Friday 14 February 2014

Anantnag Journalist Association condemns attack on Photo Journalist

ANANTNAG(Indian Held Kashmir):Anantnag Working Journalist Association condemned the brutal attack on Photo Journalist Sajad Ahmad Dar, on Thursday by some policemen in Pinjora Shopian when he was covering the gunfight between security forces and militants in the area.

Association said that a group of policemen caught the Photo Journalist and thrashed him brutally during which he sustained serious injuries in lift arm. Violent policemen also damaged cameras of photo Journalist Sajad Ahmad who is sole bread and butter earner for his family.

Association while condemning this brutal action of police has demanded a through probe into the incident and has appealed international organization protecting media men all over the world especially human rights organizations to take serious note of the incident as the atrocities on journalists in Kashmir are rising day by day.

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