Wednesday 28 November 2012

IB funds: SC serves notices to current, former DGs

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court has issued notices to the current and two former Director Generals of the Intelligence Bureau in the case pertaining to utilization of Rs 270 million allegedly drawn by the PPP government from the secret fund of the IB to topple the Punjab government.
Notices have been issued to Masood Sharif Khattak, Tariq Lodhi and the current DG IB Akhtar Hussain.
During the hearing of the case on Wednesday, the Supreme Court also summoned records and information on the Intelligence Bureau’s budget and money received from the treasury between 1988 to 1990 and 2008 to 2009.
The Director Legal of the IB also presented the report in the Supreme Court.
Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry remarked that if the IB had any information it could be exchanged in-camera.
The Chief Justice also directed the DG IB to submit documents before the next hearing.
The issue came in the notice Supreme Court during the hearing of the Asghar Khan.

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