Tuesday 25 March 2014

Israel strike on Iran would spell doom for US Empire: Analyst

TEHRAN:If Israel launches a military attack on Iran, it will end the US Empire which might be more accurately termed as the New World Order bankster empire, a political analyst says.

“If Netanyahu attacks Iran and succeeds in dragging the US and Russia into the war, this week could witness not just the end of the US Empire, but the beginning of the end of civilization,” Kevin Barrett, a professor of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies, wrote in an article for Press TV website.

He added that while irrational attachment to Israel has lured the Empire into a series of disastrous attacks on Muslim-majority states, US President Barack Obama has thus far resisted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's orders to attack Iran.

“The US is still doing the bidding of the Zionist bankster oligarchs who are the real power behind the Western throne. And those oligarchs – or at least the hawkish among them – are still pushing for world war,” the analyst said.

He said the oligarch hawks and the Israeli premier as their front man, frustrated by US resistance to attacking Iran, are trying to start World War III in less direct fashion.

“Now, with the great powers on hair-trigger alert, Netanyahu, who has spent $3 billion preparing a go-it-alone plan to attack Iran, can light the fuse of World War III any time he chooses,” Barrett explained.

He pointed to the Malaysian Flight 370 incident and suggested it might have been an attempt to inflame Western public opinion against Iran.

Following the disappearance of the Malaysian plane, many American and Zionist propaganda outlets focused suspicion on a fabricated story about two Iranian men who supposedly boarded Flight 370 on stolen passports, he added.

The commentator pointed to the apparent photoshopping of the two Iranians boarding Malaysian Flight 370 and asked, “Was this yet another attempt to incite wars against Israel's enemies?”

“Even if the Empire's lunatic fringe [the Israel-centric neoconservatives] is stymied this week, they will have many future opportunities to wreak havoc – unless relatively rational Western leaders, assuming that any exist, decide to expose the neocons' gravest misdeeds and put an end to their reckless warmongering,” Barrett concluded.

Berlin:LUMS'S student visited Pakistan Embassy

BERLIN:A group of students of Dramatic Society(Drama line) from the Lahore University of Managements Sciences(LUMS) visited Pakistan Embassy and called on Charge d' Affairs Dr. Mazhar Javed. Earlier, the students presented a performance on Traditional Pakistani Wedding ceremonies at Nowruz-Spring Festival organized by the Museum of Ethnology and the German Foreign Office in Berlin. Nine Embassies of Central Asian countries including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey and Iran participated in this event and presented their respective cultural and traditional music and food

Monday 24 March 2014

Pakistanis in UAE celebrated National Day with gaiety and fervor

ABU DHABI:Pakistani nationals in the Abu Dhabi celebrated their National Day with gaiety and fervor.His Highness Sheikh Nahyan bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture,Youth Affairs and Community Development was the cUAE4hief guest at a reception hosted by Ambassador of Pakistan Mr. Asif Durrani in celebration of Pakistan's National Day. The reception was attended by large number of senior UAE officials, heads of diplomatic missions and representatives of the Pakistani community in the UAE.


Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador Asif Durrani recalled the struggle of the nation's forefathers and saluted their vision, under the dynamic leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, to establish a separate homeland for the Muslims of South Asia.

He said that Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates have deep-rooted,historic, fraternal relations that began with the creation of the UAE and that have gone from strength to strength with each passing year. Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif accords highest priority to Pakistan's relations with the UAE, particularly in trade and investment, he said.

Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates cooperate closely in a wide range of issues ranging from economy, investment, trade, and labour to education,defense, and culture.On this occasion, the Ambassador invited investors to enter Pakistani markets and benefit from the attractive investment policies of the present government. Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), the apex body of engineers and contractors from Pakistan and co-sponsor of the reception, arranged an exhibition showcasing their products and services.During the reception, students of Pakistani schools in Abu Dhabi presented a cultural performance which included folk dances and tableau.


Pakistan Day Special Memorial Service held at the Westminster Abbey

LONDON: In keeping with past practice, the Westminster Abbey organized a special Evensong to coincide with the occasion of National Day of Pakistan. The special Memorial Service was held on Monday. Pakistan High Commissioner for UK Mr.Wajid Shamsul Hasan accompanied by officers of the High Commission and their spouses besides a number of local persons attended the event.

Special prayers were offered for the progress and prosperity of Pakistan and its people as well as for the continued friendship between the two countries. From the High Commission, Deputy High Commissioner Muhammad Imran Mirza read out excerpts from the Bible.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Being Christian is not a crime: RoulaGhani

Kabul: In an interview with Foreign Policy Mrs. RouylaGhani stated her views about Afghanistan’s political future and her husband’s programs for the country’s development.

In answer to first question about her husband’s main program she said:

“Dr. Ashraf Ghani has a very intellectual approach to his country’s affairs and believes in cooperation with all countries in the world for Political and economic reconstruction in Afghanistan. He believes that there is no reason to cut relations with any country in the world and just setting up a relationship with them is important. Dr. Ashraf Ghani believes that both Palestine and Israel should Simultaneously have representation in Kabul and there is no political obstacle in the way.”

She added: “although I couldn’t live in Afghanistan during my marriage, I am familiar with Afghans’ behaviors and, as the country’s first lady; I can easily communicate with the public, especially women.”

In response to the question of whether you, as a Christian, would have any problem in playing the role of presidential spouse in a country with more than 99 percent of Muslims, she said: “being Christian is not a crime; however, my mother is a Jew. I believe that Afghan women have converted to Islam under pressure, because there have not been another way. If you describe Christianity for them, no doubt, more than half of them will be converted to this religion. During past ten years, I have indirectly supported the works of some Evangelical Christian groups in the central, northern regions as well as Kabul.

If I am present in presidential palace, surely I will expand this job. Because Afghan people should know that Christianity isn’t what Mullahs have told them. Women's freedom will be so sweet on its own that will solve the issue of my Christianity.

Saturday 22 March 2014

RFE/RL's Baghdad Bureau Chief Shot Dead

BAGHDAD: An Iraqi presidential guard has shot dead the Baghdad bureau chief of RFE/RL's Radio Free Iraq (RFI), Mohammed Bdaiwi Owaid.
The shooting occurred on March 22 at the gate of the compound housing RFI's offices in Jadriyah neighborhood.
Witnesses said Owaid was driving his car through the guarded gate, when he had a verbal argument over the right of passage with a member of the Kurdish peshmerga forces traveling in a vehicle. The officer shot Owaid before fleeing the scene.
The peshmerga militia is responsible for guarding the compound controlled by Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, an ethnic Kurd, which also houses the presidential residence as well as offices and private residences.
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki met briefly with members of Owaid's family at the scene of the killing, and promised them to bring the killer to justice.
Maliki later followed the head of Baghdad security forces into the office of the unit guarding the compound. Two attack helicopters were seen hovering over the area.
Media activists held a demonstration in the area of the shooting.

Friday 21 March 2014

AFP reporter Sardar Ahmad killed in Kabul hotel attack

KABUL:Sardar Ahmad, a staff reporter at the Agence France-Presse (AFP) news agency, was killed in a Taliban attack on Kabul's Serena hotel, it was confirmed Friday.

Ahmad, 40, was shot dead along with his wife and two of his three children when four teenage gunmen attacked the hotel on Thursday evening.

An AFP staff photographer identified the four bodies at a city hospital and said the family's youngest son was undergoing emergency treatment after being badly wounded in the attack.

Four teenage gunmen with pistols hidden in their socks managed to penetrate several layers of security to attack the hotel, a prestigious venue favoured by foreign visitors to the capital, on Thursday night.

The assault came on the eve of Nawroz, the Persian New Year which is a major holiday in Afghanistan, and the hotel was hosting special celebrations.

