BUDAPEST:A regional tourism hub for cooperation between China and Central and Eastern Europe has been established in Budapest, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced on Tuesday after a two-day CEE-China summit in Bucharest.This means that tourism between the 16 countries of the region and China will be organised from Budapest and in Budapest.
On the sidelines of the summit, Prime Minister discussed the planned international South Stream gas pipeline project with his Slovenian and Bulgarian counterparts on and met with Chinese and Serbian officials to discuss upgrading the Budapest-Belgrade railway line with the help of Chinese investment.
He highlighted that the agreement on developing the Budapest-Bucharest railway line was among the most important substantive outcomes of the summit.
He also noted that there are three Confucius Institutes already operating in Hungary, with a fourth soon to be opened. In addition, a regional institute for the further education of Chinese language teachers has also been established in
An agreement was reached with China's Prime Minister on increasing imports from China, and preparations are underway in Budapest for further Chinese investments.
With regard to medium-term cooperation, the participants agreed to hold a China-Central Europe heads of government summit annually along with a business forum.
The Hungarian Prime Minister said European countries will not be able to emerge from the crisis without creating broader trade deals and free trade agreements. Hungary therefore supports the EU free trade treaties with the US and Japan, as well as urging freer trade between China and the European continent.
Romania hosted the second summit of its kind, including the Prime Ministers of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia,Hungary, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia as well as Latvia's Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Hungary becomes the regional hub for China-CEE tourism cooperation
Prime Minister,
Viktor Orbán
Saturday, 23 November 2013
Indian security forces enjoyed legal cover for the violation of human rights: Ali Raza Syed
BEUSSELS: Imran Chouhdary; A glorious example of persistence in struggle.
The institutionalization of an event, anywhere in the world, is never a small job. It is rarely achieved and when achieved, it is profoundly celebrated and jealously guarded. The European Parliament is even harder to achieve such status for an event. It is a place where best minds of the world, with huge amount of resources, compete for the influence on the people and forums that impact the fate of the humanity at large.
The annual Kashmir-EU Week in the European Parliament, however, is the achievement of International Council for Human Development (ICHD), which deserves double compliments as it is done with volunteer efforts of a small team of activists, writers, politicians, researchers and social leaders. With no institutional resources available, it is not less than a miracle in political terms. But then, this small team is pursuing a cause, which is so undeniably just and so justified in the light of all the norms of ethics and democratic values or human rights, justice, freedoms and equality.
In fact, this is the strength of the cause and the passion to change that helped assembling activists from all across the world. Indeed, this is the cause that attracted some of the most respected and influential Members of the European Parliament, Tunne KELAM , László TŐKÉS , Timothy KIRKHOPE , Baroness Sarah LUDFORD, MartinCALLANAN , Phil BENNION, Amelia ANDERSDOTTER, Edward McMILLAN-SCOTT, to endorse it and become the permanent strength of the ICHD team. Above all, it is Sajjad Haider Karim, the host of the event; the fourth of its kind in the European Parliament.
He voiced pride and satisfaction when he said that the Kashmir-EU Week has become institutionalized and now, it is beyond any individual or personality. A key figure in the European Union, he could understand the worth of its claims. He knew that many organizations with huge funding and governmental support are not able to enjoy such a reputed achievement. He said this being a part of an unprecedented panel addressing an unprecedented seminar.
The president of Azad Jamu and Kashmir, as chief guest, the presence of the ambassador of Pakistan to Belgium, the online address by Yasin Malik and Pervaiz Imroze, deliberations by Ali Raza Syed (ichd) and Farooq Siddiqui (wkda), moderation by Marjan Lucas and presentation by Jean Lambert (MEP) Laura Schuurmans and Shujaat Bukhari made the seminar of the week an unprecedented event in recent years.
Welcoming the guest, Ali Raza Syed paid rich tribute to Sajjad Haider Karim, Marjan Lucas and other friends who had been working tirelessly for the promotion of Kashmir cause. He thanked the guests especially the president of AJK, Sardar Farooq, Minister Farzana Yaqoob, Ms. Laura Schuurman, Shujaat Bukhari and Zouhour Wani. He mentioned the recently launched report titled, Impunity to the Perpetrators while saying that the report gave documentary proof of how Indian security forces enjoyed legal cover for the violation of human rights. He said ICHD had already achieved 430,000 signatures on its One-Million Signature Campaign.
Sajjad Karim Haider (MEP), welcomed the participants as the host of the event and said that the event had already become a respected and known event in the EU parliament. He said that highlighting Kashmir cause was primary to his duties and passions as a politician from UK. He mentioned the EU Pakistan trade relations greatly enhanced some days ago but, he said that there was no substantive improvement on the issue of Kashmir. He lamented the fact that even high profile leaders of the EU Commission failed to mention the horrendous hr abuses being committed by the Indian state in IHK. He advised the Kashmiri Diaspora that they should exert their political pressure on the politician seeking to fight the EU election next May (2014). He congratulated for the successful five years of organizing Kashmir-EU Week in EU parliament, which has been truly institutionalized.
Jean Lambert (MEP) agreed with Sajjad Karim that the EU parliament should give maximum focus on the question of Kashmir that the people of Kashmir have right to be heart for devising their future themselves. She mentioned numerous documentations that showed the atrocities committed on the people. She favored the demand of demilitarization, end of illegal detention and disappearance. She said that the future of the Kashmir should be reached by the people of the Kashmir. She said that people should be allowed to speak their minds freely. Talking about trade agreement between EU, India and Pakistan, she said that trade should be enhanced between India and Pakistan to enhance the good relationship between the two countries, which is a must to reach the political settlement.
Laura Schuurman said that introduced her report on her recently launched report on Kashmir. She said that the Kashmir issue normally was seen through the angels of bilateral relations between Indian and Pakistan, Human disasters and abuses but there are geo-strategic implications as well that effect Afghanistan and China, which are as concerned with the Kashmir issue. She said that Kashmiris were victims of great atrocities by the Indian state forces. She said that the people should be included in the process of dialogues and peace building efforts. She said that the peace in Afghanistan could not be achieved without resolution of Kashmir issue. She mentioned the East Teamor while saying that Kashmir issue could also be solved by the help of international community. She talked about the growing influence of China on the international issues. She mentioned the terrorist attack on China, which alleged the Islamic organizations. She said that if China could be criticized for its hr abused why India was not being criticizing for the same crimes in Kashmir.
Shujaat Bukhari said that they had succeeded in building a positive atmosphere but recently there was again deadlock between Indian state and people of Kashmir. He mentioned the process between Musharaf and Vajpae saying that many humanitarian issues were taken care of. For example, he said that 23000 people traveled on the bust that was started between two sides. He mentioned the LOC trade as well as a positive step. He pointed out the increasing tension between India and Pakistan in recent months. He agreed to the speakers that the hr situation in IHK was very grave. He said that the process for the resolution of Kashmir could not work in isolation as it should include internal and external dimensions. He said confidence building measures by both India and Pakistan were very important and Kashmiris always supported political dialogue. He said that the good relations between India and Pakistan were very important for Kashmiris as they were victims of their mutual tensions. He said that role of EU and other international forums could not be over emphasized. He said that unfortunately Kashmir campaigned had been linked to the International terrorist network after 9/11, which needed to be tackled.
On video link;
Yasmin Malik said that the historical perspective of Kashmir dispute is very well known. He said EU described Kashmir as the beautiful prison but after the trade deal with India, they stopped even talking about the Kashmir. He said after 2008, the people of Kashmir showed the trend towards non-violence movement but unfortunately Indian state responded with violence and killed hundreds of innocent people. He said the international community was showing criminal silence over such issues. He said that the business interests dominated the concerns over human rights violations. He asked the international community what kind of image it wanted to give to the Kashmir youth since they were betrayed by the international community after they were lured in throwing the arms and pursuing the non-violent democratic movement. He said they were disappointed as International community did not play any responsible role in Kashmir. He appealed the international community to support Kashmiris right to self determination according to the wishes of the people of Kashmir.
Pervaiz Imroze, renowned human rights activist of IHK, said that such conferences in Europe were highly important for the civil society of Kashmir. He said India claimed to be the biggest democracy of the world but it was treating Kashmiris with complete impunity to the 700,000 security forces victimizing innocent people. He said forces could kill, rape and disappear the innocent people with complete legal impunity. He mentioned the issue of mass graves and more than 8000 disappearances. He mentioned that Indians were refusing to conduct the DNA tests because there was connection between disappearances and mass graves and extrajudicial killings. He said militarization was affecting every aspect of the life. He talked about draconian laws such as Public Safety Act that have detained thousands of people against the norms of fair legal process. Talking about the recently launched report, he said that the government should prosecute the perpetrators but it was refusing to do so. He said that the global civil society should come forward to help the Kashmiris. He said apart from few voices of conscience, the majority of the civil society of India was silent over the crimes of their state in Kashmir. He said that international humanitarian intervention was much needed for the solution of Kashmir.
Zouhour Want, advocate from USA, talked about the black laws such as PSA. As a lawyer, he explained how such laws were against all the basic norms and principles of the fair trial. He said those laws facilitated state atrocities while rendering courts only puppets forums. He said almost every aspect of said laws was extrajudicial. He said PSA was a tool used for successive detention of the innocent people while giving no right to compensation. He said that 8000 to 20000 people had been detained under this law. He also explained the dark aspects of AFSPA; another black law enforced in IHK. He mentioned that these laws were against the Indian constitution and the Convention on the Civil and Political Rights. He said AFSPA was termed as “license to kill” and PSA was called “Law against law” by the international human rights organizations.
President AJK, Sardar Yaqoob appreciated Sajjad Karim and Ali Raza Syed for their great services for the cause of Kashmir. He said India should also understand that earliest solution of this issue was in the best interest of everybody. He hope that the tireless efforts shall bring fruit and international community shall come up with the just solution. He assured that his government was fully concentrated upon the issue of Kashmir.
AJK minister for social affair, Farzana Yaqoob said she wanted to give voice to the faceless women and children who were rendered half widows and half orphans since they don’t know about their husbands/fathers for so long as they are disappeared by the Indian state forces. She said PSA reminded her of Guantanamo Bay since it was totally against the notion of legality and justice. She mentioned Malala Yusafzai as saying that thousands of Kashmiri girls were raped and killed but nobody was ready to listen and acknowledge their sufferings. He appealed to the International community to wake up and keep on talking against the human rights abuses such as mass graves. She said the demand of plebiscite was not more than the demand of free and fair elections to let Kashmiris chose amongst India, Pakistan or freedom.
