to it. In all her pics, she is oozing out a great amount of seductive charm. Through out the shoot, the babe has flaunted those long never ending hot legs and that killer attitude, hence living up to her beauty queen image.
This photo shoot is definitely one of her best we’ve seen in a very long time. Coupled with her cute, pretty face and girly demeanor, we’re sure she is every boy’s dream girl.
Her latest photoshoot for a popular glossy, Hi! Blitz has literally left us wanting for more, that’s how hot she looks.
The tagline reads, Fashion Fatale In Dior, and Sonam definitely lives up to it. In all her pics, she is oozing out a great amount of seductive charm. Through out the shoot, the babe has flaunted those long never ending hot legs and that killer attitude, hence living up to her beauty queen image.
This photo shoot is definitely one of her best we’ve seen in a very long time. Coupled with her cute, pretty face and girly demeanor, we’re sure she is every boy’s dream girl.
R… Rajkumar Review: A ‘Masala’ Recipe
Just when Hindi film lovers started to think that Bollywood is taking a turn towards making quality movies, along the likes of The Lunchbox, there come movies like Singh Saab The Great and R… Rajkumar; with the age old one hero-one love interest-one villain-5 songs-6 fights-100 punches and punchlines recipe. Prabhu Deva’s Shahid Kapoor starrer R… Rajkumar was touted to be a masala entertainer but it turns out to be just a recipe. Bollywood Celebden presents R… Rajkumar review.
Rating: 3.5/5
Prabhu Deva has a demigod status when it comes to dancing and Shahid Kapoor is popular for his lover boy roles and also for his dancing skills. The question that pops into one’s head while watching is what the hell are these two doing in the action genre???
Shahid desperately tries to pull off a Suniel Shetty or a Sunny Deol or an Akshay Kumar but horribly fails. The way he woos his love interest, played by Sonakshi, will put any self-respecting eve teaser or a stalker to shame. Sonakshi plays his love interest who initially bashes up baddies but falling in love with the ‘hero’, somehow morphs her into a damsel in distress (or a distressing damsel as she is the reason Shahid Kapoor and Sonu Sood fight each other).
All the punch-lines, the short-lived scene where Prabhu Deva and Shahid Kapoor share screen space, the chemistry between the lead actors, the villainous villain have already been shown in the trailer. In fact, if one watches the trailer, it is enough to know what happens in the film. The long trailer was probably its undoing; a mistake that another recent masala film Bullett Raja didn’t make. But then that was directed by someone like Tigmanshu Dhulia.
The songs, which are the saving grace of the film, are exhausted in the first half and Shahid fans will not get to see him dance in the second half; which is filled with punches and kicks and Shahid beating up goons thrice his size.
Sonu Sood makes the movie a little watchable but that’s just about it.
Verdict: Watch it only if you are desperate to sit in a theater.
Rating: 3.5/5
Prabhu Deva has a demigod status when it comes to dancing and Shahid Kapoor is popular for his lover boy roles and also for his dancing skills. The question that pops into one’s head while watching is what the hell are these two doing in the action genre???
Shahid desperately tries to pull off a Suniel Shetty or a Sunny Deol or an Akshay Kumar but horribly fails. The way he woos his love interest, played by Sonakshi, will put any self-respecting eve teaser or a stalker to shame. Sonakshi plays his love interest who initially bashes up baddies but falling in love with the ‘hero’, somehow morphs her into a damsel in distress (or a distressing damsel as she is the reason Shahid Kapoor and Sonu Sood fight each other).
All the punch-lines, the short-lived scene where Prabhu Deva and Shahid Kapoor share screen space, the chemistry between the lead actors, the villainous villain have already been shown in the trailer. In fact, if one watches the trailer, it is enough to know what happens in the film. The long trailer was probably its undoing; a mistake that another recent masala film Bullett Raja didn’t make. But then that was directed by someone like Tigmanshu Dhulia.
The songs, which are the saving grace of the film, are exhausted in the first half and Shahid fans will not get to see him dance in the second half; which is filled with punches and kicks and Shahid beating up goons thrice his size.
Sonu Sood makes the movie a little watchable but that’s just about it.
Verdict: Watch it only if you are desperate to sit in a theater.
Monday, 9 December 2013
Kaneez Fatima English Literature painting Exhibition at MAO
[caption id="attachment_3322" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Prof. Wasim Ch, Aamir Maqsood and Siddiq al Qadri( Editor Youth International)[/caption]
(Lahore)Today an exhibition was held at Govt. MAO College by the Kaneez Fatima Literary Society with title slogan ‘An Exhibition on English Literature’ in the post Graduate block.