Hired in 2003 to cover daily briefings by the US-led coalition at Bagram airbase, Ahmad went on to become AFP's senior reporter in Kabul, covering all aspects of life, war and politics in his native country.

He was a specialist in security issues, with strong contacts on both the government and Taliban sides, allowing him to file balanced stories on the complex conflict wracking Afghanistan.

Ahmad was a versatile journalist with an eye for unexpected stories that opened a window on life in Afghanistan away from the bombs and blast walls.

His last feature for AFP, filed on Tuesday, was about a lion rescued by animal welfare officials from living on a rooftop in Kabul -- a follow-up to a story Ahmad himself broke last year.

His time covering the briefings at Bagram allowed Ahmad to achieve an impressive level of fluency in English -- and a distinctive American accent.

Outside AFP, Ahmad founded the successful Kabul Pressistan local news agency which provided fixing and translation services for numerous foreign reporters coming to Kabul.

A total of nine people were killed in Thursday's attack, officials said, including four foreigners.

The Afghan interior ministry spokesman said that while investigations were ongoing, the details of the assault pointed to a lapse of hotel security.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Supreme Court instructed inquiry into UK Journalist home Qabaz by judge

awaazlogoLONDON: Justice Tasdiq Gillani, Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan safdarbhatti-1instructed an enquiry into the Qabza group run by Safdar Bhatti additional session judge Lahore. An official at Supreme Court of Pakistan, Human Rights Cell told senior British Journalist Dr Shahid Qureshi that his home Qabza case by Safdar Bhatti has been referred to the District and Session Judge Lahore for enquiry and submit report with two weeks on 10th March 20014’. Supreme Court case reference number is: 4354 – E-2014.

The case was presented to the Justice Tasdiq Gillani, Chief Justice Supreme of Pakistan who instructed director of human rights cell at the Supreme Court to immediately instruct District and Session Judge Lahore to submit report on the matter within two weeks. A senior District and Session Judge head the human rights cell.

While speaking on a British Radio program News26 on Friday 14th March 2014, Shafqat Choan President Lahore High Court Bar Association said, ‘I will take up this matter with Chief Justice Lahore and expose this additional session judge Safdar Bhatti’. All the relevant documents have been sent to the Lahore High Court Bar Association Secretary Mohammad Ahmad. Mr Ahmad said, ‘It will be discussed in the bar meeting’

Family of Senior British journalist rented his house (built in 2004) on the request and guarantee of Safdar Bhatti to his close friend Javeed Iqbal Hashmi and his younger brother Mukthar Bhatti signed as a guarantor on the tenancy agreement which was duly submitted to the Johar Town Police Station as required by the law and terrorist threat.

Since Mr Safdar Bhatti moved in the area in 2006 cases of land grabbing and Qabza group activities skyrocketed as reported in Pakistani media.

While speaking to senior journalist Dr Shahid Qureshi Senator Zafar Ali Shah senior vice president of PML-N said: ‘I will raise this matter in the Senate as question the government of Punjab to submit a report immediately

Shafqat Mahmood MNA also told Dr Shahid Qureshi that: ‘he would submit question in the National Assembly as an urgent matter and problem overseas Pakistanis are facing due to the criminal activities of these groups”.

Dr Ashraf Chohan former MPA also submitted a question on the issue in Punjab Assembly. Dr Chohan strongly condemned this qabza by additional session judge Safdar Bhatti in ARY TV Channel popular show Khara Such with Mubashar Luqman (pure truth) aired on 4th March 2014.

Earlier on HE Wajid Shasulhassan , High Commissioner of Pakistan in London also wrote to the Governor of Punjab Mohammad Sarwar but these qabza mafias are too strong for a Governor and CM Punjab?

It is to be noted that President British/Pakistan lawyers association and legal advisor Pakistan Journalist Association UK Barrister Amjad Mailk referred this case to the Chief Justice Supreme Court of Pakistan on behalf of the Dr Shahid Qureshi.


Tuesday 18 March 2014

Crimea declares independence

The Supreme Council of the Crimea adopted a decree "On the independence of the Crimea."

"The extraordinary plenary session of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea, on March 17, 2014 adopted the resolution "On the independence of the Crimea." Eighty-five deputies voted for the document," the press-center of the Supreme Council of the Crimea said.

The adopted document also states that the Republic of the Crimea in the face of the Supreme Council addresses the Russian Federation with a proposal to accept the Crimean Republic in the structure of the Russian Federation as a new entity with a status of a republic.

The adopted document states: "The Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea, on the basis of direct will of the peoples of the Crimea expressed at the referendum of 16 March 2014, which showed that the people of the Crimea want to join Russia, and, consequently, separate from Ukraine and create an independent state, guided by the Declaration of Independence of the Republic of Crimea, adopted at an extraordinary plenary session of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on March 11, 2014, and the extraordinary plenary session of Sevastopol City Council on March 11, 2014, decides: to proclaim the Crimea an independent sovereign state - the Republic of the Crimea, in which the city of Sevastopol has a special status."



Sunday 16 March 2014

Syrian army captures strategic border town

DAMASCUS:Syrian forces, backed by Lebanese Hezbollah fighters, are in full control of Yabroud after clearing out rebels holed up in the strategic Syrian town for months, Syrian state media and opposition activists have reported.

Capturing Yabroud, the last major rebel bastion near the Lebanese border north of Damascus, will help President Bashar al-Assad secure the land route linking his Mediterranean coastal stronghold with the capital Damascus, and choke off a cross-border rebel supply line from Lebanon.

"The Syrian army is now in full control of the town of Yabroud in Damascus [province] and are now combing through the city and dismantling the roadside bombs planted by terrorists," SANA news agency reported on Sunday.

"We took total control of the town ," an army officer confirmed to the AFP news media as visibly exhausted soldiers rested on pavements lining the streets.

"This was the most difficult battle we have fought because the rebels were in mountains surrounding the town, and in buildings in Yabrud," the officer said.

"First we had to occupy the hills, and then on Saturday we entered the town through the east, up to the sports centre. Today we finished the work."

A military source told the Reuters news agency that most of the rebels had pulled out of Yabroud around dawn on Sunday, a day after pro-government forces had entered eastern districts of the town and captured several strategic hilltops in the surrounding Qalamoun mountains.

Abu al-Huda al-Homsi, an activist in Qalamoun, told Al Jazeera that the Syrian regime soldiers and Hezbollah stormed into Yabroud under a cover of heavy aerial and artillery bombardment.

"They used a scorched-earth policy, showering us with tens of shells every day until he fighters were forced to withdraw," he said.

But a spokesman for the rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra, al-Qaeda's official affiliate in Syria, said Assad's forces had not captured the city and that fighting was continuing on the outskirts of Yabroud.

Fighters flee

A fighter in Yabroud from Jabhat al-Nusra said the rebels were heading towards nearby rebel-held villages including Hosh Arab, Rankous and Flita.

Meanwhile, a Lebanese military source was quoted by Lebanese local channel LBC on Sunday as saying that more than 1,000 fighters fled to the mountainous border area near the Lebanese town of Arsal, a crossing point 20km to the northwest which rebels and refugees have used regularly.

The Jabhat al-Nusra fighter, however, told Reuters the rebels did not plan to withdraw to Arsal.

Ahmad Fliti, the vice mayor of Arsal, told Al Jazeera that the Syrian airforce launched two strikes on the outskirts of Arsal on Sunday. The Sunni town has been exposed to frequent aerial bombardment by the Syrian regime over the past year.

Al-Manar TV, the mouthpiece for Hezbollah, which spearheaded the fight to dislodge fighters from Yabroud, aired footage showing soldiers searching the town.With the fall of Yabroud, Hezbollah managed to sever a key rebel supply line to Arsal.