Altaf Wani said EU played vital role in shaping up economic, social and political landscape of the world but unfortunately human rights abuses such as Kashmir were ignored by EU. He said all the hr organizations had demanded the repeal of PSA and AFSPA but India refused to do so. He lamented the fact that no international forum criticized India. He mentioned the role of international human rights council that was silent on the Kashmir issue. He said solution of Kashmir issue was a prerequisite for the peace in Afghanistan and other parts of the world.
Ambassador of Pakistan to Belgium, Munnawar Saeed Bhatti congratulated Sajjad Karim and Ali Raza Syed for organizing such a grant event of Kashmir EU Week. He said that Kashmir was indeed the paradise on the face of the earth but this paradise was in chains and its inhabitants were suffering the inhuman treatment by the brutal Indian forces. He said both India and Pakistan had committed plebiscite for the Kashmiris but Indians refused to abide by the promises. He mentioned South Asia as one fifth of the human population, which is home to people with poverty, homelessness, illiteracy and hunger but this region is also the biggest importer of the arms. He hoped that the South Asian states shall revert back to sanity and shall work jointly towards peaceful solution of Kashmir issue. He explained the efforts of the present government to restart the peace dialogues with India. He said that international community including EU will have to play their role in South Asia. He said both India and Pakistan should resolve this issue on durable basis in the interest of their people and the entire world.
Concluding the seminar, Farooq Siddiqui said that it zqs astonishing to see that India resorted to violence and brutality despite having great humanist saints in their rich historic traditions. He mentioned the chain of lies and deceptions by the Indian leaders such as Manmohan Singh. He said Kashmiris should have self reliance for their struggle for Kashmir. He said there was a sense of hope during 2003-2008 that something good shall come out of the dialogues between India and Pakistan. He asked how the biggest democracy could deploy 700,000 army men in a small valley while spending huge capitals on arms. He mentioned the possible election of Narendar Moodi as prime minister of India saying that there was something wrong with that democracy.
The exhibition of peaceful cultural depth of Europe
The exhibition portrayed the cultural depth and innate intercultural and interfaith harmony of the culture of the Kashmir. The scenic beauty of Kashmir creates the feelings that the land itself must be an abode for the inner peace and outer cohesion. So is the case with Kashmir. The paradise on earth, Kashmir portrays the depth of mysticism that preached love and harmony amongst all the cultural, racial, ethnic and religious identities. The exhibition showed the reality that the struggle of the Kashmris is the struggle by a peace loving and peaceful nation.
While speaking to the inauguration ceremony of the exhibition, Sajjad Haider Karim welcomed the visitors on behalf of his party and European Union. He said they will continue promoting the Kashmir cause at all the levels of politics and culture.
Sardar Yaqoob, president AJK, said that it was an honor for him to inaugurate the exhibition showing the rich culture of Kashmir. He said that Kashmiris were very peaceful and peace loving people and no human rights problem existed in AJK. He hope that soon people from both sides of the Kashmir will meet each other since all the Kashmiri were united on one point agenda of freedom.
Mr. Timothy, MEP, said that he spoke to many Kashmiri diaspora groups recently to discuss the future of Kashmir. He said he visited Pakistan and everybody there wanted right to self determination for Kashmiris. He said bothINdia and Pakistan will have to work for the peace while plqying their positive role for demilitarizing the area. He said that Kashmir had a great economic strength that should be capitalize by both the countries. He said that the world community should ensure that in the long run the people of Kashmir should have their right to self determination.
Farzana Yaqoob, minister for social welfare of AJK said international community qnd regional powers should accept our demands. She said that international community should help them to protect their rich and pro peace arts and culture.
Farooq Siddiqui, president WKDA, said this exhibition enhanced the awareness about the rich culture of Kashmir. He said Kashmiris understood the national interests of India and Pakistan but it should not be pursued at the cost of the interests of Kishmiris. He said it was not democracy to hold a nation by force.
The institutionalization of an event, anywhere in the world, is never a small job. It is rarely achieved and when achieved, it is profoundly celebrated and jealously guarded. The European Parliament is even harder to achieve such status for an event. It is a place where best minds of the world, with huge amount of resources, compete for the influence on the people and forums that impact the fate of the humanity at large.
The annual Kashmir-EU Week in the European Parliament, however, is the achievement of International Council for Human Development (ICHD), which deserves double compliments as it is done with volunteer efforts of a small team of activists, writers, politicians, researchers and social leaders. With no institutional resources available, it is not less than a miracle in political terms. But then, this small team is pursuing a cause, which is so undeniably just and so justified in the light of all the norms of ethics and democratic values or human rights, justice, freedoms and equality.
In fact, this is the strength of the cause and the passion to change that helped assembling activists from all across the world. Indeed, this is the cause that attracted some of the most respected and influential Members of the European Parliament, Tunne KELAM , László TŐKÉS , Timothy KIRKHOPE , Baroness Sarah LUDFORD, MartinCALLANAN , Phil BENNION, Amelia ANDERSDOTTER, Edward McMILLAN-SCOTT, to endorse it and become the permanent strength of the ICHD team. Above all, it is Sajjad Haider Karim, the host of the event; the fourth of its kind in the European Parliament.
He voiced pride and satisfaction when he said that the Kashmir-EU Week has become institutionalized and now, it is beyond any individual or personality. A key figure in the European Union, he could understand the worth of its claims. He knew that many organizations with huge funding and governmental support are not able to enjoy such a reputed achievement. He said this being a part of an unprecedented panel addressing an unprecedented seminar.
The president of Azad Jamu and Kashmir, as chief guest, the presence of the ambassador of Pakistan to Belgium, the online address by Yasin Malik and Pervaiz Imroze, deliberations by Ali Raza Syed (ichd) and Farooq Siddiqui (wkda), moderation by Marjan Lucas and presentation by Jean Lambert (MEP) Laura Schuurmans and Shujaat Bukhari made the seminar of the week an unprecedented event in recent years.
Welcoming the guest, Ali Raza Syed paid rich tribute to Sajjad Haider Karim, Marjan Lucas and other friends who had been working tirelessly for the promotion of Kashmir cause. He thanked the guests especially the president of AJK, Sardar Farooq, Minister Farzana Yaqoob, Ms. Laura Schuurman, Shujaat Bukhari and Zouhour Wani. He mentioned the recently launched report titled, Impunity to the Perpetrators while saying that the report gave documentary proof of how Indian security forces enjoyed legal cover for the violation of human rights. He said ICHD had already achieved 430,000 signatures on its One-Million Signature Campaign.
Sajjad Karim Haider (MEP), welcomed the participants as the host of the event and said that the event had already become a respected and known event in the EU parliament. He said that highlighting Kashmir cause was primary to his duties and passions as a politician from UK. He mentioned the EU Pakistan trade relations greatly enhanced some days ago but, he said that there was no substantive improvement on the issue of Kashmir. He lamented the fact that even high profile leaders of the EU Commission failed to mention the horrendous hr abuses being committed by the Indian state in IHK. He advised the Kashmiri Diaspora that they should exert their political pressure on the politician seeking to fight the EU election next May (2014). He congratulated for the successful five years of organizing Kashmir-EU Week in EU parliament, which has been truly institutionalized.
Jean Lambert (MEP) agreed with Sajjad Karim that the EU parliament should give maximum focus on the question of Kashmir that the people of Kashmir have right to be heart for devising their future themselves. She mentioned numerous documentations that showed the atrocities committed on the people. She favored the demand of demilitarization, end of illegal detention and disappearance. She said that the future of the Kashmir should be reached by the people of the Kashmir. She said that people should be allowed to speak their minds freely. Talking about trade agreement between EU, India and Pakistan, she said that trade should be enhanced between India and Pakistan to enhance the good relationship between the two countries, which is a must to reach the political settlement.
Laura Schuurman said that introduced her report on her recently launched report on Kashmir. She said that the Kashmir issue normally was seen through the angels of bilateral relations between Indian and Pakistan, Human disasters and abuses but there are geo-strategic implications as well that effect Afghanistan and China, which are as concerned with the Kashmir issue. She said that Kashmiris were victims of great atrocities by the Indian state forces. She said that the people should be included in the process of dialogues and peace building efforts. She said that the peace in Afghanistan could not be achieved without resolution of Kashmir issue. She mentioned the East Teamor while saying that Kashmir issue could also be solved by the help of international community. She talked about the growing influence of China on the international issues. She mentioned the terrorist attack on China, which alleged the Islamic organizations. She said that if China could be criticized for its hr abused why India was not being criticizing for the same crimes in Kashmir.
Shujaat Bukhari said that they had succeeded in building a positive atmosphere but recently there was again deadlock between Indian state and people of Kashmir. He mentioned the process between Musharaf and Vajpae saying that many humanitarian issues were taken care of. For example, he said that 23000 people traveled on the bust that was started between two sides. He mentioned the LOC trade as well as a positive step. He pointed out the increasing tension between India and Pakistan in recent months. He agreed to the speakers that the hr situation in IHK was very grave. He said that the process for the resolution of Kashmir could not work in isolation as it should include internal and external dimensions. He said confidence building measures by both India and Pakistan were very important and Kashmiris always supported political dialogue. He said that the good relations between India and Pakistan were very important for Kashmiris as they were victims of their mutual tensions. He said that role of EU and other international forums could not be over emphasized. He said that unfortunately Kashmir campaigned had been linked to the International terrorist network after 9/11, which needed to be tackled.
On video link;
Yasmin Malik said that the historical perspective of Kashmir dispute is very well known. He said EU described Kashmir as the beautiful prison but after the trade deal with India, they stopped even talking about the Kashmir. He said after 2008, the people of Kashmir showed the trend towards non-violence movement but unfortunately Indian state responded with violence and killed hundreds of innocent people. He said the international community was showing criminal silence over such issues. He said that the business interests dominated the concerns over human rights violations. He asked the international community what kind of image it wanted to give to the Kashmir youth since they were betrayed by the international community after they were lured in throwing the arms and pursuing the non-violent democratic movement. He said they were disappointed as International community did not play any responsible role in Kashmir. He appealed the international community to support Kashmiris right to self determination according to the wishes of the people of Kashmir.
