Sunday 16 February 2014

Taliban likely to announce ceasefire soon

ISLAMABAD :Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) nominated committee’s spokesman Yousuf Shah anticipated that the Taliban will soon announce ceasefire.

ceasefireHe was talking to media on Sunday where he said that the meeting of Taliban shura (council) regarding announcement of ceasefire was underway, however, he added that it could not be specified when the meeting would end.

He further termed it premature to say anything about decisions of the Taliban shura. He informed that Taliban shura is underway, presided over by Qari Shakil, to discuss ceasefire.

He said Taliban will soon announce ceasefire in order to keep the dialogue process going.

The Taliban committee member said they had demanded for a meeting with Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and military leadership, however, they had not been given response yet.

Meanwhile, Taliban-nominated committee and government committee for peace talks also had a contact wherein they discussed matters pertaining to ceasefire.

A committee member, requesting anonymity, said a meeting might be called tomorrow (Monday) to reach a final decision on ceasefire issue.

Amid an ongoing peace talks’ between the government and the Taliban, a police van was targeted in a blast on Thursday (February 13) in Karachi, killing at least 13 police personnel. TTP claimed the responsibility of the attack terming it as a revenge activity

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