A former student of the college Aamir Maqsood endowed with unique artistic talent presented his work that he had accomplished after strenuous efforts of 7 years. The major paintings related different ages of English history like ‘The Dark Ages’, ‘The Renaissance Age’, ‘The Age of Reason’, ‘The Age of Romanticism’, ‘The Victorian Age’ etc. Event Management that comprised mostly students of the college were there to organize and look after the arrangements.
The said Society was the dream of the late mother of Aamir maqsood. The Exhibition included works from numerous art forms like paintings, sculpture and handicraft etc. The society aims at promoting religious harmony, peace and love for literature among the new generation.
The students, teachers and guests from numerous fields of life visited the venue and appreciated the effort of the young artist cum scholar. People from print as well as electronic media were there to capture the glimpse of the event.
[caption id="attachment_3323" align="alignleft" width="300"]
Prof. Ahmed Aleem along with Prof. Ayub Altaf shring views with Aamir Maqsood[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_3324" align="alignleft" width="300"]
students viewing keenly the paintings presented in the exhibition[/caption]
(Lahore)Today an exhibition was held at Govt. MAO College by the Kaneez Fatima Literary Society with title slogan ‘An Exhibition on English Literature’ in the post Graduate block.
A former student of the college Aamir Maqsood endowed with unique artistic talent presented his work that he had accomplished after strenuous efforts of 7 years. The major paintings related different ages of English history like ‘The Dark Ages’, ‘The Renaissance Age’, ‘The Age of Reason’, ‘The Age of Romanticism’, ‘The Victorian Age’ etc. Event Management that comprised mostly students of the college were there to organize and look after the arrangements.
The said Society was the dream of the late mother of Aamir maqsood. The Exhibition included works from numerous art forms like paintings, sculpture and handicraft etc. The society aims at promoting religious harmony, peace and love for literature among the new generation.
The students, teachers and guests from numerous fields of life visited the venue and appreciated the effort of the young artist cum scholar. People from print as well as electronic media were there to capture the glimpse of the event.
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Pakistan Students Conference Held in Kiel,Germany
KIEL(GERMANY):Pakistan Ambassador to Germany Abdul Basit has said that the future of Pakistan lies in the hands of young generation that makes over 60 percent of the population of the country. Pakistani students who got the opportunity to study abroad should utilize their capabilities and talent to promote the interests of Pakistan while pursuing their studies with devotion and hard work.
He was addressing the participants of the first ever "Pakistan Students Conference" held in Germany. The event was organized by the Pakistan Students Association (PSA), Kiel chapter in collaboration with the Pakistan Embassy at Kiel University today(Monday).He said all Pakistanis living abroad were ambassadors of Pakistan and had added responsibility of promoting the image of the country besides pursuing their own aspirations and livelihood.
Abdul Basit urged the students to be proud of their culture, history and the country and never feel apologetic as they belonged to a nation that had faced many crises since its creation with courage and showed matchless resilience not only to survive but make significant progress in diverse areas. He said Pakistan was a country with enormous potential now that democracy in the country had taken roots, the future of Pakistan was inevitably bright.
Earlier the president of the Pakistan Students Association, Mr. Ali Raza in his welcome address appreciated the Pakistan Embassy's efforts and initiatives to maintain close contact and liaison with the Pakistani community living in Germany. Mr. Jan Bensien,representative of the International Office of the Kiel University in his address highlighted different facilities and support programs being run by the university for the international students. He welcomed and greeted the ambassador and other guests on behalf of the president and faculty members of the university. The day-long conference was attended by Pakistani students studying in different universities in the localities of Kiel, Hamburg, Hassan, and Frankfurt.
The conference was followed by a Pakistan Cultural Night which was attended by a large number of international students of the Kiel University including German students and faculty members with their families. The guests were entertained with live Pakistani music and folk dances of all the four provinces, and were served with delicious Pakistani food.
He was addressing the participants of the first ever "Pakistan Students Conference" held in Germany. The event was organized by the Pakistan Students Association (PSA), Kiel chapter in collaboration with the Pakistan Embassy at Kiel University today(Monday).He said all Pakistanis living abroad were ambassadors of Pakistan and had added responsibility of promoting the image of the country besides pursuing their own aspirations and livelihood.
Abdul Basit urged the students to be proud of their culture, history and the country and never feel apologetic as they belonged to a nation that had faced many crises since its creation with courage and showed matchless resilience not only to survive but make significant progress in diverse areas. He said Pakistan was a country with enormous potential now that democracy in the country had taken roots, the future of Pakistan was inevitably bright.
Earlier the president of the Pakistan Students Association, Mr. Ali Raza in his welcome address appreciated the Pakistan Embassy's efforts and initiatives to maintain close contact and liaison with the Pakistani community living in Germany. Mr. Jan Bensien,representative of the International Office of the Kiel University in his address highlighted different facilities and support programs being run by the university for the international students. He welcomed and greeted the ambassador and other guests on behalf of the president and faculty members of the university. The day-long conference was attended by Pakistani students studying in different universities in the localities of Kiel, Hamburg, Hassan, and Frankfurt.