Pervaiz Imroze, renowned human rights activist of IHK, said that such conferences in Europe were highly important for the civil society of Kashmir. He said India claimed to be the biggest democracy of the world but it was treating Kashmiris with complete impunity to the 700,000 security forces victimizing innocent people. He said forces could kill, rape and disappear the innocent people with complete legal impunity. He mentioned the issue of mass graves and more than 8000 disappearances. He mentioned that Indians were refusing to conduct the DNA tests because there was connection between disappearances and mass graves and extrajudicial killings. He said militarization was affecting every aspect of the life. He talked about draconian laws such as Public Safety Act that have detained thousands of people against the norms of fair legal process. Talking about the recently launched report, he said that the government should prosecute the perpetrators but it was refusing to do so. He said that the global civil society should come forward to help the Kashmiris. He said apart from few voices of conscience, the majority of the civil society of India was silent over the crimes of their state in Kashmir. He said that international humanitarian intervention was much needed for the solution of Kashmir.
Zouhour Want, advocate from USA, talked about the black laws such as PSA. As a lawyer, he explained how such laws were against all the basic norms and principles of the fair trial. He said those laws facilitated state atrocities while rendering courts only puppets forums. He said almost every aspect of said laws was extrajudicial. He said PSA was a tool used for successive detention of the innocent people while giving no right to compensation. He said that 8000 to 20000 people had been detained under this law. He also explained the dark aspects of AFSPA; another black law enforced in IHK. He mentioned that these laws were against the Indian constitution and the Convention on the Civil and Political Rights. He said AFSPA was termed as “license to kill” and PSA was called “Law against law” by the international human rights organizations.
President AJK, Sardar Yaqoob appreciated Sajjad Karim and Ali Raza Syed for their great services for the cause of Kashmir. He said India should also understand that earliest solution of this issue was in the best interest of everybody. He hope that the tireless efforts shall bring fruit and international community shall come up with the just solution. He assured that his government was fully concentrated upon the issue of Kashmir.
AJK minister for social affair, Farzana Yaqoob said she wanted to give voice to the faceless women and children who were rendered half widows and half orphans since they don’t know about their husbands/fathers for so long as they are disappeared by the Indian state forces. She said PSA reminded her of Guantanamo Bay since it was totally against the notion of legality and justice. She mentioned Malala Yusafzai as saying that thousands of Kashmiri girls were raped and killed but nobody was ready to listen and acknowledge their sufferings. He appealed to the International community to wake up and keep on talking against the human rights abuses such as mass graves. She said the demand of plebiscite was not more than the demand of free and fair elections to let Kashmiris chose amongst India, Pakistan or freedom.
Altaf Wani said EU played vital role in shaping up economic, social and political landscape of the world but unfortunately human rights abuses such as Kashmir were ignored by EU. He said all the hr organizations had demanded the repeal of PSA and AFSPA but India refused to do so. He lamented the fact that no international forum criticized India. He mentioned the role of international human rights council that was silent on the Kashmir issue. He said solution of Kashmir issue was a prerequisite for the peace in Afghanistan and other parts of the world.
Ambassador of Pakistan to Belgium, Munnawar Saeed Bhatti congratulated Sajjad Karim and Ali Raza Syed for organizing such a grant event of Kashmir EU Week. He said that Kashmir was indeed the paradise on the face of the earth but this paradise was in chains and its inhabitants were suffering the inhuman treatment by the brutal Indian forces. He said both India and Pakistan had committed plebiscite for the Kashmiris but Indians refused to abide by the promises. He mentioned South Asia as one fifth of the human population, which is home to people with poverty, homelessness, illiteracy and hunger but this region is also the biggest importer of the arms. He hoped that the South Asian states shall revert back to sanity and shall work jointly towards peaceful solution of Kashmir issue. He explained the efforts of the present government to restart the peace dialogues with India. He said that international community including EU will have to play their role in South Asia. He said both India and Pakistan should resolve this issue on durable basis in the interest of their people and the entire world.
Concluding the seminar, Farooq Siddiqui said that it zqs astonishing to see that India resorted to violence and brutality despite having great humanist saints in their rich historic traditions. He mentioned the chain of lies and deceptions by the Indian leaders such as Manmohan Singh. He said Kashmiris should have self reliance for their struggle for Kashmir. He said there was a sense of hope during 2003-2008 that something good shall come out of the dialogues between India and Pakistan. He asked how the biggest democracy could deploy 700,000 army men in a small valley while spending huge capitals on arms. He mentioned the possible election of Narendar Moodi as prime minister of India saying that there was something wrong with that democracy.
The exhibition of peaceful cultural depth of Europe
The exhibition portrayed the cultural depth and innate intercultural and interfaith harmony of the culture of the Kashmir. The scenic beauty of Kashmir creates the feelings that the land itself must be an abode for the inner peace and outer cohesion. So is the case with Kashmir. The paradise on earth, Kashmir portrays the depth of mysticism that preached love and harmony amongst all the cultural, racial, ethnic and religious identities. The exhibition showed the reality that the struggle of the Kashmris is the struggle by a peace loving and peaceful nation.
While speaking to the inauguration ceremony of the exhibition, Sajjad Haider Karim welcomed the visitors on behalf of his party and European Union. He said they will continue promoting the Kashmir cause at all the levels of politics and culture.
Sardar Yaqoob, president AJK, said that it was an honor for him to inaugurate the exhibition showing the rich culture of Kashmir. He said that Kashmiris were very peaceful and peace loving people and no human rights problem existed in AJK. He hope that soon people from both sides of the Kashmir will meet each other since all the Kashmiri were united on one point agenda of freedom.
Mr. Timothy, MEP, said that he spoke to many Kashmiri diaspora groups recently to discuss the future of Kashmir. He said he visited Pakistan and everybody there wanted right to self determination for Kashmiris. He said bothINdia and Pakistan will have to work for the peace while plqying their positive role for demilitarizing the area. He said that Kashmir had a great economic strength that should be capitalize by both the countries. He said that the world community should ensure that in the long run the people of Kashmir should have their right to self determination.
Farzana Yaqoob, minister for social welfare of AJK said international community qnd regional powers should accept our demands. She said that international community should help them to protect their rich and pro peace arts and culture.
Farooq Siddiqui, president WKDA, said this exhibition enhanced the awareness about the rich culture of Kashmir. He said Kashmiris understood the national interests of India and Pakistan but it should not be pursued at the cost of the interests of Kishmiris. He said it was not democracy to hold a nation by force.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Politicians and journalists should stop issuing charged statements
By Muhammad Wasim Chaudhry
Baroness Warsi is Senior Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office & the UK’s first Minister
for Faith. Perhaps it is her first and the last chance of becoming a minister as she has gone beyond limits criticising the so-called deplorable conditions regarding religious harmony and peace. She is getting sentimental and losing control on her tongue. Baroness Warsi’s statements are unworthy of her office and portfolio she is enjoying. She is unthinkingly pushing the world further into chaos and disorder.
The very headline which quotes her statement: ‘Extremists are driving Christians out of their homelands. We must act.’ Is full of the traditionally derailed rhetoric UK government has for some time per suing. Fighting for a just cause is something really worth-fighting; but propaganda for fighting for political gains, economic gains has have remained British policy as did Tony Blair regarding attack first on Iraq then on Libya were but preaching ‘we must act, based on personal point of view the most derogatory act.
Baroness Warsi has not forgotten using a specifically repeated term in the scenario of ‘war against terror’ for the particular segment of the world population, world’s second largest religious community called the Muslims as ‘the Extremists’. World over in the name of war against terror has been launched by the US and UK in co-alliance under the umbrella of the UN, against the Muslims for many decades. Whether it is in Kashmir, Afghanistan, or Iraq, Bosnia Herzegovina, Palestine, Libya or Burma the Muslim are being killed. Many a problems lie pending on the table of UN and no bold decision is ever taken to stop the Muslim genocide. But as soon as case of Christian victimization was heard in Indonesia, immediately UN was activated and resolutions were passed and Christians were protected.
When a priest himself in US desecrated the Quran, the Christian world protected him; when the cursed cartoonists in Sweden and Norway tried to caricature the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him)the cursed cartoonists were supported by the Christian world; when a Muslim Dr. Afia Siddiqui helped his brothers in religion against the American forces, she was made worst example of torture on a female; whenever a cursed renegade like Salman Rushdi (Iran)or Tehmina (Bangladesh)talked against Islam he was protected by the Christian world.
Muslim tradition of ‘veil-wearing’ is criticized vocally and restrictions like that of prohibitions of wearing a veil like in France or screening the Muslims are imposed as in US. After large scale genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Palestine and Libya the Muslim states like Iran and Syria are being threatened. Muslims are being martyred in day light in bomb blasts in many countries for being sympathetic towards the non-Muslims. Muslims have become the worst victim of terror, violence and victimization throughout the world yet they are labelled as the Extremists’ and terrorists. The world without Muslims would not have been a liveable place.
Even now the Muslims don’t cry: ‘we must act’. Islam is truly the religion of peace. In the absence of Islamic principles A number of Islamic countries are supporting the UN in peace missions as well as military operations yet their role is never appreciated the world would have seen the worst type of cannibalism and torture. The roots of Islamic teachings are far deeper in the Islamic societies and the majority of the Muslims reflect those teachings of peace, justice, religious harmony, tolerance, sacrifice and perseverance. Their love and respect for the Prophets of all religions and particularly that of the Prophet of Islam are part of their faith. By trespassing those limits of ethics and morality and faith means stepping out of the Islam. The world criticism and animosity cannot let them skip their fundamental principles for fear of losing their faith, their only wealth they wish to possess. Their faith makes them large hearted otherwise just see how strong can the Muslims be--- Dr Afia did not seek pardon, Saddam didn’t appealed for life.