Rs7m spent on ex-CJ’s temporary residence

ISLAMABAD: After his retirement last December, former Supreme Court chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry has comfortably settled into a government house next to his old official residence for six months. However, what is disturbing is that the renovation and maintenance work done at his ‘temporary’ abode has cost over Rs7 million.

According to official details of renovation and maintenance at the residence of the former CJ available with Dawn, the amount has been spent on the purchase of new furniture, bathroom fittings, curtains, wooden floor and rugs.

Just the purchase of new furniture cost Rs1.6m and renovation of bathrooms ran up a bill of Rs1.4m.

The ex-chief justice, who retired on Dec 11, left his former official residence and was given house No 12 in the Judicial Enclave, where a judge of the apex court was residing.

According to official details of renovation work, Rs1.6m was spent on the purchase of new furniture, Rs1.4m utilised on renovation of bathrooms, Rs0.6m on bathroom fittings, Rs0.27m on whitewashing, Rs0.75m on purchase of new curtains, Rs0.15m on supply of new rugs, Rs0.6m on construction of a shed, Rs0.35m on laying of wooden floor, Rs0.35m on purchase of floor tiles, Rs0.25m on roof treatment and Rs0.2m on purchase and fixing of marble slabs.

It has been learnt that some of the work is still in progress and the details of these expenses will be known later.

The opposition has already obtained information about what it termed ‘extravagance’ committed in the name of maintenance and brought the matter to the notice of parliament.

An inside source said the former CJ, who gave a number of historical decisions during his five-year term in office, asked for renovation and maintenance work in his present official residence soon after he shifted his family there.

The order was conveyed to the Pakistan Public Works Department (Pak PWD), which is responsible for maintenance work in many government buildings, including the Prime Minister House, the Presidency, Supreme Court building, Ministers’ Enclave and Judicial Enclave.

However, a senior official of the Pak PWD, under whose domain the Judicial Enclave fell, refused to carry out heavy maintenance work in the residence. He said he did not have the funds required to meet the expenses of the extraordinary maintenance work.

Later the case was referred to the Pak PWD headquarters and the department’s top brass gave approval for the work.

The Pak PWD Director General, Attaul Haq Akhtar, said he was not aware of any expenditure in the house of the former CJ. He, however, said it would not be around Rs7m. “Normally we carry out petty maintenance work at government houses but not for that huge [an] amount. How is it possible that Rs7m have been spent on the maintenance of a three-bedroom house?”

The DG said whatever amount had been spent on the residence of the former CJ had not been approved by him. “I have neither seen any such estimates nor approved them,” he claimed.

In reply to a query, Mr Akhtar said the former CJ has been provided a house in the Judicial Enclave for six months, for which he was authorised.

Opposition curious

An opposition politician, Senator Farhatullah Babar, said he had sent a question to the Senate Secretariat asking for details of the amount spent on lodging, security and stay of the former CJ in his new house. “We have already invoked parliamentary instruments to find the truth behind reports of extravagance at public expense in massaging the ego of individuals. We will then [raise] the issue in parliament appropriately,” he added.

“One is not surprised given the well-known penchant of the former CJ for protocol, security, pomp and show,” Mr Babar said.

Supreme Court Registrar Dr Faqir Hussain told Dawn he was not aware of the maintenance and renovation work.

The registrar agreed that he would reply to queries on the renovation work if they were e-mailed to him, but was unable to answer them even two weeks after the questions were sent to him.

“I have checked such kind of renovation work at my end but could not find anything. I came to know that all such details would be available with PWD so it is better to contact the PWD people to confirm your report,” the registrar told this reporter.On the other hand, sources said the registrar was fully aware of the work done in the residence of the former CJ because he was coordinating with officials of Pak PWD on the matter.

Information Minister Pervez Rashid, who also holds the portfolio of law, was reluctant to comment on the issue, saying he was not aware of any such renovation and maintenance work.

He, however, said that maybe the condition of the official residence provided to Mr Chaudhry required such a heavy maintenance work. “If such a heavy amount has been spent on that house, even then it would be considered as value addition to an official residence that would be handed over to any other judge after six months’ stay of the former CJ.”

US warns Russia against further military moves in Ukraine

WASHINGTON:Top US officials warned against further Russian military aggression into eastern Ukraine as Americans and Western allies prepared to slap more sanctions on Russian officials and to protect the new government in Kiev.

Sanctions could be announced as soon as Monday, officials said, and would send a message to Russian President Vladimir Putin following Sunday's vote on a Russian-backed referendum to split Crimea from Ukraine. The US rejected the vote and top lawmakers called it a sham.

"We are putting as much pressure on the Russians as we can to do the right thing," Dan Pfeiffer, a senior adviser at the White House, said Sunday on "Meet the Press."

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney issued a statement rejecting Sunday's referendum in the Crimean region and called Russia actions "dangerous and destabilizing."

Friday 7 March 2014

British Hajj/Umrah traveller's plight must not go unheard

LONDON (PR):Association of British Hujjaj (ABH has appreciated the acknowledgement by the City of London Police's National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) that the Hajj frauds are a national issue, which is affecting a large number of British Hajj/Umrah travellers.

Every year over a 125,000 British Hajj/Umrah pilgrims travel to Saudi Arabia to perform pilgrimage. Regrettably, a large number of these travellers, including the elderly, sick and disabled are being exploited by the rogue and unscrupulous tour and travel operators.It is causing tremendous distress and mental anguish to the vulnerable travellers. It is highly deplorable that unscrupulous tour and travel operators have no regard and respect for UK travel laws. Violation of the British legislation has become a common practice amongst these rogue and unscrupulous Hajj/Umrah tour and travel operators.

ABH has been tirelessly campaigning since over a decade to highlight the plight of British Hajj/Umrah travellers. Their plight was brought into the attention of all the relevant law enforcement authorities and this issue was also raised at the House of Parliament. However, the community is yet to see a decisive action by the authorities to eliminate malpractice and fraudulent activities.

At a recent meeting at House of Lords, hosted by ABH Patron Lord Ahmed of Rotherham, to discuss the plight of the vulnerable British Hajj/Umrah travellers, Lord Toby Harris, Chairman of National Trading Standard Board,extended his support towards addressing this issue and he commented that "there are an awful lot of nasty people who are preying on vulnerable individuals, who want to fulfil their religious duties, and particularly the Hajj fraud is offensive".

Stephen Head, Commander of National Co-ordinator Economic Crime, City of London Police, also extended police force's full support towards combating Hajj scams and said, "I hope that we will be judged by our actions, not by our words", adding that "if this [Hajj scams] is happening to one person then it is one person too many, and we can do something about it".

ABH strongly urges the police authorities that they must take this task seriously. They should take swift and severe action against the rogue and unscrupulous tour and travel operators to win back the community's confidence. The rogue and unscrupulous tour and travel operators must not be allowed to take advantage of these vulnerable travellers, including the elderly, sick and disabled.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Kashmir Council EU condemns expulsion of Kashmiri students from an Indian University

BRUSSELS (PR):Kashmir Council EU has condemned the framing of sedition charges against the Kashmiri students studying at an Indian university for cheering Pakistan’s victory in the ongoing Asia Cup in Bangladesh.

In a statement issued from Brussels, Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed said, the expulsion of the Kashmiri students from the university in Meerut in Utter Pradesh on the charges is an inhuman and shameful act.

He said, such action proves that India has fake democracy as it is not taking care of the basic human and democratic rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

How India is a democratic country and particularly, it claims largest

democracy of the world but there is no room for opposition’s voices in India.

Ali Raza Syed termed the harassment, violence against a number of Kashmir student and their expulsion from the university and registration of the treason case against them as a black stain on the so-called Indian democratic face.

