Monday 24 June 2013

Musharraf will be tried for treason under Article 6: PM

ISLAMABAD (Awaaz News) - The Pakistan government on Monday decided to go ahead with the trial of former dictator Pervez Musharraf in the Supreme Court on a charge of high treason for abrogating the constitution and imposing emergency rule in November 2007.

Treason case will be launched against Pervez Musharraf under Article 6 of the Constitution, Prime Minister Nawaz
Sharif told Parliament.

Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said that Pervez Musharraf abrogated the constitution twice without any lawful reason in October 1999 and again on 3rd of November 2007.

He assured the court and people of Pakistan that every judgement of the judiciary will be respected and implemented.

The prime minister said that government the government will support measures to uphold the Constitution and rule of law.

The government will take all the political forces into confidence in this regard, he added.

Under the law, the interior secretary has to lodge a complaint against Musharraf under the Article 6 of the constitution and the High Treason (Punishment) Act of 1973 for subverting or abrogating the Constitution.

The 69-year-old former military ruler was arrested shortly after he returned to Pakistan in March to lead his party in the polls.

He is currently under house arrest at his farmhouse on the outskirts of Islamabad and is facing charges in three high-profile cases related to the 2007 assassination of former premier Benazir Bhutto, the killing of Baloch nationalist leader Akbar Bugti in a 2006 military operation and the imposition of emergency in 2007.

Musharraf could become the first dictator in Pakistan s history to face trial for high treason.

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