Societies must be built on the foundations of equality, justice, mutual tolerance. This type of coexistence is the only key to peace if the world ever needs it. Baroness Warsi has not perhaps seen Pakistan for quite some time except in the media. Racial discrimination in the UK against the Muslims by some communities is more severe than religious discrimination in Pakistan. People belonging to all religions coexist there. Even the Qadianis, who have been declared constitutionally as the non-Muslims are never targeted until unless they are found involved in some anti-social unlawful or criminal activities. There are hundreds of thousand Christian schools n localities in various provinces of Pakistan where Muslim and non-Muslim teachers co-work with mostly Muslim students. Hindus, Sikhs, Parses and Buddhists etc. are never looked down upon neither are they deprived of their businesses or properties. It is only because having secrecy leaks or harbouring ill-will against any other person is also an un-Islamic activity. Muslim countries are far better societies to live in rather than so-called civilized rich societies of the west. In Islamic countries life of the smaller communities/ minorities is almost ideal-type. They remain part n parcel of national life and enjoy full religious freedom because Islamic code of conduct rejects going against minorities.
If Baroness Warsi had witnessed killings of Muslims by the Croatians, of Palestinians by the Jews of Israel, of Kashmiris by the Indian paramilitary forces, or Iraqis by the Americans she would have had a more reasonable stance. In each case millions of Muslims have lost their lives.
Only for the purpose of strengthening her own argument she admits that Hazara shias of Pakistan, Bha’is of Iraq, Rohingya Muslims in Burama have been singled out and hounded out. She is talking of smaller communities rather sectarian incidents of riots from here and there when it turns out to be the case of the Muslims. In these cases the sum total of affected people is not over a thousand. Christianity is the largest religious world community about whom Baroness is talking of extinction. The Muslims have been wiped out completely from by the Christians from Spain. Never ever in history a Muslim monarch or a ruler sought extinction of a religious community. Do the Christian have a good history?
There can be so many causes of migration and change of habitation. There can be political, economic, family, war-fear, unfriendly and hostile surroundings, national and internally changing scenario etc. If the Christians in many countries are going to UK, America or in the western countries they may not necessarily be terrorised; they may be going there because of better opportunities offered over there. The other communities are also per suing for the same thing. Afghanistanis and the Parkton are also shifting and migrating from their native places to find a safe haven in various cities of Pakistan and other countries. They are not all fighters. Christians are accepted early for jobs and immigration than the Muslims. Fear of War and talks of war on Syria for so long may be the cause of shift of Syrian Christians. Local conditions might have been aggravated due to American threats and Christian riots.
Baroness Wasti has constantly harped on one theme: ‘Life of Christians is in danger’. Sombre and serious Politicians must talk of something better for the world. World needs peaceful,tolerant people to reduce misery. The very phrase ‘we must act’ is reactionary; reactions create disturbance and disturbance turmoil. Turmoil ends up peace and efforts for peace. Politicians should stop issuing charged statements like ‘we must act’. Somewhere else I found a typically charged statement ‘Christian flee Syria village that speak the language of the Jesus’. The statement gives special reference as if the speakers of the language of Jesus are penalised for being Christians to invoke the aid of the other Christian world. It is the common in the language of public reactionary elements. If the leaders and opinion makers do so then who will teach and harness them.
Baroness Warsi is Senior Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office & the UK’s first Minister
The very headline which quotes her statement: ‘Extremists are driving Christians out of their homelands. We must act.’ Is full of the traditionally derailed rhetoric UK government has for some time per suing. Fighting for a just cause is something really worth-fighting; but propaganda for fighting for political gains, economic gains has have remained British policy as did Tony Blair regarding attack first on Iraq then on Libya were but preaching ‘we must act, based on personal point of view the most derogatory act.
Baroness Warsi has not forgotten using a specifically repeated term in the scenario of ‘war against terror’ for the particular segment of the world population, world’s second largest religious community called the Muslims as ‘the Extremists’. World over in the name of war against terror has been launched by the US and UK in co-alliance under the umbrella of the UN, against the Muslims for many decades. Whether it is in Kashmir, Afghanistan, or Iraq, Bosnia Herzegovina, Palestine, Libya or Burma the Muslim are being killed. Many a problems lie pending on the table of UN and no bold decision is ever taken to stop the Muslim genocide. But as soon as case of Christian victimization was heard in Indonesia, immediately UN was activated and resolutions were passed and Christians were protected.
When a priest himself in US desecrated the Quran, the Christian world protected him; when the cursed cartoonists in Sweden and Norway tried to caricature the Holy Prophet Muhammad (May Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him)the cursed cartoonists were supported by the Christian world; when a Muslim Dr. Afia Siddiqui helped his brothers in religion against the American forces, she was made worst example of torture on a female; whenever a cursed renegade like Salman Rushdi (Iran)or Tehmina (Bangladesh)talked against Islam he was protected by the Christian world.
Muslim tradition of ‘veil-wearing’ is criticized vocally and restrictions like that of prohibitions of wearing a veil like in France or screening the Muslims are imposed as in US. After large scale genocide in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Palestine and Libya the Muslim states like Iran and Syria are being threatened. Muslims are being martyred in day light in bomb blasts in many countries for being sympathetic towards the non-Muslims. Muslims have become the worst victim of terror, violence and victimization throughout the world yet they are labelled as the Extremists’ and terrorists. The world without Muslims would not have been a liveable place.
Even now the Muslims don’t cry: ‘we must act’. Islam is truly the religion of peace. In the absence of Islamic principles A number of Islamic countries are supporting the UN in peace missions as well as military operations yet their role is never appreciated the world would have seen the worst type of cannibalism and torture. The roots of Islamic teachings are far deeper in the Islamic societies and the majority of the Muslims reflect those teachings of peace, justice, religious harmony, tolerance, sacrifice and perseverance. Their love and respect for the Prophets of all religions and particularly that of the Prophet of Islam are part of their faith. By trespassing those limits of ethics and morality and faith means stepping out of the Islam. The world criticism and animosity cannot let them skip their fundamental principles for fear of losing their faith, their only wealth they wish to possess. Their faith makes them large hearted otherwise just see how strong can the Muslims be--- Dr Afia did not seek pardon, Saddam didn’t appealed for life.
Societies must be built on the foundations of equality, justice, mutual tolerance. This type of coexistence is the only key to peace if the world ever needs it. Baroness Warsi has not perhaps seen Pakistan for quite some time except in the media. Racial discrimination in the UK against the Muslims by some communities is more severe than religious discrimination in Pakistan. People belonging to all religions coexist there. Even the Qadianis, who have been declared constitutionally as the non-Muslims are never targeted until unless they are found involved in some anti-social unlawful or criminal activities. There are hundreds of thousand Christian schools n localities in various provinces of Pakistan where Muslim and non-Muslim teachers co-work with mostly Muslim students. Hindus, Sikhs, Parses and Buddhists etc. are never looked down upon neither are they deprived of their businesses or properties. It is only because having secrecy leaks or harbouring ill-will against any other person is also an un-Islamic activity. Muslim countries are far better societies to live in rather than so-called civilized rich societies of the west. In Islamic countries life of the smaller communities/ minorities is almost ideal-type. They remain part n parcel of national life and enjoy full religious freedom because Islamic code of conduct rejects going against minorities.
If Baroness Warsi had witnessed killings of Muslims by the Croatians, of Palestinians by the Jews of Israel, of Kashmiris by the Indian paramilitary forces, or Iraqis by the Americans she would have had a more reasonable stance. In each case millions of Muslims have lost their lives.
Only for the purpose of strengthening her own argument she admits that Hazara shias of Pakistan, Bha’is of Iraq, Rohingya Muslims in Burama have been singled out and hounded out. She is talking of smaller communities rather sectarian incidents of riots from here and there when it turns out to be the case of the Muslims. In these cases the sum total of affected people is not over a thousand. Christianity is the largest religious world community about whom Baroness is talking of extinction. The Muslims have been wiped out completely from by the Christians from Spain. Never ever in history a Muslim monarch or a ruler sought extinction of a religious community. Do the Christian have a good history?
There can be so many causes of migration and change of habitation. There can be political, economic, family, war-fear, unfriendly and hostile surroundings, national and internally changing scenario etc. If the Christians in many countries are going to UK, America or in the western countries they may not necessarily be terrorised; they may be going there because of better opportunities offered over there. The other communities are also per suing for the same thing. Afghanistanis and the Parkton are also shifting and migrating from their native places to find a safe haven in various cities of Pakistan and other countries. They are not all fighters. Christians are accepted early for jobs and immigration than the Muslims. Fear of War and talks of war on Syria for so long may be the cause of shift of Syrian Christians. Local conditions might have been aggravated due to American threats and Christian riots.
Baroness Wasti has constantly harped on one theme: ‘Life of Christians is in danger’. Sombre and serious Politicians must talk of something better for the world. World needs peaceful,tolerant people to reduce misery. The very phrase ‘we must act’ is reactionary; reactions create disturbance and disturbance turmoil. Turmoil ends up peace and efforts for peace. Politicians should stop issuing charged statements like ‘we must act’. Somewhere else I found a typically charged statement ‘Christian flee Syria village that speak the language of the Jesus’. The statement gives special reference as if the speakers of the language of Jesus are penalised for being Christians to invoke the aid of the other Christian world. It is the common in the language of public reactionary elements. If the leaders and opinion makers do so then who will teach and harness them.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
By Dr.Shahid Qureshi
About a decade ago I called Lord Nazir Ahmed and requested for an interview. We agreed a time and there he was o
n time waiting for me in the Houses of Parliament. Since then we have developed this relationship of mutual respect. He is sharp, articulate, concise, and solution focused. After the brief interview he invited me for a coffee and received his bill in envelop which might be more expansive then the original bill? The whole place is quite intimidating for many people unless you know your own history.
Lord Ahmed is a permanent bridge between Pakistan and Britain irrelevant of who is ruling in Pakistan and living in exile in London before of after ruling. The amount of support and respect he gets from people is extraordinary. But don’t want him to burn out too with the amount of community programs he arranges? I recently presented him my book ‘War on Terror and Siege of Pakistan,’ before a dinner he gave to the journalists in an exclusive central London restaurant ‘Kitchen’.
