Friday 29 March 2013

Kick-Boxing Free Camp at MAO College Lahore conducted in collaboration with P.K.F & P.K.A.

a group photo of players with Prof. Wasim Ch President PKFChairman, President & V.P PKF IMG_20130328_151017 IMG_20130328_145722 IMG_20130328_145704 IMG_20130328_145557 kick-Boxing players displaying kick-punch practice players practicing kicking IMG_20130328_135044 IMG_20130328_134841 IMG_20130328_134546 IMG_20130328_134527 IMG_20130328_134454

President PKF on extreme right, Middle Chairman PKF Mukhtar A Sheikh, On extreme left V.P federation M.Afzal

viewing the closing ceremony proceedings
One-Week long free Kick-Boxing Training Camp concluded today. The Chief Guest of the Training Camp closing ceremony was Prof. Muhammad Wasim Chaudhry President Pakistan Kick-Boxing Federation. He was accompanied by the Chairman Federation Sheikh Mukhtar Ahmed and Vice President federation Muhammad Afzal (Punjab Police) and Tahor Abbas General Secretary PKF.
The ceremoney started with the name of Allah followed by Na'at e Rasool (Sallalah ho alaihewasalam). The players / participants of the camp gave an awesome performance of the kick-Boxing techniques / physical exercise / fitness training learnt during this short period. The practical fight session was refereed by the Secretary federation himself. The newly trained fighters gave a eulogizing performance that was nothing short of professional fighting in the ring.
The President , Chairman, the Vice President greatly appreciated the performance of the new players. The President federation told the upcoming national and international events which the federation was organizing in the coming few months. The Secretary General tole the players about the response of the camp news and the offers and desire of various institutions of the province for the arrangement of such camps on their campuses.
The certificate distribution ceremony was held in the applause and photo session by the admirers. Just before the closing the representatives of the participants also expressed their views about the training and skill of the trainers.
In the end a beautiful photo session was arranged in a befitting manners. The camp was undoubtedly a great success.

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