Friday 7 June 2013

PJA condoles with Allama Azeem Gee on death of daughter

LONDON:Pakistan Journalists Association UK (PJA) has condoles with Allam Azeem Gee for the death of his 26 year old daughter who died in a car accident on Thursday morning near Gujranwala, Pakistan. Allama Azeem Gee working as a Bureau Chief in Manchester for Daily Jang London.

PJA has issued a statement offering sympathies and conveyed its condolences on the tragic loss of Allama Azeem Gee. PJA also showed solidarity at this difficult time with the grief family and shared its sorrow. In a condolence message issued here on today Friday. PJA executive committee and other members stated that May Allah Almighty rest her daughter's soul in peace and give her bereaved family the strength to bear this irrecoverable loss.

Allam Azeem Gee is going Pakistan tomorrow, He may contacted on his UK Mobile number 07944117835.


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