He was jailed and freed for the offence which according to, “The lady Justice Hallett in her judgement at the Court of Appeal said Lord Nazir Ahmed was neither legally or morally responsible for the death of Slovakian Martyn Gombar. The Court acknowledged the remarkable support that you had from various agencies and people of all walks of life. The Lady Justice Hallett said I have assessed the letters of reference in being in excess of 6,000”. He has now fully qualified to be a politician in Pakistan as he is been to the prison? Coming proudly from a humble background, studied in a school in Mirpur, Free Kashmir, Lord Ahmed is outspoken on the issues which rock many boats and rattle cages from war in Iraq , Afghanistan , occupation of Palestine and Kashmir . He is on the wrong side of the rulers but mostly on the right side of the people. That is what matter. Some part of the British media love to scold him. He said, ‘he was tried at least four times. Explaining Lord Ahmed said, “On the day of accident, some of the headlines actually said six killed Lord car crash or 12 whatever. Because what they did, they counted all the accidents of December 25th and put it together with it. And the second time when the file actually being considered I did not hear from my solicitors or the police that my file was going to CPS, it was the journalist who called me and said that your file is being sent to DPP, ‘what do you have to say to that. You are involved in a death crash.’ And when I was charged or CPS decided to charge me; normally the police will invite you and normally they will say to you that you are being charged, you have anything to say. On my occasion, I was informed by a TIMES newspaper reporter who called me and said you are being charged for dangerous driving and he did not say death driving but he linked it the death that was caused; ‘what you have to say to that’. I said ‘I don’t know about it.’”
He said, ‘the police officer who interviewed him said: ‘there was no case to answer.’ “The Magistrate that has dealt with it and the three Courts – the District Judge, the High Court Judge and the Court of Appeal – all the judges said that I do not have the legal or moral responsibility for the death or for the accident. Because Mr. Martyn Gombar was drunk; he had a faulty car tires and he had an accident long before I arrived there and two other cars are gone in. This is something that the media chose not to write,” Lord Ahmed explained.
Though the recent corruption expanses scandal of some British parliamentarians is an attempt to intimidate the whole ‘Parliament’ by the bankers who siphoned billions and ‘bailed out’ by the very government who should have put them on trial? Some one said, ‘these MPs and members of the House of Lords are petty thieves compare to what bankers did to Britain ’?Though Lord Ahmed believes in multiculturalism and inter-faith but some asked, ‘would he be tried in the media and send to prison in the same manner if he was a survivor of the Holocaust’?One of his admirers says Lord Ahmed, ‘always baffle people with brilliance’. Keep doing the good work, My Lord.
(Dr Shahid Qureshi is award wining journalist and writer on foreign policy & security based in London)
About a decade ago I called Lord Nazir Ahmed and requested for an interview. We agreed a time and there he was o
Lord Ahmed is a permanent bridge between Pakistan and Britain irrelevant of who is ruling in Pakistan and living in exile in London before of after ruling. The amount of support and respect he gets from people is extraordinary. But don’t want him to burn out too with the amount of community programs he arranges? I recently presented him my book ‘War on Terror and Siege of Pakistan,’ before a dinner he gave to the journalists in an exclusive central London restaurant ‘Kitchen’.
He was jailed and freed for the offence which according to, “The lady Justice Hallett in her judgement at the Court of Appeal said Lord Nazir Ahmed was neither legally or morally responsible for the death of Slovakian Martyn Gombar. The Court acknowledged the remarkable support that you had from various agencies and people of all walks of life. The Lady Justice Hallett said I have assessed the letters of reference in being in excess of 6,000”. He has now fully qualified to be a politician in Pakistan as he is been to the prison? Coming proudly from a humble background, studied in a school in Mirpur, Free Kashmir, Lord Ahmed is outspoken on the issues which rock many boats and rattle cages from war in Iraq , Afghanistan , occupation of Palestine and Kashmir . He is on the wrong side of the rulers but mostly on the right side of the people. That is what matter. Some part of the British media love to scold him. He said, ‘he was tried at least four times. Explaining Lord Ahmed said, “On the day of accident, some of the headlines actually said six killed Lord car crash or 12 whatever. Because what they did, they counted all the accidents of December 25th and put it together with it. And the second time when the file actually being considered I did not hear from my solicitors or the police that my file was going to CPS, it was the journalist who called me and said that your file is being sent to DPP, ‘what do you have to say to that. You are involved in a death crash.’ And when I was charged or CPS decided to charge me; normally the police will invite you and normally they will say to you that you are being charged, you have anything to say. On my occasion, I was informed by a TIMES newspaper reporter who called me and said you are being charged for dangerous driving and he did not say death driving but he linked it the death that was caused; ‘what you have to say to that’. I said ‘I don’t know about it.’”
He said, ‘the police officer who interviewed him said: ‘there was no case to answer.’ “The Magistrate that has dealt with it and the three Courts – the District Judge, the High Court Judge and the Court of Appeal – all the judges said that I do not have the legal or moral responsibility for the death or for the accident. Because Mr. Martyn Gombar was drunk; he had a faulty car tires and he had an accident long before I arrived there and two other cars are gone in. This is something that the media chose not to write,” Lord Ahmed explained.
Though the recent corruption expanses scandal of some British parliamentarians is an attempt to intimidate the whole ‘Parliament’ by the bankers who siphoned billions and ‘bailed out’ by the very government who should have put them on trial? Some one said, ‘these MPs and members of the House of Lords are petty thieves compare to what bankers did to Britain ’?Though Lord Ahmed believes in multiculturalism and inter-faith but some asked, ‘would he be tried in the media and send to prison in the same manner if he was a survivor of the Holocaust’?One of his admirers says Lord Ahmed, ‘always baffle people with brilliance’. Keep doing the good work, My Lord.
(Dr Shahid Qureshi is award wining journalist and writer on foreign policy & security based in London)
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Mullah statement devastating ,Amjad Malik
LONDON:Chairman Association of Pakistani Lawyers(APL), Barrister Amjad Malik has taken issue with the untimely statement of Maulana Fazal and JI chief Munawar Hassan and called it unthoughtful, callous and insensitive to those families who lost their loved ones for the future of the youth of nation.
"Those religious scholars have lost the plot when they insensitively consider dogs as 'martyrs ' if killed by a drone & army soldiers who are victims in war on terror as non martyrs. They must be sent to FATA for three months on preaching tour to their sympathiser friends to taste their own medicine", said Malik
We agree that neither suicider nor drone sees the name and faces of the victims, Pakistani nation has seen the war of terror and now peace & education must be given a chance to this 200 million smart street men and women but mechanism must be honourable acceptable and proportionate to the current climate and challenges.
Having said that lets not be cruel to the martyrs and the families of those who are defending our borders. We must not forget those soldiers in the times of prosperity who laid their lives in the line of duty in the times of austerity when we needed them the most, they sacrificed their present for our future but we must not forget that they had youth, families, children and dreams once !! May their souls rest in peace.
Question is not that who is or who is not a 'martyr' but collectively taking the nation forward combating the increasing radicalisation & threat of terrorism in our society which is an issue.
Malik said, If we could not promote education, snatch gun from their hands replacing with pen and take away the advantage the gang masters have by providing them employment to earn their honourable living than the suicide bombers, then extremism will end the free thinking and freedoms we enjoy in our society and take it for granted. Struggle to make a society a fairer one is not a weakness but a true 'jihad' a holy war.
"Those religious scholars have lost the plot when they insensitively consider dogs as 'martyrs ' if killed by a drone & army soldiers who are victims in war on terror as non martyrs. They must be sent to FATA for three months on preaching tour to their sympathiser friends to taste their own medicine", said Malik
We agree that neither suicider nor drone sees the name and faces of the victims, Pakistani nation has seen the war of terror and now peace & education must be given a chance to this 200 million smart street men and women but mechanism must be honourable acceptable and proportionate to the current climate and challenges.
Having said that lets not be cruel to the martyrs and the families of those who are defending our borders. We must not forget those soldiers in the times of prosperity who laid their lives in the line of duty in the times of austerity when we needed them the most, they sacrificed their present for our future but we must not forget that they had youth, families, children and dreams once !! May their souls rest in peace.
Question is not that who is or who is not a 'martyr' but collectively taking the nation forward combating the increasing radicalisation & threat of terrorism in our society which is an issue.
Malik said, If we could not promote education, snatch gun from their hands replacing with pen and take away the advantage the gang masters have by providing them employment to earn their honourable living than the suicide bombers, then extremism will end the free thinking and freedoms we enjoy in our society and take it for granted. Struggle to make a society a fairer one is not a weakness but a true 'jihad' a holy war.
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
PakTurk science fair concludes
ISLAMABAD:The third Eye Exhibition came to a successful conclusion after winning attention and appreciation of general public, educationists, top officials and diplomats.
Students participating in the expo demonstrated the skills to bring science, philosophy and art together to offer valuable lessons.
The 3D models showcased at the exhibition offered the visitors a unique chance to see, hear and relate art with human values. Stalls offering Turkish cuisine were also an attraction for the visitors.
Chairman CDA Nadeem Hassan Asif, Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan Sadik Babur Girgin and other dignitaries visited the expo and lauded the efforts of arranged by PakTurk International Schools a
nd Colleges.
They listened to the explanations, insights and intellectual ideas of the students. Admiring their endeavour, they said that such events contribute to the society through forging a positive development of today's youths.
The event was open general public as well as students, teachers, scientists, policymakers and the media. The visitors appreciated the effort and said that such expos provide a unique opportunity for them to interact with students and ask them questions about their work.
Students participating in the expo demonstrated the skills to bring science, philosophy and art together to offer valuable lessons.
The 3D models showcased at the exhibition offered the visitors a unique chance to see, hear and relate art with human values. Stalls offering Turkish cuisine were also an attraction for the visitors.
Chairman CDA Nadeem Hassan Asif, Turkish Ambassador to Pakistan Sadik Babur Girgin and other dignitaries visited the expo and lauded the efforts of arranged by PakTurk International Schools a
They listened to the explanations, insights and intellectual ideas of the students. Admiring their endeavour, they said that such events contribute to the society through forging a positive development of today's youths.
The event was open general public as well as students, teachers, scientists, policymakers and the media. The visitors appreciated the effort and said that such expos provide a unique opportunity for them to interact with students and ask them questions about their work.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Trust in the transatlantic partnership has been seriously damaged: Brok
WASHINGTON: "Friends do not spy on friends" said Mr Brok on the occasion of an official visit of the European Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee in Washington.
"We agree with our American partners that it is vitally important to cooperate in the fight against terrorism. Any surveillance done in this context, however, has to be clearly framed and carried out on the basis of reasonable suspicion.