He said, world should be aware of Indian behaviour with the innocent people of Kashmir who are the struggling for right of self-determination.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU said, we are writing letters to the different international powers including U.S. and EU about the Indian illicit action against the innocent Kashmiri students.

Celebration of Pakistan’s victory in a cricket match by the Kashmiri

students in an Indian city means, the people of Kashmir do not accept the Indian occupation over their territory, he further argued.

He said that South Asia would continue to be marred with instability,

dangers and tension unless the Kashmir dispute was resolved as per people’s aspirations.  He said that it was the responsibility of the US,EU and the world community to stress India to give right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir.

Ali RAza syed also demanded impartial probe into the recent killing of seven youth by Indian troops in Lolab area of Kupwara district in IHK.

Kashmir Council EU Chairman urged the world community to force India to stop war crimes and pave the way for tripartite talks to resolve the Kashmir dispute peacefully

Pakistan has peaked at the right time: Shahid Afridi

MIRPUR: Pakistan’s all-rounder Shahid Khan Afridi said on Thursday that Pakistan has peaked at the right time in the tournament, and this would help them at the upcoming mega event ‘World Twenty20’, ARY News has learnt.

Talking to media after practice session on Thursday, Shahid Afridi said that focus of team Pakistan is just on the Asia Cup final at the moment.

When Afridi asked that Pakistan have never beaten India in an ICC world event, be it the 50-over World Cup or the World T20, could they overcome the curse when they meet in the World Twenty20 on March 21, he replied that he wouldn't think about it till the Asia Cup ended.

“I'm not looking that ahead and when the World Twenty20 comes, we will talk about the India-Pakistan then", he added.

Talking about the newly hired coaches, the all rounder said having played at this level for so many years, he doesn't need a coach and he better off coaching myself. I know very well what to do and what not to do.

When asked about his plan for retirement from cricket, Afridi it had not entered his mind yet.

“As long as I'm fit and give my life to cricket, I'll continue playing the sport. I will sideline myself the moment I start thinking that I'm becoming a burden on my team. I will not give anyone an opportunity to talk”, he added.

12 Years a Slave’ makes history with best picture Oscar

LOS ANGELES: The slavery drama "12 Years a Slave" won the Academy Award for best picture on Sunday, making history as the first movie from a black director to win the film industry's highest honor in 86 years of the Oscars.

British director Steve McQueen's unflinching portrayal of pre-Civil War American slavery won two other Oscars, including best supporting actress for newcomer Lupita Nyong'o and best adapted screenplay based on the memoir of Solomon Northup, a free man tricked and sold into slavery in Louisiana.

"Everyone deserves not just to survive but to live. This is the most important legacy of Solomon Northup," said McQueen in his acceptance speech.

"12 Years a Slave," prevailed over space thriller "Gravity" from Mexican filmmaker Alfonso Cuaron, which nevertheless racked up the most Oscars of the night with seven, including the best director honor for Cuaron, a first for a Latin American director.

The film starring Sandra Bullock as an astronaut lost in space swept the technical awards like visual effects and cinematography, a reward for its groundbreaking work on conveying space and weightlessness.

Referring to the "transformative" experience he and others undertook in the four-plus years spent making "Gravity," Cuaron, whose hair is graying, said, "For a lot of these people, that transformation was wisdom. For me, it was just the color of my hair."

In one of the strongest years for film in recent memory, the 6,000-plus voters of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences scattered golden Oscar statuettes among the many acclaimed movies in contention.

It was a good night for the scrappy, low-budget film "Dallas Buyers Club," a biopic of an early AIDS activist two decades in the making that won three Oscars, including the two male acting awards.

Matthew McConaughey, in a validation of a remarkable career turnaround, won best actor for his portrayal of the homophobe turned AIDS victim turned treatment crusader Ron Woodroof, a role for which he lost 50 pounds (23 kg).

His co-star, Jared Leto, won best supporting actor for his role as Woodroof's unlikely business sidekick, the transgender woman Rayon, for which he also slimmed down drastically.

Australia's Cate Blanchett won the best actress Oscar for her acclaimed role as the socialite unhinged by her husband's financial crimes in Woody Allen's "Blue Jasmine."

"As random and subjective as this award is, it means a great deal in a year of, yet again, extraordinary performances by women," said Blanchett, who beat out previous Oscar winners Bullock, Amy Adams, Judi Dench and Meryl Streep.

The big loser of the night was director David O. Russell's 1970s crime caper "American Hustle," which walked away empty-handed despite earning 10 nominations, the same number as "Gravity." Martin Scorsese's tale of financial greed, "The Wolf of Wall Street," also failed to take home Oscars.

But it was also a night of predictable wins for heavy favorites.

The tale of Nordic princesses, "Frozen," won best animated film, a first for Disney Animation Studios since the category was introduced in 2002, and its girl-power anthem "Let It Go" won best original song.

For best foreign language film, Italy took its 11th Oscar in that category with "The Great Beauty," a visually stunning film about life in Rome and a writer in crisis.

Comic and talk show star Ellen DeGeneres returned as Oscar host on Sunday, bringing a deadpan affability, and pizza, to the Academy Awards show while still poking fun at Hollywood royalty.

In her easy breezy style, DeGeneres mixed with the crowd like she did back in 2007, taking a star-studded selfie with the likes of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie that broke the record for retweets on Twitter. And she largely avoided the ribald humor that landed her predecessor Seth MacFarlane in hot water last year.

Early reviews were broadly positive, but Variety's Brian Lowry noted that the opening monologue by DeGeneres "screamed of a desire to dial the show back to safer terrain."

Kenyan actress Nyong'o was one of the big stars of the night, not only for her winning pale blue Prada gown on the red carpet, but also for her touching speech.

In accepting the first award of the night for "12 Years a Slave," Nyong'o, 31, paid homage to her character, who picked more cotton than anyone else but suffered at the hands of her besotted yet evil master.

"It doesn't escape me for one moment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else's, and so I want to salute the spirit of Patsey, for her guidance," a tearful Nyong'o told the audience.

Sunday capped an unusually long awards season, extended by the Winter Olympics, and for "12 Years a Slave" it spells the end of six months of both high acclaim and uncertainty over awards stemming from the perception that it was a hard film to watch.

The film from studio Fox Searchlight compelled Oscar voters to go see the film with the ad 'It's Time," fearing that they might skip it and throw their weight behind "Gravity." It has earned nearly $140 million at the worldwide box office, a fraction of the $700 million for "Gravity."

Right to the end, McQueen and his fellow producers, including Pitt, stuck to his line that slavery was a theme that is not only historical but also current.

"We just hope this film remains a gentle reminder that we are all equal," said Pitt backstage.

Oil prices edge higher as Ukraine tensions mount

New York (AFP):  Global oil prices pushed higher Thursday as tensions mounted over Russia's incursion into Ukraine's Crimean peninsula.

New York's main contract, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) for April delivery, added 11 cents, finishing at $101.56 a barrel.

Brent North Sea crude for April gained 34 cents at $108.10 a barrel in London deals.

WTI prices were lower in early trade but spiked almost $2, and Brent gained $1, after US President Barack Obama toughly challenged Moscow's support for a referendum in Crimea on joining Russia.

"The proposed referendum on the future of Crimea would violate the Ukrainian constitution and violate international law," Obama said.

"Any discussion about the future of Ukraine must include the legitimate government of Ukraine."

"In 2014, we are well beyond the days when borders can be redrawn over the heads of democratic leaders," the US president said.

Earlier, the parliament in Crimea, under the de facto control of pro-Russian forces since the ousting of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych, asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to examine a request for their region to join the Russian Federation.

Russia faces sanction from the US and Europeans which potentially could wreak turmoil in markets -- especially as Russia is a crucial global energy producer and exporter of natural gas to Western Europe.