The conference was followed by a Pakistan Cultural Night which was attended by a large number of international students of the Kiel University including German students and faculty members with their families. The guests were entertained with live Pakistani music and folk dances of all the four provinces, and were served with delicious Pakistani food.
'Dhoom: 3' title track gets Arabic makeover
'Dhoom machale dhoom', the title track of upcoming action-thriller 'Dhoom: 3' is getting a makeover with singing sensation Naya crooning the track in Arabic.
The song is back with the third installment of the action franchise that will see Aamir Khan in a negative role.
Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya and Produced by Aditya Chopra, 'Dhoom: 3' will see the actor, who underwent a rigorous physical training for more than a year, as Sahir the 'Clown Thief' and Katrina Kaif as Aaliya the 'Acrobat diva'. Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra are reprising their roles as Jai and Ali.
Thai-American singer Tata Young sang the title track for the first film in the series in 2004, which was a major hit at that time.
The song is back with the third installment of the action franchise that will see Aamir Khan in a negative role.
Directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya and Produced by Aditya Chopra, 'Dhoom: 3' will see the actor, who underwent a rigorous physical training for more than a year, as Sahir the 'Clown Thief' and Katrina Kaif as Aaliya the 'Acrobat diva'. Abhishek Bachchan and Uday Chopra are reprising their roles as Jai and Ali.
Thai-American singer Tata Young sang the title track for the first film in the series in 2004, which was a major hit at that time.
Shah Rukh Khan: Aamir finest actor, always inspiring
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan feels Aamir Khan is the finest actor and an inspiration for the kind of work he has done in 'Dhoom: 3'.
"He is the finest actor the country has. For his role (in 'Dhoom: 3') he required that kind of body. He does some trapeze work in the film... for him to work out that way (to have a perfect body) it is fantastic and inspiring," Shah Rukh said here at an event last evening.
"Aamir leads the way and is always an inspiration like this not only physically and mentally but with the kind of job and work he does. I really appreciate it," he said.
In 'Dhoom: 3', Aamir plays the role of a baddie. Shah Rukh is also ready to play a negative role again on screen. He had played negative roles in the beginning of his career in films like 'Darr', 'Baazigar' and 'Anjaam'.
"It is long time I haven't played such a role, I will like to do it. If I am offered (anti-hero role) I will do it though it may not be commercially very befitting... it may not get into club of Rs 100 crore or Rs 200 crore. Like I do 'Don' series, but it is stylised and is hardly negative," Shah Rukh added.
Won't take Salman Khan's marriage proposal seriously: Elli Avram
"I will not take his (Salman's) proposal seriously," Elii Avram joked.
The 23-year-old actress, who recently made her Bollywood debut opposite Manish Paul in 'Mickey Virus', said she does not know Salman well enough to think about a relationship with him.
"On a serious not relationship and marriage is something huge in life which is between two people, who know and respect each other and have values," said Elli Avram.
The Swedish-born actress has listed Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan as her favourite and said she loves his 2002 film 'Devdas'. "I like 'Devdas' the most because the love that is shown in the movie is so deep and beautiful, it is amazing. I have a crush on that movie," said Elli, who was in the capital to attend designer Nitya Bajaj's fashion show.
When asked about her experience in 'Bigg Boss', Elli said she is supporting wrestler Sangram Singh and hopes that he wins the show.
"Sangram is a very humble and nice man. My relationship with Kamya Panjabi was cold from the beginning, but I do not have any grudge against her," she said.
Elli Avram said that she is enjoying her stay in India. "My experience in India has been very nice, actually I really want to show Europeans that India is a very beautiful country and we can learn so much from this country," Elli said.
The actress also said that she has been reading film scripts but is yet to decide her next move in Bollywood.
"I have lot of offers from Bollywood. But I am taking it slow," she said.
The 23-year-old actress, who recently made her Bollywood debut opposite Manish Paul in 'Mickey Virus', said she does not know Salman well enough to think about a relationship with him.
"On a serious not relationship and marriage is something huge in life which is between two people, who know and respect each other and have values," said Elli Avram.
The Swedish-born actress has listed Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan as her favourite and said she loves his 2002 film 'Devdas'. "I like 'Devdas' the most because the love that is shown in the movie is so deep and beautiful, it is amazing. I have a crush on that movie," said Elli, who was in the capital to attend designer Nitya Bajaj's fashion show.
When asked about her experience in 'Bigg Boss', Elli said she is supporting wrestler Sangram Singh and hopes that he wins the show.
"Sangram is a very humble and nice man. My relationship with Kamya Panjabi was cold from the beginning, but I do not have any grudge against her," she said.