"Massive spying on citizens of allied countries is unacceptable. Trust in the transatlantic partnership has been seriously damaged and has to be rebuilt. It is our joint responsibility as lawmakers to restore this trust by putting limits to the activities of intelligence services".
According to Mr Brok action is needed on three levels - a EU/US agreement protecting the privacy of citizens and allowing for equal rights in terms of information and judicial redress rights for European and American citizens, continuation of intelligence cooperation between EU Member states and the USA on counterterrorism under democratic oversight, and negotiation of bilateral agreements guaranteeing that within the transatlantic partnership friends do not spy on friends.
"Our visit has been extremely useful in conveying to our American friends the urgency to restore the trust between the two sides of the Atlantic. This is crucial at a time when we are negotiating such a wide ranging agreement as the TTIP. The message has been well heard and we already see signals that it is being taken very seriously".
Malala Yousafzai - winner of the Sakharov Prize 2013
BRUSSELS: Pakistani campaigner for girls' education Malala Yousafzai is the laureate of the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought 2013, following today's decision of the Conference of Presidents (EP President and political group leaders). She will be invited to receive the award at a ceremony in Strasbourg on 20 November.
"By awarding the Sakharov Prize to Malala Yousafzai, the European Parliament acknowledges the incredible strength of this young woman. Malala bravely stands for the right of all children to be granted a fair education. This right for girls is far too commonly neglected", said EP President Martin Schulz, announcing the laureate. "As tomorrow 11 October is the International Day of the Girl Child, I would like to recall that some 250 million young girls around the world cannot freely go to school. Malala's example reminds us of our duty and responsibility to the right to education for children. This is the best investment for the future", he added.
Ms Yousafzai, 16, is a student from the town of Mingora in Swat District, Pakistan, known for her women's rights activism in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban regime has banned girls from attending school.
She gave her first public speech in September 2008, entitled "How dare the Taliban take away my basic right to an education?". When all girls' schools under Taliban control were closed in January 2009, she started a blog for BBC Urdu under the pseudonym of Gul Makai, a folklore heroine. The blog brought fame to Malala and her fight. Threats to her family followed as soon as her identity was revealed, leading up to an assassination attempt in October 2012, when she was shot in the head and neck by Taliban gunmen while returning home on a school bus.
"Malala has gained global recognition as a human rights fighter", say the MEPs who nominated her, militating "for the right to female education, freedom and self-determination".
Malala Yousafzai was nominated jointly by the EPP, the S&D, ALDE; Jean LAMBERT (Greens, UK), and the ECR.
The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, named after Soviet scientist and dissident Andrei Sakharov, was established in December 1988 by the European Parliament to honour individuals or organizations who dedicate their lives to the defence of human rights and freedoms, particularly the right to free expression.
"By awarding the Sakharov Prize to Malala Yousafzai, the European Parliament acknowledges the incredible strength of this young woman. Malala bravely stands for the right of all children to be granted a fair education. This right for girls is far too commonly neglected", said EP President Martin Schulz, announcing the laureate. "As tomorrow 11 October is the International Day of the Girl Child, I would like to recall that some 250 million young girls around the world cannot freely go to school. Malala's example reminds us of our duty and responsibility to the right to education for children. This is the best investment for the future", he added.
Ms Yousafzai, 16, is a student from the town of Mingora in Swat District, Pakistan, known for her women's rights activism in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban regime has banned girls from attending school.
She gave her first public speech in September 2008, entitled "How dare the Taliban take away my basic right to an education?". When all girls' schools under Taliban control were closed in January 2009, she started a blog for BBC Urdu under the pseudonym of Gul Makai, a folklore heroine. The blog brought fame to Malala and her fight. Threats to her family followed as soon as her identity was revealed, leading up to an assassination attempt in October 2012, when she was shot in the head and neck by Taliban gunmen while returning home on a school bus.
"Malala has gained global recognition as a human rights fighter", say the MEPs who nominated her, militating "for the right to female education, freedom and self-determination".
Malala Yousafzai was nominated jointly by the EPP, the S&D, ALDE; Jean LAMBERT (Greens, UK), and the ECR.
The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, named after Soviet scientist and dissident Andrei Sakharov, was established in December 1988 by the European Parliament to honour individuals or organizations who dedicate their lives to the defence of human rights and freedoms, particularly the right to free expression.
Two French journalists kidnapped
BAMAKO (AFP) - Two journalists with Radio France Internationale (RFI) were kidnapped on Saturday by armed men while working in Kidal in Mali s far northeast, military and security sources said.
"Two RFI journalists were kidnapped by armed men in the centre" of Kidal, a Malian security source said. The fate of the two, identified as Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, was uncertain.
"The two journalists were on a reporting assignment. Each had a recording device and they had an appointment at the Malian Solidarity Bank (BMS) of Kidal. They were abducted by gunmen who left the city with them," said the military source.
The town of Kidal, situated more than 1,500 km (930 miles) northeast of Bamako, near the Algerian border, is the traditional homeland of the Tuareg people and the birthplace of the Tuareg National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA).
Dupont, a specialist in African affairs who had been with RFI for several years, had previously been in Kidal to report on the presidential elections in July and August.
She had left Bamako for Kidal on Tuesday for special reports on Mali due to be broadcast by RFI on November 7 and 8.
"Two RFI journalists were kidnapped by armed men in the centre" of Kidal, a Malian security source said. The fate of the two, identified as Ghislaine Dupont and Claude Verlon, was uncertain.
"The two journalists were on a reporting assignment. Each had a recording device and they had an appointment at the Malian Solidarity Bank (BMS) of Kidal. They were abducted by gunmen who left the city with them," said the military source.
The town of Kidal, situated more than 1,500 km (930 miles) northeast of Bamako, near the Algerian border, is the traditional homeland of the Tuareg people and the birthplace of the Tuareg National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad (MNLA).
Dupont, a specialist in African affairs who had been with RFI for several years, had previously been in Kidal to report on the presidential elections in July and August.
She had left Bamako for Kidal on Tuesday for special reports on Mali due to be broadcast by RFI on November 7 and 8.
Kerry lands in Saudi to ease tension over Syria, Iran
RIYADH (AFP) - Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Saudi Arabia Sunday hoping to repair ties with America s longstanding ally, which have frayed over the Syrian conflict and US outreach to Iran.
The top US diplomat was already on the second stop of an 11-day trip which has become an exercise in damage control, as the regional turbulence unleashed by the Arab Spring stirs tensions with longtime US partners.
Saudi Arabia, locked in a decades-long rivalry with Iran, is concerned that proposed Syrian peace talks could leave a Tehran-backed regime in Damascus and that a breakthrough in nuclear negotiations could lead to a US rapprochement with Iran.
The conservative oil-rich kingdom has grown increasingly nervous over the past two years as popular revolts have toppled onetime allies in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen and spread turmoil across the region.
In an unprecedented move last month, Saudi turned down a coveted non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council in protest at the world body s failure to end the war in Syria, which has left over 120,000 people dead.
Earlier Sunday in Cairo, Kerry acknowledged that while there might be differences over "tactics" in ending the Syrian conflict, the end goal for the United States and its allies was the same -- a transition of power.
Riyadh, one of the main backers of the Syrian opposition, was reportedly angered when US President Barack Obama last month put on hold threatened military strikes against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad s regime.
While acknowledging that "some countries" wanted the United States to act differently on Syria, Kerry insisted that "differences on individual tactics on policy do not mean a difference on (the) fundamental goal of the policy."
"We all share the same goal ... that is the salvation of the state of Syria and a transition government put in place ... that can give the people of Syria the opportunity to choose their future," Kerry said during a press conference with Egyptian foreign minister Nabil Fahmy.
Kerry also said the US would stick with its friends as they navigate the turmoil unleashed by the Arab Spring, which has led to the rise of powerful new extremist groups in Libya and Syria.
"We will be there for Saudi Arabia, for the Emirates, for Qataris, for the Jordanians, for the Egyptians and others. We will not allow those countries to be attacked from outside. We will stand with them," he told reporters.
The top US diplomat was already on the second stop of an 11-day trip which has become an exercise in damage control, as the regional turbulence unleashed by the Arab Spring stirs tensions with longtime US partners.
Saudi Arabia, locked in a decades-long rivalry with Iran, is concerned that proposed Syrian peace talks could leave a Tehran-backed regime in Damascus and that a breakthrough in nuclear negotiations could lead to a US rapprochement with Iran.
The conservative oil-rich kingdom has grown increasingly nervous over the past two years as popular revolts have toppled onetime allies in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen and spread turmoil across the region.
In an unprecedented move last month, Saudi turned down a coveted non-permanent seat on the UN Security Council in protest at the world body s failure to end the war in Syria, which has left over 120,000 people dead.
Earlier Sunday in Cairo, Kerry acknowledged that while there might be differences over "tactics" in ending the Syrian conflict, the end goal for the United States and its allies was the same -- a transition of power.
Riyadh, one of the main backers of the Syrian opposition, was reportedly angered when US President Barack Obama last month put on hold threatened military strikes against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad s regime.
While acknowledging that "some countries" wanted the United States to act differently on Syria, Kerry insisted that "differences on individual tactics on policy do not mean a difference on (the) fundamental goal of the policy."
"We all share the same goal ... that is the salvation of the state of Syria and a transition government put in place ... that can give the people of Syria the opportunity to choose their future," Kerry said during a press conference with Egyptian foreign minister Nabil Fahmy.
Kerry also said the US would stick with its friends as they navigate the turmoil unleashed by the Arab Spring, which has led to the rise of powerful new extremist groups in Libya and Syria.
"We will be there for Saudi Arabia, for the Emirates, for Qataris, for the Jordanians, for the Egyptians and others. We will not allow those countries to be attacked from outside. We will stand with them," he told reporters.
US to back Egypt interim govt
CAIRO (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday his country is committed to working with Egypt s interim rulers, on his first visit to Cairo since the army ousted president Mohamed Morsi.
On the eve of the opening of Morsi s trial, Kerry was in Cairo to shore up ties with a key ally and ensure it moves ahead on plans to restore democracy just weeks after Washington suspended aid to the country.
"We are committed to work and we will continue our cooperation with the interim government," Kerry told a joint news conference with Egyptian foreign minister Nabil Fahmy, urging "inclusive, free and fair elections".