More than 70 percent of its gas and oil exports to Europe pass through Ukraine.

Two Bahrain children wounded planting bomb: police

DUBAI (AFP): Two children, aged 10 and 11, were wounded while planting a roadside bomb in a Shiite village in Bahrain where a blast killed three policemen this week, police said Thursday.

"A group of terrorists exploited these children by asking them to plant a home-made bomb" in Daih, state news agency BNA quoted a police official as saying.

He said one child was "seriously" wounded when the device exploded.

Police photos showed one child s fingers mangled by the blast and both boys  faces and bodies peppered with shrapnel.

Police said they have launched an investigation aimed at identifying those who incited the pair to plant the device.

Monday s explosion in Daih that killed three policemen was the bloodiest attack on security forces since the Shiite majority backed an uprising in February 2011 against the ruling Al-Khalifa family.

An officer from the United Arab Emirates was among the dead, making him the first officer from another Gulf state to be killed since forces from the region entered Bahrain in March 2011 to boost security personnel who later quelled the month-long uprising.

Public Security Chief Major General Tariq al-Hassan said in a statement that four more suspects in the "terrorist blast" have been detained, raising to 29 the number of arrests linked to Monday s attack.

The kingdom remains deeply divided with persistent protests sparking clashes with police, scores of Shiites jailed on "terror" charges and reconciliation talks deadlocked.

The International Federation for Human Rights says at least 89 people have been killed in Bahrain since February 2011.

Last year the authorities increased the penalties for those convicted of violence, introducing the death penalty or life sentences for those convicted in cases which result in death or injury.

Attacks in Baghdad area kill 21 people

BAGHDAD (AFP): Bombings mainly targeting Shiite areas of Baghdad and attacks on security force checkpoints in and around the capital killed at least 21 people Wednesday, officials said.

Iraq has been hit by a year-long surge in bloodshed that has reached levels not seen since 2008, driven by widespread discontent among its Sunni Arab minority and the bloody civil war in neighbouring Syria.

And Baghdad is hit by near-daily bombings and shootings.

Wednesday's seven car bombs and two roadside bombs, which struck six different areas of Baghdad, killed at least 14 people and wounded more than 70 people, the officials said.

One of the car bombs exploded near the University of Technology in the Karrada district of central Baghdad, killing three people and wounding at least 10.

"The terrorist was planning to blow up the car on the main road near the university," but security forces do not allow cars to stop there so he instead left it on a side street, a police officer at the scene said.

An AFP journalist saw the charred remains of the car, and said two cars and several nearby homes were damaged by the blast.

While there was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attacks, Sunni jihadists often target members of Iraq's Shiite Muslim majority, whom they consider to be apostates.

Gunmen later attacked three checkpoints in Baghdad while a roadside bomb exploded near a fourth in Tarmiyah, north of the capital, killing at least four police and three soldiers.

Gunmen also attacked a bus northeast of the city of Baquba, killing an Indian man and wounding four others.

The violence came a day after two suicide bombers attacked the city council headquarters in Samarra, north of Baghdad, and took employees hostage.

A third bomber detonated an explosives-rigged vehicle after police and anti-Al-Qaeda militiamen arrived at the scene, while the two inside blew themselves up after exchanging fire with security forces.

The violence, which showcased the impunity with which militants can strike even targets that should be highly secure, killed six people and wounded 46.

Powerful militant group the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), which operates in both Iraq and Syria, claimed the attack in a statement posted on the Honein jihadist forum.

The statement said that "three lions of the Islamic State" attacked the building, "killed its guards and executed its members, and took complete control of the council."

Militants have carried out similar assaults elsewhere in Salaheddin province, north of Baghdad, and battled security forces for control of the Sulaiman Bek area, killing dozens of people.

The government also faces a more than two-month crisis in Anbar province, west of Baghdad, where it has lost the city of Fallujah as well as shifting parts of provincial capital Ramadi to anti-government militants.

This is the first time anti-government forces have exercised such open control in major cities since the peak of the deadly violence that followed the US-led invasion of 2003.

More than 370,000 people may have been displaced by the violence in Anbar during the latest crisis, according to the United Nations.

Violence in Iraq has killed more than 1,800 people since January 1, according to AFP figures based on security and medical sources.

China 'will not stop increasing' military spending: Media

BEIJING (AFP): Chinese state-run media backed the country s military spending Thursday, after the government announced a 12.2 percent increase in its defense budget for 2014.

The plans should not be regarded as evidence of a mounting "China threat", newspapers said, arguing that Beijing s steady raises in the defense budget were rooted in a desire for peace rather than conflict.

Beijing is embroiled in a series of territorial disputes with Japan and other neighbors, and has pursued its claims more assertively in recent years.

China announced Wednesday, on the opening day of its Communist-controlled National People s Congress (NPC), that it plans to spend 808.23 billion yuan ($132 billion) on the People s Liberation Army for 2014, in the latest double-digit increase.

That figure is still far short of the $633 billion defense budget for 2014 approved by the United States, the global leader in military spending.

But analysts believe China s actual defense expenditure is significantly higher than publicized.

"China will not stop increasing its military spending," the state-run Global Times wrote in an editorial Thursday. "It is believed the best scale for it in the long run is keeping it at half or two-thirds of that of the US."

This year s official rise is the largest since 2011, and in its editorial the China Daily newspaper said China was "only making up for what it has neglected to do in the past".

"The current increase is both imperative and legitimate, because China now has broader interests to defend," the paper wrote. "At the same time, more security threats are sprouting up in its immediate neighborhood."

Beijing s growing military expenditures and capabilities have raised worries in Asia and the US, and Japan s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga told reporters Wednesday that its lack of transparency on spending "has become a matter of concern for the international community, including Japan".

China s official Xinhua news agency dismissed those concerns in a bylined commentary Thursday, arguing that "it is Washington and Tokyo, instead of Beijing, that should explain to the world their military postures and intentions".

Crimea parliament ask to join Russia as EU leaders met

SIMFEROPOL (AFP):  The local parliament in Crimea took another step towards seceding from Ukraine on Thursday, asking to become part of Russia as EU leaders held an emergency summit to deal with the worst East-West crisis since the Cold War.

Pro-Moscow lawmakers made the request to Russian President Vladimir Putin and said they would put the question to a referendum on March 16 as Russian forces maintained their grip on the strategic Black Sea peninsula.

The referendum, which was brought forward from a planned March 30 date, will also ask if residents want to a return to a previous 1992 constitution that gave the region sweeping autonomy.

Tensions ran high on the rugged peninsula, where military observers from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe were set to begin a monitoring mission later on Thursday.

The 40 monitors from 21 OSCE countries were invited by Ukraine, which is in a standoff with local authorities after a Kiev court ordered the arrest of Crimean leader Sergiy Aksyonov for separatism.

Miracle that bloodshed has been avoided  -

"It s extremely tense and I consider it a miracle that bloodshed has been avoided so far," Tim Guldimann, personal envoy of the Swiss chair of the OSCE, said in Kiev after returning from Crimea.

"Apart from the presence of these military personnel, a very dangerous aspect is the build-up of self defence militias who are armed," he said.

Guldimann said he cut short his visit after UN special envoy to Crimea Robert Serry was forced to leave on Wednesday after being confronted by gunmen who said they had orders to take him to the airport.

The majority Russian-speaking Crimea has been embroiled in crisis for over a week, following the ouster of Ukraine s pro-Moscow president Viktor Yanukovych.

Russian forces on the territory, home to Kremlin s Black Sea Fleet, have surrounded Ukrainian military bases for days and on Thursday also scuttled an old warship at the entrance of a lake, trapping Ukrainian vessels.