Elli Avram said that she is enjoying her stay in India. "My experience in India has been very nice, actually I really want to show Europeans that India is a very beautiful country and we can learn so much from this country," Elli said.
The actress also said that she has been reading film scripts but is yet to decide her next move in Bollywood.
"I have lot of offers from Bollywood. But I am taking it slow," she said.
I am still not out of my father Yash Chopra's sudden death, says Uday
"I want to make a documentary but I don't want to do a regular one. I have spoken to a few people and I want to do something different. I want somebody who can crack something that will be unique. It is great to immortalise someone like him," Uday Chopra said.
"Dad was a filmmaker. If I make a documentary on him it has to be about films and it should be good enough for people who don't even know Yash Chopra to watch it and love it. They should feel it is an interesting documentary. I can do a labour of love in a month's time. But my intention is not that, I want people to watch it universally and love it," he said.
In September this year, as a mark of tribute to the Yash Chopra on his birth anniversary, nine actresses, who have been a part of his films, came together to salute the legendary filmmaker.
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan and leading ladies Rekha, Sridevi, Madhuri Dixit, Rani Mukherji, Juhi Chawla, Preity Zinta, Katrina Kaif, Anushka Sharma and Parineeti Chopra walked the ramp at YRF studio for a fashion show.
"There will be something different every year on his birthday. It is too early to say what we will do. But we will surely do something to commemorate him," Uday Chopra said.
Though its been over a year since Yash Chopra passed away, it has been very tough for Uday to get over it. "I am still not out of it... it is a huge loss. It just happened very fast, I was not in town. I came one day before he passed away. It has taken a long time to come to terms with it. But I feel he is around me, everything that I am doing and getting appreciation for the work I am doing in LA, I feel somewhere he is standing behind me," he said.
As a father, Yash Chopra used to give advice to Uday. "His advice had always been to do what my heart desires. He said even if I do something apart from films, he will support me. But if I choose to make a career in films then he can help little more. He was like one must take their own decisions," Uday Chopra said.
When asked what are the things of his father that he hopes to follow, Uday said, "His greatest achievement is the relationships he created, be it with our drivers to peons to our best friends... they all had the same emotion towards him.
That was his greatest wealth. He did great work and people liked him. "They all loved him so much, that is the key to life, to get people to love and like you. And you will succeed and get work out of people as they will willingly do work for you," he said. Chopra died on 21 October, 2012.
"Dad was a filmmaker. If I make a documentary on him it has to be about films and it should be good enough for people who don't even know Yash Chopra to watch it and love it. They should feel it is an interesting documentary. I can do a labour of love in a month's time. But my intention is not that, I want people to watch it universally and love it," he said.
In September this year, as a mark of tribute to the Yash Chopra on his birth anniversary, nine actresses, who have been a part of his films, came together to salute the legendary filmmaker.
Superstar Shah Rukh Khan and leading ladies Rekha, Sridevi, Madhuri Dixit, Rani Mukherji, Juhi Chawla, Preity Zinta, Katrina Kaif, Anushka Sharma and Parineeti Chopra walked the ramp at YRF studio for a fashion show.
"There will be something different every year on his birthday. It is too early to say what we will do. But we will surely do something to commemorate him," Uday Chopra said.
Though its been over a year since Yash Chopra passed away, it has been very tough for Uday to get over it. "I am still not out of it... it is a huge loss. It just happened very fast, I was not in town. I came one day before he passed away. It has taken a long time to come to terms with it. But I feel he is around me, everything that I am doing and getting appreciation for the work I am doing in LA, I feel somewhere he is standing behind me," he said.
As a father, Yash Chopra used to give advice to Uday. "His advice had always been to do what my heart desires. He said even if I do something apart from films, he will support me. But if I choose to make a career in films then he can help little more. He was like one must take their own decisions," Uday Chopra said.
When asked what are the things of his father that he hopes to follow, Uday said, "His greatest achievement is the relationships he created, be it with our drivers to peons to our best friends... they all had the same emotion towards him.
That was his greatest wealth. He did great work and people liked him. "They all loved him so much, that is the key to life, to get people to love and like you. And you will succeed and get work out of people as they will willingly do work for you," he said. Chopra died on 21 October, 2012.
Salman Khan's digital 'Jai Ho' poster trends on Twitter
Bollywood superstar Salman Khan's upcoming film 'Jai Jo' is already creating much buzz, a month ahead of its release.
Last week, Salman Khan who has a following of over 5.5 million fans on Twitter, invited people to be a part of the poster creation. And a few hours later, the poster was released on Twitter.
Salman Khan had even tweeted his appreciation to his fans for all their help with the poster.
Today, once again #IncredibleJaiHoDigitalPoster is trending on Twitter.
Salman Khan shared the digital poster on Twitter.
The digital poster that features Salman Khan as the 'People's Man' has the voice of Salman Khan saying, "If you think we've done something good, don't thank us. Carry it forward to three other people."