"The United States is a friend of the people of Egypt, of the country of Egypt, and we are a partner," he said.
Kerry also played down Washington s suspension just weeks ago of part of its $1.5 billion in annual aid to Cairo.
"US-Egyptian relations should not be defined by assistance," Kerry said, adding direct aid would continue to Egyptians and to help efforts to "counter terrorism".
In a move that angered Cairo, Washington last month said it was "recalibrating" aid to Egypt -- including about $1.3 billion for military assistance -- and suspending delivery of items like Apache helicopters and F-16 aircraft.
Kerry -- the most senior figure of the US administration to visit since Morsi s July ouster -- will also meet interim president Adly Mansour and powerful military chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
The top US diplomat said Washington believed "the US-Egypt partnership will be strongest when Egypt is represented by a democratically elected government".
He condemned violence since Morsi s ouster, but said nothing about Morsi himself.
"I want to say very, very, very clearly: the United States condemns all acts of violence... against churches, against worshippers... in Sinai ... in the streets of the country," Kerry said.
More than 1,000 people have been killed in Egypt as security forces engage in a sweeping crackdown against supporters of Morsi who have tried to stage near daily protests against the Islamist president s ouster.
Fahmy, who has previously criticised the aid suspension, offered a more upbeat assessment of US-Egyptian ties on Sunday.
"I said a few days ago that Egyptian-American relations were tense, and I believe after my talks with the US secretary of state today that there are good indications that we seek to resume these relations in a positive manner," said Fahmy.
The United States had for three decades supported Morsi s predecessor Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted by a popular uprising in 2011, relying on Egypt to help maintain stability in the volatile region.
Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood member who became Egypt s first democratically elected president, was toppled by the military on July 3 after a single turbulent year in power that deeply polarised Egyptians.
According to the interim government s timetable, parliamentary elections are to be held by mid-2014 followed by presidential polls.
Kerry s visit is the first stop on a packed 12-day trip which will also take in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Bethlehem, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria and Morocco.
The aim of squeezing in a Cairo stop was to examine progress on "issues that are important to the United States" such as freedom of assembly and the press, protection of minorities, the participation of civil society and human rights.
The US would be informed by "a constant review of progress to help us understand how well the Egyptians are moving along their roadmap (and) when it s appropriate to lift some of the holds that we have on the equipment," a senior State Department official said.
The timing of the visit is awkward however, coming on the eve of Morsi s trial, with 14 others, on charges of inciting the murder of protesters outside the presidential palace in December 2012.
Washington has called for Morsi s release and an end to politically motivated trials but has also stopped short of denouncing his ouster as a coup.
"Mr Morsi proved unwilling or unable to govern inclusively, alienating many Egyptians," Acting Assistant Secretary Beth Jones said last week.
The military had responded to "the desires of millions of Egyptians who believed the revolution had taken a wrong turn," she added.
On the eve of the opening of Morsi s trial, Kerry was in Cairo to shore up ties with a key ally and ensure it moves ahead on plans to restore democracy just weeks after Washington suspended aid to the country.
"We are committed to work and we will continue our cooperation with the interim government," Kerry told a joint news conference with Egyptian foreign minister Nabil Fahmy, urging "inclusive, free and fair elections".
"The United States is a friend of the people of Egypt, of the country of Egypt, and we are a partner," he said.
Kerry also played down Washington s suspension just weeks ago of part of its $1.5 billion in annual aid to Cairo.
"US-Egyptian relations should not be defined by assistance," Kerry said, adding direct aid would continue to Egyptians and to help efforts to "counter terrorism".
In a move that angered Cairo, Washington last month said it was "recalibrating" aid to Egypt -- including about $1.3 billion for military assistance -- and suspending delivery of items like Apache helicopters and F-16 aircraft.
Kerry -- the most senior figure of the US administration to visit since Morsi s July ouster -- will also meet interim president Adly Mansour and powerful military chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.
The top US diplomat said Washington believed "the US-Egypt partnership will be strongest when Egypt is represented by a democratically elected government".
He condemned violence since Morsi s ouster, but said nothing about Morsi himself.
"I want to say very, very, very clearly: the United States condemns all acts of violence... against churches, against worshippers... in Sinai ... in the streets of the country," Kerry said.
More than 1,000 people have been killed in Egypt as security forces engage in a sweeping crackdown against supporters of Morsi who have tried to stage near daily protests against the Islamist president s ouster.
Fahmy, who has previously criticised the aid suspension, offered a more upbeat assessment of US-Egyptian ties on Sunday.
"I said a few days ago that Egyptian-American relations were tense, and I believe after my talks with the US secretary of state today that there are good indications that we seek to resume these relations in a positive manner," said Fahmy.
The United States had for three decades supported Morsi s predecessor Hosni Mubarak, who was ousted by a popular uprising in 2011, relying on Egypt to help maintain stability in the volatile region.
Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood member who became Egypt s first democratically elected president, was toppled by the military on July 3 after a single turbulent year in power that deeply polarised Egyptians.
According to the interim government s timetable, parliamentary elections are to be held by mid-2014 followed by presidential polls.
Kerry s visit is the first stop on a packed 12-day trip which will also take in Saudi Arabia, Israel, Bethlehem, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria and Morocco.
The aim of squeezing in a Cairo stop was to examine progress on "issues that are important to the United States" such as freedom of assembly and the press, protection of minorities, the participation of civil society and human rights.
The US would be informed by "a constant review of progress to help us understand how well the Egyptians are moving along their roadmap (and) when it s appropriate to lift some of the holds that we have on the equipment," a senior State Department official said.
The timing of the visit is awkward however, coming on the eve of Morsi s trial, with 14 others, on charges of inciting the murder of protesters outside the presidential palace in December 2012.
Washington has called for Morsi s release and an end to politically motivated trials but has also stopped short of denouncing his ouster as a coup.
"Mr Morsi proved unwilling or unable to govern inclusively, alienating many Egyptians," Acting Assistant Secretary Beth Jones said last week.
The military had responded to "the desires of millions of Egyptians who believed the revolution had taken a wrong turn," she added.
Iran envoy elected to lead gas-producing bloc
TEHRAN (AP) - A former head of Iran s central bank was elected Sunday to head a 13-nation bloc of gas-producing countries as Tehran looks beyond its sanctions-hit crude oil sales to bring in vital revenue and explore new energy markets.
Iran has tried aggressively looked to its vast natural gas reserves and refined petrochemical products to bypass US-led sanctions over Tehran s nuclear program. The sanctions have concentrated on Iran s oil exports cutting them in half over the past two years and other measures such as blocking access to international banking networks.
Iran has sought to ease the sanctions as part of deal-making during nuclear talks with world powers, which resumed last month amid groundbreaking diplomatic overtures between Washington and Tehran. The next round of negotiations is scheduled to begin Thursday.
The presidency of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum does not carry the same clout as leading the oil cartel OPEC because of intense rivalries and policy disagreements among the members.
But it highlights Iran s efforts to retool its export economy under the sanctions pressures. Iran has the world s second-biggest gas reserves after Russia, but has relatively small exports and instead has concentrated on the massive domestic market.
A former central bank chief and veteran diplomat, Mohammad Hossein Adeli, was chosen as the group s president through 2015, state TV reported.
The bloc includes major gas exporters Russia and Qatar as well as Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Other members are in Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
Earlier Sunday, Iran s oil minister Bijan Zanganeh urged gas-producing countries should focus on their common interests, promoting greater use of the fuel and ensuring stable pricing.
Iran produces some 550 million cubic meters of gas per day. Less than 10 percent is exported, mainly to neighboring Turkey and Armenia. Iran plans to export more to Iraq and Pakistan in the future.
Iran has tried aggressively looked to its vast natural gas reserves and refined petrochemical products to bypass US-led sanctions over Tehran s nuclear program. The sanctions have concentrated on Iran s oil exports cutting them in half over the past two years and other measures such as blocking access to international banking networks.
Iran has sought to ease the sanctions as part of deal-making during nuclear talks with world powers, which resumed last month amid groundbreaking diplomatic overtures between Washington and Tehran. The next round of negotiations is scheduled to begin Thursday.
The presidency of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum does not carry the same clout as leading the oil cartel OPEC because of intense rivalries and policy disagreements among the members.
But it highlights Iran s efforts to retool its export economy under the sanctions pressures. Iran has the world s second-biggest gas reserves after Russia, but has relatively small exports and instead has concentrated on the massive domestic market.
A former central bank chief and veteran diplomat, Mohammad Hossein Adeli, was chosen as the group s president through 2015, state TV reported.
The bloc includes major gas exporters Russia and Qatar as well as Oman and the United Arab Emirates. Other members are in Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America.
Earlier Sunday, Iran s oil minister Bijan Zanganeh urged gas-producing countries should focus on their common interests, promoting greater use of the fuel and ensuring stable pricing.
Iran produces some 550 million cubic meters of gas per day. Less than 10 percent is exported, mainly to neighboring Turkey and Armenia. Iran plans to export more to Iraq and Pakistan in the future.
NATO supplies must be blocked: Imran
LAHORE: Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Imran Khan has said that if he had been the prime minister of Pakistan, he would have ordered Pakistan Air Force to shoot down the US drones.
Imran said this while talking to Dunya News programme ‘On the Front’ on Sunday.
Lauding the decision of KP Chief Minister to suspend the NATO supplies, he said he would have quitted PTI if its government in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa had not taken this decision.
He said the killing of Hakimullah Mehsud by US drone had established the fact that America did not want peace in the region and War on Terror was US war not of Pakistan.
“US War on Terror has destroyed Pakistan,’ he said, adding Pakistan was suffering Rs 90 billion loss every month in the war.
He said killing of Hakimullah Mehsud just when govt-Taliban talks were about to start was very significant.
Imran said Peshawar High Court had declared that drone attacks were tantamount to war crimes.
He declared that NATO supplies would be suspended in case of another drone attack.
“This would be a clear message to US that Pakistani nation was united in defense of its territory,” Imran said.
Imran said this while talking to Dunya News programme ‘On the Front’ on Sunday.
Lauding the decision of KP Chief Minister to suspend the NATO supplies, he said he would have quitted PTI if its government in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa had not taken this decision.
He said the killing of Hakimullah Mehsud by US drone had established the fact that America did not want peace in the region and War on Terror was US war not of Pakistan.