Inside the Ukrainian bases, nervous soldiers were standing their ground, refusing to surrender or hand over their weapons, but in most cases clearly not ready to hold off a full-out Russian assault.

"Of course we are worried, anything can happen. It s a very dangerous situation," said Lydia Kuzminichna, a 72-year-old doing errands in the regional capital Simferopol.

Crimea had been part of Russia since the late 18th century and was transferred to Ukraine as a "gift" by a Soviet leader in 1954.

Ukraine s prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who took over after Yanukovych fled to Russia following three months of deadly protests, accused Moscow of stoking tensions.

"It depends on Russia (if) it is ready to fix this conflict ... or is Russia reluctant and (wants) to increase tension," said Yatsenyuk, who met with European leaders ahead of the summit in Brussels.

- Russia  rewriting borders  -

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite said a "dangerous" Russia was trying to redraw Europe s borders with its actions in Ukraine with "internationally unpredictable behaviour".

"Today it is an open and brutal aggression, that is exactly what is happening," she told reporters, adding: "This is about rewriting of the borders".

In the worst East-West crisis since the Cold War, French President Francois Hollande has asked the EU to "put as much pressure as possible on Russia... to lower tensions and open the way to dialogue".

Ahead of the summit the EU froze assets held by 18 Ukrainians accused of embezzlement, including the ousted Yanukovych and his son Oleksandr, and some member states were talking about further political and economic sanctions against Russia.

The US and the EU have promised billions in aid for the fledgling government in Kiev after Russia froze the bailout it had agreed with Yanukovych, pushing the former Soviet republic to near-bankruptcy.

US Secretary of State John Kerry will hold a second round of talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, as well as EU foreign ministers later Thursday in Rome and the UN Security Council will hold talks in New York, the body s fourth consultations on the subject since Friday.

Kerry said he was hopeful of a "de-escalation" in the stand-off after meeting Lavrov on Wednesday, although there were no diplomatic breakthroughs.

- Unrest continues in east -

Violent protests have also broken out in cities in mainly Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine, where several local government offices have been taken over by crowds of angry pro-Russian militants.

Ukrainian police on Thursday seized back control of the regional government headquarters in Donetsk, a day after the building was taken over by activists who had planted a Russian flag on the roof.

A local police source told AFP that 75 people were arrested in the assault but more militants could be seen rallying outside, attempting to block access to the building for local officials.

There has been concern among observers about the possibility of a Russian intervention in other parts of eastern Ukraine outside Crimea in defence of the rights of pro-Moscow sympathisers.

Putin has condemned the changeover of power in Kiev as "an unconstitutional coup" but said a full-scale military intervention would be a "last resort".

Western leaders have increased diplomatic pressure on Russia, with some threatening to boycott the G8 summit in Russia in June and NATO saying it will review a series of accords with Moscow.

More stringent sanctions against Russia have been mooted but their prospect is seen by analysts as unlikely, at least for now.

"The logic is to get out of the crisis, not sanctions," said a source from Hollande s entourage.

Meanwhile a US-based anchor for the Russia Today television network resigned live on air in protest at the deployment of Russia-backed forces in Ukraine.

Liz Wahl said during a broadcast that she could no longer work for a Moscow-funded network which she accused of "whitewashing" the actions of Putin

Just In Taliban, govt negotiators meet PM, more influential people should be included in committees: Samiul Haq One of the members of govt committee will go to Waziristan: Irfan Siddiqi India withdraws treason case against Indian Held Kashmir students Islamabad F-8 court incident: Judge Rafaqat Awan was killed by his own guard’s firing, claims Ch Nisar Ali Khan Tharparkar famine turns extreme, takes lives of 32 children in one month Lahore: Mother, who killed her kids, alongwith her spouse sent on physical remand for two days Army should not become part of govt-Taliban talks, says Khursheed Shah COAS Raheel Sharif summons Corps Commanders' Conference on Friday Kashmiri students expelled from Indian university

MEERUT: A university in Uttar Pradesh has expelled as many as 67 Kashmiri students (130 according to some reports) for celebrating Pakistan's victory against India in a thrilling Asia Cup cricket match between the archrivals on Sunday, prompting the management to take ‘action’.
The university initially decided to suspend only the offending students but following a ‘three-tier’ inquiry, it was decided to suspend as many as 67 students because they didn’t reveal the names of the few offenders.
The university rejected the reports of violent clashes between locals and Kashmiris and claimed that the students were dropped at railway station under strict security.
The university is called Swami Vivekanand Subharti University (SVSU) and its vice chancellor Dr Manzoor Ahmad was quoted by an Indian paper saying "he was taken aback by such an unacceptable gesture of a few students".
He went on to say the university cannot accept such behaviour from any student in the university.
The match was being screened at one of university’s hostels where both local and Kashmiri students were watching the nemesis gig. The site became troubled when a few Kashmiris reportedly clapped every time a wicket of Indian player would fall.
According to Manzoor Ahmad, he was told that students later cherished Pakistan’s victory and even shouted Pakistan Zindabad.
The students were suspended for not apologizing, the VC claimed.
Hundreds of male and female students from Indian occupied Kashmir are enrolled at the university in various courses.
The matter is reportedly being probed by additional city magistrate upon recommendation from district magistrate and that the findings will come in a few weeks.
Parents of the suspended students told the media that many students were attacked and manhandled by the locals. Kashmiri students even reported vandalism in their hostel wards.

Fatima Bhutto nominated for fiction prize

LONDON (AFP) - Fatima Bhutto, the niece of assassinated Pakistani former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, has been nominated for the Women's Prize for Fiction, the judges announced Friday.

Bhutto is among 20 women on the long list for the award, which was formerly known as the Orange prize and is open to English-language novels from anywhere in the world.

She is nominated for "The Shadow of the Crescent Moon", her first attempt at fiction following several fact-based books, including a memoir of her family's blood-soaked history.

Bhutto is a fierce critic of her charismatic aunt, who twice served as prime minister, claiming she was power hungry and "morally responsible" for the murder of her brother, Fatima's father Murtaza Bhutto, in 1996.

The winner of the prize, which will be announced at the Royal Festival Hall in central London on June 4, receives 30,000 pounds ($50,000, 36,500 euros) and a bronze known as a "Bessie".

Other nominees for the 19th annual award include "The Luminaries" by New Zealand author Eleanor Catton, which won the 2013 Booker Prize.

Australia's Hannah Kent is nominated for "Burial Rites", while Indian-American Jhumpa Lahiri is long-listed for "The Lowland".

Penguin Books UK's managing director Helen Fraser chairs the five-woman judging panel, which will announce the short list on April 7.

"This is a fantastic selection of books of the highest quality -- intensely readable, gripping, intelligent and surprising -- that you would want to press on your friends," she said.

Former winners Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (2007) of Nigeria and Suzanne Berne (1999) of the United States are on the long list, which also contains six debut novels.

The other long-listed authors are from Britain, Canada, Ireland and Pakistan.

US writer A. M. Holmes won last year's prize with "May We Be Forgiven".

Army should not become part of govt-Taliban talks: Khursheed Shah

ISLAMABAD: Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Khursheed Shah on Wednesday opposing involving the army in negotiations with the Taliban said that they should not become part of the process under any circumstance.

Talking to newsmen at the Parliament House after the PAC meeting, Shah said the government should not involve the army in the dialogue process with the Taliban as only the government itself could go for the dialogue.

"The army is meant to obey the government orders and armed forces involvement in talks with the terrorists will produce a very dangerous result," he said while talking to newsmen at the Parliament House after the PAC meeting.

The opposition leader said the army works under the government, so by involving the army in the dialogue process, the government had admitted that the army was a separate institution not under it. "The army is only included in such a committee in case of a ceasefire with an enemy country after a battle," he said.