'Jai Ho' is slated to hit theatres by January 24, 2014.
Shraddha Kapoor takes Sidharth Malhotra for a bike ride in 'The Villain'
'Aashiqui 2' actress Shraddha Kapoor looks super-cute in the helmet as she she rides along with 'Student of the Year' actor Sidharth Malhotra for 'The Villain'.
The duo will be seen together for the first time onscreen and we must say they make quite a lovely couple. The romantic film produced by Balaji, also stars Riteish Deshmukh in a negative role.
We hear though Shraddha was comfortable riding the bike, she would loudly say, 'Jai Mata Di', every time the director said 'action' for her to ride her bike alone. The film currently being shot in Goa will also be shot in Mumbai and Bangkok.
'The Villain' is directed by Mohit Suri, who has a string of blockbusters to his name like 'Raaz 2, Murder 2' and 'Aashiqui 2'. The film is slated to release by mid-2014.
The duo will be seen together for the first time onscreen and we must say they make quite a lovely couple. The romantic film produced by Balaji, also stars Riteish Deshmukh in a negative role.
We hear though Shraddha was comfortable riding the bike, she would loudly say, 'Jai Mata Di', every time the director said 'action' for her to ride her bike alone. The film currently being shot in Goa will also be shot in Mumbai and Bangkok.
'The Villain' is directed by Mohit Suri, who has a string of blockbusters to his name like 'Raaz 2, Murder 2' and 'Aashiqui 2'. The film is slated to release by mid-2014.
'Fast and Furious 7' to be completed even after Paul Walker's death
Director James Wan has confirmed 'Fast & Furious 7' will be completed following star Paul Walker's untimely death.
Wan said that the action movie will finish filming and be released in due course, despite previous speculation the leading man's death will result in the film being scrapped, reported TMZ online.
Production on the film was halted in the aftermath of Walker's death in a fiery car crash on November 30.
Wan confirmed the movie will go ahead and added the cast and crew are gathering their bearings following their friend's demise.
"They're pretty sad, pretty sombre. But we are all dealing with it," Wan said.
Walker starred in five of the six previously released 'Fast & Furious' films and had begun shooting scenes for the seventh film with co-stars Vin Diesel and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.
Wan said that the action movie will finish filming and be released in due course, despite previous speculation the leading man's death will result in the film being scrapped, reported TMZ online.
Production on the film was halted in the aftermath of Walker's death in a fiery car crash on November 30.
Wan confirmed the movie will go ahead and added the cast and crew are gathering their bearings following their friend's demise.
"They're pretty sad, pretty sombre. But we are all dealing with it," Wan said.
Walker starred in five of the six previously released 'Fast & Furious' films and had begun shooting scenes for the seventh film with co-stars Vin Diesel and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.
Shahid Kapoor's R... Rajkumar' sails safe!
Shahid Kapoor can heave a sigh of relief. After a string of failures, his new outing, 'R... Rajkumar', has been embraced warmly by audiences in the domestic market. The year 2013 hasn't been kind to masala movies, but the heartening response to the new Prabhu Dheva - Shahid Kapoor masalathon, especially at single screens of mass-dominated circuits, has proved that aggressive promotions, lilting soundtrack and expertly executed action, coupled with the heroism aspect, will always work with a section of moviegoers.
'R… Rajkumar' helmed by the king of masala entertainers, Prabhu Dheva, was most crucial for Shahid Kapoor specifically. Shahid Kapoor has been going through a rough patch since 2010. A string of back to back flops, 'Milenge Milenge', 'Mausam', 'teri meri Kahaani' and 'Phata Poster Nikhla Hero', had harmed his career to a major extent. Besides, his films have rarely opened big in mass-dominated circuits.
Sonakshi Sinha too, all of a sudden, was no longer the hit machine. Her film releases in 2013, 'Lootera', 'Once Upon Ay Time In Mumbai Dobaara', and last week's 'Bullett Raja', had sunk at the BO. 'R... Rajkumar' had to deliver, also because it has Prabhu Dheva in the director's seat, a name who has only tasted success since his Hindi debut with 'Wanted'. He's a brand today!
'R… Rajkumar' opened well thanks to the popular soundtrack – 'Gandi Baat' and 'Saree Ke Fall Sa' – and the aggressive promotions that managed to catch the audience's attention. The film has fared well in its opening weekend, with a big chunk of the revenue coming in from the mass-dominated circuits. A few circuits have been plain average, but it would be interesting to see how it fares on weekdays.
With a positive start in the domestic market, 'R... Rajkumar' is already in the safe zone, as of now.