“US War on Terror has destroyed Pakistan,’ he said, adding Pakistan was suffering Rs 90 billion loss every month in the war.
He said killing of Hakimullah Mehsud just when govt-Taliban talks were about to start was very significant.
Imran said Peshawar High Court had declared that drone attacks were tantamount to war crimes.
He declared that NATO supplies would be suspended in case of another drone attack.
“This would be a clear message to US that Pakistani nation was united in defense of its territory,” Imran said.
Govt confused over drones, US ties: Gilani
KARACHI: Former Prime Minister Syed Yousaf Raza Gillani has said that government is circled by confusion over drone attacks and relations with America.
Talking to media at Karachi Airport on Sunday, Gillani reminded that his government not only blocked NATO supply but not participated in Bonn conference also in reaction over Salala check post attack.
“Pakistan Peoples Party had demanded apology from US, while asked the Parliament to review arrangements regarding agreements with US and vacated Shamsi Airbase from US control after Salala check post attack,” he said.
Secretary General PPP, Latif Khosa lambasted Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz over Local Bodies elections in Punjab.
He said that Sharif Brothers took birth from Marshal Laws that is why PML-N wants escape from LB polls.
“Federal government is failing to restore peace despite the fact that all parties has given free hand to government in this regard,” Khosa added.
Talking to media at Karachi Airport on Sunday, Gillani reminded that his government not only blocked NATO supply but not participated in Bonn conference also in reaction over Salala check post attack.
“Pakistan Peoples Party had demanded apology from US, while asked the Parliament to review arrangements regarding agreements with US and vacated Shamsi Airbase from US control after Salala check post attack,” he said.
Secretary General PPP, Latif Khosa lambasted Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz over Local Bodies elections in Punjab.
He said that Sharif Brothers took birth from Marshal Laws that is why PML-N wants escape from LB polls.
“Federal government is failing to restore peace despite the fact that all parties has given free hand to government in this regard,” Khosa added.
Legendary folk singer Reshma laid to rest
LAHORE: Reshma, known as Nightingale of the Desert was laid to rest here on Sunday.
Her funeral prayer was offered in Imamia Colony in Shahdara on Sunday. Relatives‚ artists and well wishers of Reshma attended her funeral.
Reshma passed away after protracted illness in Lahore on Sunday morning. She was sixty-six. She had been suffering from throat cancer and was in coma for the last two months.
Reshma was born in village Loha‚ Tehsil Ratangarh district Churu near Bikaner‚ Rajasthan to a Banjara (Gypsy) family around 1947. Her father Haji Mushtaq was a camel and horse trader from Malashi. She belonged to a tribe which had converted to Islam. Her tribe migrated to Karachi shortly after the Partition of India‚ when she was just one month old.
She did not receive any formal education and spent much of her childhood singing at the shrines of the mystic saints of Sindh.
When she was twelve years old‚ she was spotted singing at Shahbaaz Qalandar s shrine by a television and radio producer‚ who arranged for her to make a recording of "Laal Meri" on Radio Pakistan.
She became an instant hit and since that day‚ Reshma has been one of the most popular folk singers of Pakistan‚ appearing on television in the 1960s‚ recording songs for both the Pakistani and Indian film industry‚ and performing at home and abroad.
Some of her famous numbers are "Dama Dam Mast Kalandar"‚ "Hai O Rabba nahion lagda dil mera"‚ "Sun charkhe di mithi mithi cook mahiya meinu yaad aunda"‚ "Wey main chori chori"‚ "Ankhiyan no rehen de ankhyan de kol kol".
The last was used by Raj Kapoor in Bobby‚ "Ankhyon ko rehne de ankhyon ke aas pass"‚ sung by Lata.
Reshma’s fame had crossed the border‚ thanks to pirated tapes. She was able to perform live in India much later‚ during the 1980s when India and Pakistan allowed exchange of artists.
Subhash Ghai used her voice to great effect in the film Hero‚ which featured one of her most famous songs‚ "Lambi Judai".
During her career she was invited to meet Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
In October 2002‚ Reshma performed at the Brunei Gallery in London to a packed fall of Pakistani expatriates.
In 2004‚ she recorded "Ashkan Di Gali Vich Mukaam De Gaya"‚ which was used in the Bollywood film Woh Tera Naam Tha‚ and was also a hit record in India.
In January 2006‚ she was one of the passengers on the inaugural Lahore-Amritsar bus‚ the first such service linking both parts of the Punjab since 1947. The bus had 26 passengers in total of whom 15 were Pakistani officials‚ and Reshma had booked seven seats for herself and her family.
Her last residence was in the area of Icchra in Lahore Pakistan. She was a vegetarian. Her younger sister Kaneez Reshma is also a professional singer.
Reshma was diagnosed with throat cancer in the 1980s‚ in later years her health deteriorated. Her health deteriorated to such an extent that she was hospitalised in Lahore‚ in Doctors Hospital on 6th April 2013. Reshma fell into a coma in October 2013 and died on 3rd November 2013.
She was also awarded with Sitara-i-Imtiaz.
President Mamnoon Hussain, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif, MQM chief Altaf Hussain, PTI chief Imran Khan and others expressed profound grief and sorrow over the demise of the renowned singer.
They prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul and for the courage of the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss with fortitude.
Her funeral prayer was offered in Imamia Colony in Shahdara on Sunday. Relatives‚ artists and well wishers of Reshma attended her funeral.
Reshma passed away after protracted illness in Lahore on Sunday morning. She was sixty-six. She had been suffering from throat cancer and was in coma for the last two months.
Reshma was born in village Loha‚ Tehsil Ratangarh district Churu near Bikaner‚ Rajasthan to a Banjara (Gypsy) family around 1947. Her father Haji Mushtaq was a camel and horse trader from Malashi. She belonged to a tribe which had converted to Islam. Her tribe migrated to Karachi shortly after the Partition of India‚ when she was just one month old.
She did not receive any formal education and spent much of her childhood singing at the shrines of the mystic saints of Sindh.
When she was twelve years old‚ she was spotted singing at Shahbaaz Qalandar s shrine by a television and radio producer‚ who arranged for her to make a recording of "Laal Meri" on Radio Pakistan.
She became an instant hit and since that day‚ Reshma has been one of the most popular folk singers of Pakistan‚ appearing on television in the 1960s‚ recording songs for both the Pakistani and Indian film industry‚ and performing at home and abroad.
Some of her famous numbers are "Dama Dam Mast Kalandar"‚ "Hai O Rabba nahion lagda dil mera"‚ "Sun charkhe di mithi mithi cook mahiya meinu yaad aunda"‚ "Wey main chori chori"‚ "Ankhiyan no rehen de ankhyan de kol kol".
The last was used by Raj Kapoor in Bobby‚ "Ankhyon ko rehne de ankhyon ke aas pass"‚ sung by Lata.
Reshma’s fame had crossed the border‚ thanks to pirated tapes. She was able to perform live in India much later‚ during the 1980s when India and Pakistan allowed exchange of artists.
Subhash Ghai used her voice to great effect in the film Hero‚ which featured one of her most famous songs‚ "Lambi Judai".
During her career she was invited to meet Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.
In October 2002‚ Reshma performed at the Brunei Gallery in London to a packed fall of Pakistani expatriates.
In 2004‚ she recorded "Ashkan Di Gali Vich Mukaam De Gaya"‚ which was used in the Bollywood film Woh Tera Naam Tha‚ and was also a hit record in India.
In January 2006‚ she was one of the passengers on the inaugural Lahore-Amritsar bus‚ the first such service linking both parts of the Punjab since 1947. The bus had 26 passengers in total of whom 15 were Pakistani officials‚ and Reshma had booked seven seats for herself and her family.
Her last residence was in the area of Icchra in Lahore Pakistan. She was a vegetarian. Her younger sister Kaneez Reshma is also a professional singer.
Reshma was diagnosed with throat cancer in the 1980s‚ in later years her health deteriorated. Her health deteriorated to such an extent that she was hospitalised in Lahore‚ in Doctors Hospital on 6th April 2013. Reshma fell into a coma in October 2013 and died on 3rd November 2013.
She was also awarded with Sitara-i-Imtiaz.
President Mamnoon Hussain, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif, MQM chief Altaf Hussain, PTI chief Imran Khan and others expressed profound grief and sorrow over the demise of the renowned singer.
They prayed for eternal peace of the departed soul and for the courage of the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss with fortitude.
‘Kashmir-EU Week’ to held at EU parliament in Brussels
Brussels: PR; A week long programme on Kashmir would be organised by International Council for Human Development (ICHD) and Kashmir Council EU at European Parliament building in Brussels from Monday, Nov 11, 2013.
The programme ‘Kashmir EU Week’ would be contained a seminar, video casting of a documentary and a photos and handicraft exhibition on Kashmir. Member EU parliament Sajjad Karim would be host of the programme which is being organised by International Council for Human Development (ICHD) with the collaboration of other organisations including Kashmir Council EU and World Kashmir Diaspora Alliance at the EU parliament.
Chairman of the Council Ali Raza Syed who is coordinator of the programme in a statement said, creating awareness about the large scale human rights violations in Indian Held Kashmir (IHK is main objective of the programme. A number of intellectuals, experts and parliamentarians would attend the opening ceremony of the programme.
Chairman Kashmir Council EU Chairman said that the people of Kashmir have offered matchless sacrifices for the resolution of Kashmir dispute and the use of brute force and arrests cannot stop them from continuing the struggle to achieve the inalienable right to self-determination.
Chairman Kashmir Council EU said, we are struggling to find out the ways of peace and prosperity in the South Asia because peace is necessary for the social development of people of the region. He said, we appeal to international community specially EU to play their effective role for peaceful resolution of Kashmir dispute, so that the issue to be settled according to the wishes of the Kashmiris.
He said, Kashmiris are a peaceful nation and all the independence nations and states should help in peaceful settlement of the Kashmir dispute.
Ali Raza Syed said that the It has been determined to continue the peaceful liberation of Kashmir struggle till its logical end.
He said that Jammu and Kashmir was internationally acknowledged disputed territory and it is duty of the international community to help for a peaceful resolution of the Kashmir problem.
About the dialogue Chairman Kashmir Council EU said, Kashmiris are the main party of the issue and the dialogue can not be productive and successful without their participation.
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