However, Shah said he had no objection if a former member of the armed forces participated in the peace talks. "The terrorists are the murderers of 60,000 Pakistanis and it would be unfortunate to see the army sitting with them," he added

Chinese woman world's youngest billionaire

HONG KONG (AFP) - A 24-year-old Hong Kong-based woman has been named the world s youngest billionaire, replacing a former Facebook co-founder and spurring gossip in the city.

Perenna Kei, a graduate from the University of London who lives in Hong Kong, was ranked by Forbes as the world s youngest tycoon in its annual super-rich list, with a net worth of $1.3 billion.

"Little-known Perenna Kei, a newcomer to the list, displaces former Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz as the very youngest billionaire," Forbes said on its website along with the release of the billionaires  list.

It said her wealth grew along with the listing of a company run by her Chinese tycoon father, Ji Haipeng.

"Kei debuts on this year s Forbes Billionaires List following the Hong Kong listing in December of Logan Property Holdings," Forbes said, describing her debut as "an unexpected twist".

The city of seven million, where 45 billionaires were on the Forbes list for 2014, is a popular destination for Chinese high-rollers to set up businesses or invest in property.

A growing number of wealthy Chinese are also relocating to the city.

Logan Property is a mid-sized developer based in the mainland city of Shenzhen bordering Hong Kong.

When the company listed on the city s bourse in December, it raised some HK$1.6 billion ($206 million), the South China Morning Post said in a report at the time.

Forbes said Kei, also known as Ji Peili, has an 85 percent stake in the property firm through various companies and a trust.

Kei s debut on the global super-rich list comes as a surprise for some in the city, with the Post describing her as a "secretive woman".

A staff member at the Shenzhen office of Logan Property said Kei would not give interviews

European Youth Event – take part online

Brussels: Thousands of people from every corner of Europe, including neighbouring and candidate countries, have applied for the EYE2014 event. They come from schools, universities, youth organisations as well as spontaneous groups formed with the help of EYE social media platforms, as individual applications could not be accepted

However, this event is not only for those who can be there in person. The European Parliament will enable everyone to participate in the event online. They will have the opportunity to follow several workshops, panel discussions and performances via web streaming.

By using their PCs or tablets, online participants will be able to ask questions via Twitter and participate directly in the discussions and debates taking place in Strasbourg. Workshop moderators will select the best questions coming from the web and include them in the live discussions.


In Strasbourg, giant screens inside and around the Parliament's building, will show the live streaming of the meetings and discussions, together with Twitter and Instagram walls. The Parliament will also provide participants with a mobile application containing all information about the events, including a personalised schedule and maps, as well as the biographies of all speakers. The application will be launched in April.

When it comes to engaging people through social media and online communication, the European Parliament has always been a pioneer among public institutions. Nearly 70% of MEPs have a personal website and more than 60% are active on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter. The European Parliament has almost 1.3 million Facebook fans, making it the biggest parliamentary Facebook community in the world.

"Violence against women is a reflection of gender inequality":Mikael Gustafsson

Brussels: This year's International Women's Day, which is always held on 8 March, is dedicated to preventing violence against women. Facebook fans asked why this was chosen as the theme. Gustafsson said they wanted to send a strong message to the European Commission and the member states to prioritise this issue.

Many people also asked how to make people think differently about gender inequality. "We have to fight gender inequality at all levels and also talk about the issue of violence against women," Gustafsson said. " Especially, in early ages and in school we need to involve men and boys in this struggle."

On the question why in the 21st century violence against women still exists, Gustafsson replied that we lived in a society that is gender-unequal and violence against women is a direct reflection of that gender inequality.

Facebook fans were also interested to know what member states could do to foster equality. Gustafsson said member states could ratify the Istanbul convention on combatting violence against women. "It is a very good convention but too few member states have signed and ratified it."

To read the full text and find out more about what the Parliament is doing, click on the links on the right.

K. C. EU condemns expulsion of Kashmiri students from an Indian University

Brussels (PR): Kashmir Council EU has condemned the framing of sedition charges against the Kashmiri students studying at an Indian university for cheering Pakistan’s victory in the ongoing Asia Cup in Bangladesh.
In a statement issued from Brussels, Chairman Kashmir Council EU Ali Raza Syed said, the expulsion of the Kashmiri students from the university in Meerut in Utter Pradesh on the charges is an inhuman and shameful act.

He said, such action proves that India has fake democracy as it is not  taking care of the basic human and democratic rights of the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

How India is a democratic country and particularly, it claims largest democracy of the world but there is no room for opposition’s voices in India.

Ali Raza Syed termed the harassment, violence against a number of Kashmir student and their expulsion from the university and registration of the treason case against them as a black stain on the so-called Indian democratic face.

He said, world should be aware of Indian behaviour with the innocent people of Kashmir who are the struggling for right of self-determination.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU said, we are writing letters to the different international powers including U.S. and EU about the Indian illicit action against the innocent Kashmiri students.

Celebration of Pakistan’s victory in a cricket match by the Kashmiri students in an Indian city means, the people of Kashmir do not accept the Indian occupation over their territory, he further argued.

He said that South Asia would continue to be marred with instability, dangers and tension unless the Kashmir dispute was resolved as per people’s aspirations.  He said that it was the responsibility of the U.S., EU and the world community to stress India to give right of self-determination to the people of Kashmir.

Ali RAza syed also demanded impartial probe into the recent killing of seven youth by Indian troops in Lolab area of Kupwara district in IHK.

Kashmir Council EU Chairman urged the world community to force India to stop war crimes and pave the way for tripartite talks to resolve the Kashmir dispute peacefully

Federal Minister Inaugurates Pakistan Pavilion at International Tourism show

BERLIN (PR):Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan, Muhammad Barjees Tahir inaugurated the Pakistan Pavilion at the World's leading Travel Trade Show, ITB-2014 in Berlin today. Chief Minister of Gilgit Baltistan, Syed Mehdi, Provincial Minister for Tourism,Culture and Youth,Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Mehmood Khan, and Adviser to Chief Minister of Gilgit-Baltistan on Culture and Tourism Sadia Danish were also present on this occasion.

Nine Tour Operators from the Private sector alongwith Departments of Tourism,Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Gilgit-Baltistan Provinces are participating in this World’s largest trade fair of Travel & Tourism sector.

Talking to the participating tour operators on this occasion, Federal Minister said that there was a need for active marketing of Pakistan’s beautiful landscape and its ancient civilizations to attract tourists from around the world. He said that travel & tourism sector was a key driver for investment and economic growth.The Federal Government has been giving due attention to the development and improvement of infrastructure facilities including road networks and other related services, he added. Mr. Muhammad Barjees Tahir said that since Tourism was a provincial subject, therefore,  all the provinces should take necessary steps including development and improvement of various tourist spots in their respective provinces to boost both internal and external tourism in their respective regions.

Federal Minister also held a meeting with the representatives of German Tour Operator,Oriental Tours and exchanged views as how Pakistan could be made attractive destination for German tourists. He informed them that development of Travel & Tourism sector was on the priority agenda of Pakistan Government and various steps were being taken to attract investment and promote this sector.

Managing Director of the Oriental Tours, Ms Andrea Diefenbach said Pakistan has a great potential of tourism and there is a need to improve various industry related facilities including a good network of air/road links and hotel industry to attract the foreign tourists.

Earlier,while talking to Secretary General of the World Tourism Organization (WTO),DR.Talib Rifai, the Federal Minister apprised him of various challenges Pakistan had been facing in its fight against terrorism. Dr. Rifai appreciated Pakistan government's efforts that it had been making to put the country on the track of development and prosperity against many odds.