'R… Rajkumar' helmed by the king of masala entertainers, Prabhu Dheva, was most crucial for Shahid Kapoor specifically. Shahid Kapoor has been going through a rough patch since 2010. A string of back to back flops, 'Milenge Milenge', 'Mausam', 'teri meri Kahaani' and 'Phata Poster Nikhla Hero', had harmed his career to a major extent. Besides, his films have rarely opened big in mass-dominated circuits.
Sonakshi Sinha too, all of a sudden, was no longer the hit machine. Her film releases in 2013, 'Lootera', 'Once Upon Ay Time In Mumbai Dobaara', and last week's 'Bullett Raja', had sunk at the BO. 'R... Rajkumar' had to deliver, also because it has Prabhu Dheva in the director's seat, a name who has only tasted success since his Hindi debut with 'Wanted'. He's a brand today!
'R… Rajkumar' opened well thanks to the popular soundtrack – 'Gandi Baat' and 'Saree Ke Fall Sa' – and the aggressive promotions that managed to catch the audience's attention. The film has fared well in its opening weekend, with a big chunk of the revenue coming in from the mass-dominated circuits. A few circuits have been plain average, but it would be interesting to see how it fares on weekdays.
With a positive start in the domestic market, 'R... Rajkumar' is already in the safe zone, as of now.
Ranbir Kapoor keeps mum about Katrina Kaif, says shares a comfortable rapport with Salman
Actor Ranbir Kapoor graced Karan Johar's second episode of 'Koffee With Karan' season 4 along with cousin Kareena Kapoor Khan.
Ranbir Kapoor was thoroughly grilled about his rumoured relationship with actress Katrina Kaif. Both Karan and Kareena seemed determined to get Ranbir to admit his love before the episode was over.
On being asked if he is dating Katrina Kaif, the actor replied, "I (Ranbir) will not use the platform of Koffee with Karan to speak about my personal life because that leads to a lot of unnecessary conjectures and speculations. Having said that, after a long time in my life I feel really centered, settled, I feel a bit happy. Professional life and personal life both. And that is as much I can tell. Next time I will speak about a relationship is when I am engaged to marry somebody," said the actor, whose pics with bikini clad Katrina Kaif holidaying in Ibiza were splashed all over.
At the end of Ranbir Kapoor's monologue, both Karan and Kareena burst out laughing and clapped sarcastically, asking him if he rehearsed the speech at home.
Though Ranbir Kapoor is constantly making headlines over his relationship with Katrina Kaif, he went on to clarify that he shares a good comfortable rapport with Katrina's former flame Salman Khan.
"Salman sir has been always encouraging. He was also a part of my first movie. There is so much that the media writes. I think that builds a certain misunderstanding that doesn't exist," he said.
On being asked if his father Rishi Kapoor is cool with his girlfriends, Ranbir said, "I don't think he has come to terms with the fact that his son can have a girlfriend. He does know but I don't think he is ready to accept. I feel really awkward to go out for a dinner with my parents and my girlfriend. May be I should try it."
However, the actor clarified that his mother Neetu Singh is quite cool about the women in his life. "She has been cool with every girlfriend," he said.
Ranbir Kapoor, whose name was constantly brought up in last season's episode with Deepika Padukone and Sonam Kapoor also talked about his supposed casanova image portrayed by the girls. "I am all for tongue 'n'cheek humour… It is not that I was hurt or I felt bad. But the whole reaction of people around me - my parents, they exaggerated it a bit too much. To be honest they are my good friends. Somewhere I feel a few things could have been avoided but all said and done I am over it. I don't hold anything against them."
His cousin Kareena Kapoor Khan, who was constantly teasing him about Katrina, ended the show by saying that she wants to dance to 'Sheila Ki Jawani' and 'Chikni Chameli' on Ranbir's wedding to Katrina.
'Star Trek 3' hires three writers
'Star Trek 3' has hired three writers including Roberto Orci, who penned the first two films, along with JD Payne and Patrick McKay.
Orci, who co-wrote the first two JJ Abrams-directed films with writing partner Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof, will return to pen the script for the upcoming sci-fi blockbuster and he will be joined by franchise newcomers Payne and McKay, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
There is currently no timeline for the third film, but Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions are hoping to
release it in 2016 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of 'Star
Stars Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana are all expected to return.
Abrams gave up the director's chair earlier this year after he committed to direct 'Star Wars: Episode VII' for Disney.
Producers are eyeing 'Attack of the Block' director Joe Cornish for the next feature.
The film's release would follow the huge success of 'Star Trek Into Darkness', which grossed USD 476 million at the box office earlier this year.
Orci, who co-wrote the first two JJ Abrams-directed films with writing partner Alex Kurtzman and Damon Lindelof, will return to pen the script for the upcoming sci-fi blockbuster and he will be joined by franchise newcomers Payne and McKay, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
There is currently no timeline for the third film, but Paramount Pictures and Skydance Productions are hoping to
release it in 2016 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of 'Star
Stars Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and Zoe Saldana are all expected to return.
