Sunday 3 November 2013

‘Kashmir-EU Week’ to held at EU parliament in Brussels

Brussels: PR;  A week long programme on Kashmir would be organised by International Council for Human Development (ICHD) and Kashmir Council EU at European Parliament building in Brussels from Monday, Nov 11, 2013.

The programme ‘Kashmir EU Week’ would be contained a seminar, video casting of a documentary and a photos and handicraft exhibition on Kashmir. Member EU parliament Sajjad Karim would be host of the programme which is being organised by International Council for Human Development (ICHD) with the collaboration of other organisations including Kashmir Council EU and World Kashmir Diaspora Alliance at the EU parliament.

Chairman of the Council Ali Raza Syed who is coordinator of the programme in a statement said, creating awareness about the large scale human rights violations in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK is main objective of the programme.  A number of intellectuals, experts and parliamentarians would attend the opening ceremony of the programme.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU Chairman said that the people of Kashmir have offered matchless sacrifices for the resolution of Kashmir dispute and the use of brute force and arrests cannot stop them from continuing the struggle to achieve the inalienable right to self-determination.

Chairman Kashmir Council EU said, we are struggling to find out the ways of peace and prosperity in the South Asia because peace is necessary for the social development of people of the region. He said, we appeal to international community specially EU to play their effective role for peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute, so that the issue to be settled according to the wishes of the Kashmiris.

He said, Kashmiris are a peaceful nation and all the independence nations and states should help in peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.

Ali Raza Syed said that the It has been determined to continue the peaceful liberation of Kashmir struggle till its logical end.

He said that Jammu and Kashmir was internationally acknowledged disputed territory and it is duty of the international community to help for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir problem.

About the dialogue Chairman Kashmir Council EU said, Kashmiris are the main party of the issue and the dialogue can not be productive and successful without their participation.

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