ITB is world’s largest Travel Trade Show held every year in March in Berlin. It provides an opportunity to the participants to learn about new trends, market developments, and to deepen existing business relations. Over 110,000 trade visitors are expected to attend this year’s show besides general public in large number. The Show offers representative overview of travel products from 10147 tourism & related services companies hailing from 189 countries.


Wednesday 5 March 2014

"Pakistan has tremendous potential for tourism"

BERLIN:Federal Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan Mohammad Barjees Tahir has said that Pakistan has tremendous potential for tourism by virtue of its long rich history, cultural diversity, geo-strategic position and captivating landscapes.He was addressing the participants of 4th UNWTO Silk Road Ministers Meeting in Berlin. He said that efforts were under way to improve infrastructure including road network and other related services to boost this important sector of the economy.

Delhi HC blocks release of 'Gulaab Gang'

DELHI:The Delhi High Court Wednesday stayed the release of forthcoming Hindi movie "Gulaab Gang", reportedly based on the life of activist Sampat Pal, who formed Gulabi Gang, a group of pink sari clad women vigilantes in Uttar Pradesh. Justice Sanjeev Sachdeva stayed the release of the film, starring Madhuri Dixit and Juhi Chawla, saying that if it is allowed to be released it will cause irreparable damage to the reputation of Sampat Pal. The film was set for release March 7. "Reputation once lost is lost forever and can not come back and even can't be compensated with monetary terms," the court said.

Britain’s first Muslim MEP to chair European Parliament ethics committee

BRUSSELS (PR):Britain’s first Muslim MEP has been appointed Chairman of the European Parliament watchdog body which has been set up to stop unethical behaviour by MEPs. Conservative Legal Affairs spokesperson Dr Sajjad Karim will lead the European Parliament Advisory Committee on the Conduct of Members which is responsible for ensuring all MEPs follow the Code of Conduct which prohibits receiving expensive gifts and forces MEPs to declare any extra payments they receive.

The Code was introduced in January 2012 after an undercover report from the UK’s Sunday Times newspaper alleged that four MEPs accepted cash in exchange for influencing EU legislation.

Dr Karim is the only British MEP to serve on the Advisory Committee and his appointed was made by the European Parliament President.

He said,“It is an honour to chair the Advisory Committee ahead of the European elections in May. Under the guidance of the Code of Conduct, the European Parliament has made great strides in improving transparency and my mission is to continue to provide the greatest level of transparency possible.”

“We need to win back the trust of EU citizens who have been dismayed by some of the scandals in the past and the Advisory Committee and Code of Conduct goes some way in achieving that.”

Dr Karim MEP will chair his first committee meeting in Brussels on 18th March with five MEPs from across the political spectrum.

"Military aggression not the solution"

BRUSSELS:Belgian key ministers discussed the situation in the Ukraine. The government is concerned about the situation in the southern Crimea region, but retains hopes of a peaceful outcome. Meanwhile, Belgium is not taking any individual sanctions yet against Russia.

Belgium joins the European position on the matter. Diplomacy is the key word, the crisis should be solved by negotiating and not by military action. "It is obvious that the European Union could never accept that kind of violation of the Ukraine's territorial integrity. Each country has the right to strive for democracy. But military action can never an answer to this", Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo told reporters.

"We strongly condemn the Russian intervention and demand that the Russian troops return to their barracks. We also demand that respect is being paid to the rights of minority groups and their protection in Russia and the Ukraine."

Mr Di Rupo agreed with Barack Obama that "Russia is on the wrong side of history" in the matter. It is possible that the EU will take sanctions if there is no solution. The situation is being monitored on a permanent basis. It is not yet clear whether Belgium will take individual sanctions against Russia, such as freezing Russian assets in Belgium. Foreign Minister Didier Reynders did not make any clear statements on this, but did say that a distinction should be made with Russian companies.

Mr Di Rupo added that 8 percent of natural consumption in Belgium comes from Russian supplies.

4,500 jobs lost in January and February alone

BRUSSELS:3,000 jobs have been lost in Belgium so far this year as a result of company restructurings. Bankruptcies take the total number of Belgian jobs that have disappeared in only two months to 4,500.

According to the consultants Graydon,Radiator manufacturer Henrad in Herentals wants to shed 113 jobs. "That takes Belgian job losses in January and February to 3,500" says Graydon spokesperson Eric Van den Broele.

Add the number of jobs under threat as a result of companies going to the wall and the figure is closer to 4,500. Some of these jobs may still be rescued if a takeover candidate steps forward.

Graydon's Eric Van den Broele: "The figures have improved slightly, but we are still in the doldrums. Businesses are down to their last reserves and that leads to restructuring and bankruptcies. Many more dismissals will occur in coming months."

But it's not all bad news. Eric Van den Broele: "The employment agency VDAB reports an increase in the number of vacancies. Businesses are paying each other's bills more easily. That points to increased confidence."

"Belgian women suffer partner abuse"

BRUSSELS:Figures from the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights reveal that a third of women in the EU have been assaulted physically or sexually. At 36% for Belgium the figure is above the European average.

The Belgian figure is lower than in neighbouring countries: the Netherlands (45%), France and Britain (44%), Luxembourg (38%) and Germany (35%). The highest levels of violence against women occur in the Nordic countries: Denmark (52%), Finland (47%) and Sweden (46%). The country with the lowest number of women who admit to being a victim is Austria (20%).

5% of women in the EU say that they have been raped, while a fifth told researchers that they had been felt up or kissed against their will, often by a superior or colleague at work. Across the EU 22% of women admit to being the victim of partner abuse. At 25% the figure for Belgium is higher than the EU average.The research involved a sample of 42,000 women across the EU.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Wajid congratulates Pakistani community on historic cricket victories

LONDON (PR):Pakistan High Commissioner for UK Mr Wajid Shamsul Hasan has congratulated the Pakistani community living in the UK on Pakistan cricket team’s successive historic victories in the Asia Cup Cricket Tournament against India and then Bangladesh today. In his message on this happy occasion, the High Commissioner lauded the heroic efforts of Pakistani cricketers especially Shahid Afridi,Muhammad Hafeez, Ahmed Shehzad and Fawad Alam in the last two matches.

The High Commissioner said,“The Pakistani nation has a passion for cricket; it’s a binding force that always keeps them together. It is all the more important for the nation to rejoice the victories as it is going through difficult times of their history due to the menace of terrorism.” He also expressed best wishes for the Pakistan cricket team in the Asia Cup final this Saturday.


Sunday 2 March 2014

Use of force in Ukraine approved by Russian Lawmakers

MOSCOW: The international conflict over Russia's military moves in Crimea escalated precariously Saturday as lawmakers in Moscow authorized the use of armed forces to protect their nation's interests and ethnic Russians in Ukraine and President Obama pressed President Vladimir Putin during a 90-minute phone call to back down.

The unanimous vote in the upper house of the parliament came after Russian troops had already taken up positions in Crimea, the Ukrainian region that is home to Russia's Black Sea fleet, and in spite of Obama's warning Friday that "there will be costs" if Moscow intervenes in its neighbor's political upheaval.

During Saturday's call, Obama threatened Russia with "greater political and economic isolation," according to a White House statement. The president, who had already issued a warning to Russia during a hastily called news conference Friday, suggested the United Nations would take action for what he called a "breach of international law."

A Kremlin statement on the phone call suggested that Putin was unmoved. It said the Russian president told Obama the unrest in Ukraine was the result of "provocations and criminal actions by ultranationalist elements encouraged by the current powers in Kiev," and said Russia reserved the right to defend its citizens and interests from those aggressions.

The standoff follows the overthrow late last month of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich after three months of protests by mostly urban and western Ukrainians who favor ties with the West, leaving Ukrainians in Crimea and elsewhere in the east, who tend to favor ties with Moscow, fearful for their future.