Abrams gave up the director's chair earlier this year after he committed to direct 'Star Wars: Episode VII' for Disney.
Producers are eyeing 'Attack of the Block' director Joe Cornish for the next feature.
The film's release would follow the huge success of 'Star Trek Into Darkness', which grossed USD 476 million at the box office earlier this year.
Deepika Padukone: I don't regret missing Hollywood debut with 'Fast and Furious 7'
Actress Deepika Padukone does not regret being unable to make her Hollywood debut with 'Fast and Furious 7' and says she is open to doing films in the West even if the role is small.
Deepika Padukone was offered to be a part of 'Fast and Furious 7' movie, but she could not do it because of her commitments to the makers of 'Ram-Leela'.
"I don't regret it. I had to work out things for 'Ram-Leela' here, I couldn't have left the process mid way, I had given my commitment here first. Looking at the way the film ('Ram-Leela') has got response, I feel good as my hard work has paid off," Deepika Padukone told PTI in an interview.
Though the actress could not make her entry into Hollywood, she is still open to doing films whenever the right offer comes up.
"I would love to do a Hollywood film. The reason for me to do a Hollywood film is same as what I do here in Bollywood," she said.
When asked if she would be ok doing a small role in a Hollywood film, Deepika Padukone said, "There is nothing like a small role. The role has to be of impact, this is what matters, the length of it (role) doesn't. A good actor can make a presence felt even in a short time."
Deepika is basking in the success of her fourth consecutive hit this year - 'Ram-Leela' - after 'Race 2', 'Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani' and 'Chennai Express'.
"It feels nice that all my films that released this year did really well. I have worked hard on all my films and it feels great when the films become successful and you get
appreciation for your work," she said.
"But if I had my way, I would have not let them release so close to each other, I would have spaced them out," she pointed out.
Deepika Padukone was offered to be a part of 'Fast and Furious 7' movie, but she could not do it because of her commitments to the makers of 'Ram-Leela'.
"I don't regret it. I had to work out things for 'Ram-Leela' here, I couldn't have left the process mid way, I had given my commitment here first. Looking at the way the film ('Ram-Leela') has got response, I feel good as my hard work has paid off," Deepika Padukone told PTI in an interview.
Though the actress could not make her entry into Hollywood, she is still open to doing films whenever the right offer comes up.
"I would love to do a Hollywood film. The reason for me to do a Hollywood film is same as what I do here in Bollywood," she said.
When asked if she would be ok doing a small role in a Hollywood film, Deepika Padukone said, "There is nothing like a small role. The role has to be of impact, this is what matters, the length of it (role) doesn't. A good actor can make a presence felt even in a short time."
Deepika is basking in the success of her fourth consecutive hit this year - 'Ram-Leela' - after 'Race 2', 'Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani' and 'Chennai Express'.
"It feels nice that all my films that released this year did really well. I have worked hard on all my films and it feels great when the films become successful and you get
appreciation for your work," she said.
"But if I had my way, I would have not let them release so close to each other, I would have spaced them out," she pointed out.
Ayesha Takia welcomes a baby boy
Ayesha Takia, who made her debut in Bollywood with 'Tarzan the Wonder Car', has been away from the scene for a while. The actress, who was last seen hosting the music reality show 'Sur Kshetra', recently delivered a baby boy.
Though the actress was due between December 10 and 15, she delivered her baby boy last week.
Rejoicing the moment, her hotelier husband Farhan Azmi posted on Twitter, "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar" it's a BOY!"
Overwhelmed by the blessings of their loved ones, Ayesha too took on to twitter, where she posted, "Me and our son Thank u alll sooo much n much lov 2 all of u 4 the many blessings n gud wishes we recieved.god bless."
Ayesha Takia was also seen opposite Salman Khan in 'Wanted' and has done roles in films like 'Dor', Fool 'N' Final.
Though the actress was due between December 10 and 15, she delivered her baby boy last week.
Rejoicing the moment, her hotelier husband Farhan Azmi posted on Twitter, "Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar" it's a BOY!"
Overwhelmed by the blessings of their loved ones, Ayesha too took on to twitter, where she posted, "Me and our son Thank u alll sooo much n much lov 2 all of u 4 the many blessings n gud wishes we recieved.god bless."
Ayesha Takia was also seen opposite Salman Khan in 'Wanted' and has done roles in films like 'Dor', Fool 'N' Final.
Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan off to Switzerland soon
It's time for Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan to take their mandatory annual vacation to Gstaad in Switzerland.
Every year since they have been together, this eye-catching couple likes to take off on its annual year-end holiday to the snow-capped sanctuary of Gstaad.
A friend of the couple said: "Kareena loves the place. And she has made Saif promise that he would take her there every single year for the rest of their lives. It is all really very romantic. They stay in the same place every year, visit the same love-nests and play all their favourite sports. Kareena doesn't like any change in this annual routine."
This would be Saif's second holiday in a month. He has just returned from a holiday in Romania with his male pals.
The friend added: "Kareena skipped the Romanian vacation because she's busy supervising the interior designing of their new home."
Work is apparently on at a war footing on their new home. The couple apparently plans to move into their dream house before Saif's birthday in August 2014.
Apparently, the new house has separate rooms for Saif's two children Sara and Ibrahim whenever they visit.
Every year since they have been together, this eye-catching couple likes to take off on its annual year-end holiday to the snow-capped sanctuary of Gstaad.
A friend of the couple said: "Kareena loves the place. And she has made Saif promise that he would take her there every single year for the rest of their lives. It is all really very romantic. They stay in the same place every year, visit the same love-nests and play all their favourite sports. Kareena doesn't like any change in this annual routine."
This would be Saif's second holiday in a month. He has just returned from a holiday in Romania with his male pals.
The friend added: "Kareena skipped the Romanian vacation because she's busy supervising the interior designing of their new home."
Work is apparently on at a war footing on their new home. The couple apparently plans to move into their dream house before Saif's birthday in August 2014.
Apparently, the new house has separate rooms for Saif's two children Sara and Ibrahim whenever they visit.
Styling Madhuri Dixit in 'Dedh Ishqiya' was challenging: Designer
If at 46 actress Madhuri Dixit still manages to maintain a resplendent look in her comeback vehicle 'Dedh Ishqiya' and steal everyone's heart, costume designer Payal Saluja can rightfully take credit for it.
Saluja worked for months on finer details and piece together the costumes befitting Madhuri, who plays the role of Begum Para in Vishal Bharadwaj's home production, a comedy-thriller set for release next month.
"I treat script as the Bible...it guides in giving authentic look to characters. We have stayed real to the story and given a nawabi look (to Madhuri) through the costumes," Saluja told PTI here.
However, Saluja, whose previous work includes films like 'Raanjhanaa', 'Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola' and '7 Khoon Maaf' said styling the "dhak dhak" girl for the Abhishek Chaubey-directed movie was a challenging task.
To give a 'nawabi' (royal) look to Madhuri, she spent almost three months scouting for various fabrics, jewellery etc in the lanes of Lucknow, Delhi and a few other places.
"I feel lucky to have got an opportunity to work with her in this film. There was no pressure as such but it was definitely a challenge to make her look the way her character was envisioned."
"As Madhuri plays a begum (a woman having aristocratic lineage) we had to bring that nawabi...royalty feel to her costumes. Every piece was customised for her. She was enthusiastic...energetic to put on every piece (costume). She loved what I had given her to wear every time," Saluja said.
Madhuri will be seen sporting shararas, anarkali, ghararas, jhoomar (a begum's trademark) and the necklace in the film, a sequel of 2010 film 'Ishqiya'.
Besides Madhuri, Saluja did costumes for her co-stars, including Naseeruddin Shah, Arshad Warsi and Huma Qureshi.
The film, whose trailer was released last month, will see Shah and Warsi reprising their respective 'Ishqiya' roles, while Madhuri and Huma are the new addition.
Saluja worked for months on finer details and piece together the costumes befitting Madhuri, who plays the role of Begum Para in Vishal Bharadwaj's home production, a comedy-thriller set for release next month.
"I treat script as the Bible...it guides in giving authentic look to characters. We have stayed real to the story and given a nawabi look (to Madhuri) through the costumes," Saluja told PTI here.
However, Saluja, whose previous work includes films like 'Raanjhanaa', 'Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola' and '7 Khoon Maaf' said styling the "dhak dhak" girl for the Abhishek Chaubey-directed movie was a challenging task.
To give a 'nawabi' (royal) look to Madhuri, she spent almost three months scouting for various fabrics, jewellery etc in the lanes of Lucknow, Delhi and a few other places.
"I feel lucky to have got an opportunity to work with her in this film. There was no pressure as such but it was definitely a challenge to make her look the way her character was envisioned."
"As Madhuri plays a begum (a woman having aristocratic lineage) we had to bring that nawabi...royalty feel to her costumes. Every piece was customised for her. She was enthusiastic...energetic to put on every piece (costume). She loved what I had given her to wear every time," Saluja said.
Madhuri will be seen sporting shararas, anarkali, ghararas, jhoomar (a begum's trademark) and the necklace in the film, a sequel of 2010 film 'Ishqiya'.
Besides Madhuri, Saluja did costumes for her co-stars, including Naseeruddin Shah, Arshad Warsi and Huma Qureshi.
The film, whose trailer was released last month, will see Shah and Warsi reprising their respective 'Ishqiya' roles, while Madhuri and Huma are the new addition.
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