Thursday 30 May 2013

Assaults on Pakistani Journalists: Raza Syed & Adnan Khan Condemned

London (PR) “We strongly condemn the assault on two senior journalists Raza Syed Chief Editor  Awaaz  and Adnan Khan (TV Journalist) by the criminal elements at an event arranged the overseas Pakistani Solidarity on (29/05/2013,Wednesday) at venue in east London”, said a large group of senior journalists at an emergency meeting in London.It was agreed at the special meeting.

1)      a delegation of journalists will be meeting with Chief of Metropolitan Police and other UK authorities

2)      A meeting of the community leaders will be called within a week

3)      A delegation of journalist will meet the UKPCCI (UK Pakistan Chambers of Commerce)

4)      National Union of Journalists, and Amnesty international will be informed

5)      US embassy in the London will be contacted to inform about the criminals as they have reportedly fled from the US due involvement in criminal activities, fraud and money laundering

6)      Meeting was informed that Pakistan Journalists Association UK and  Pakistan Press Club UK  have condemned the incident.Following Journalist and human rights organizations as well as authorities have already been informed:

1)      Metropolitan Police Scotland Yard - Press office

2)      National Union of Journalists (NUJ)

3)      CPJ Committee to Protect Journalists (New York)4)      RSF (Reporters San Frontiers (Paris)5)      Amnesty International UK6)      Human Rights Watch

7)      RSF Pakistan

More than a dozen assailants ,dragged Mr Raza Syed out of the car and seriously assaulted him after which Mr Syed lost consciousness. Mr Adnan Khan who was driving was also as saulted first in his car and then after outside. They took his car keys.  Than they threw Mr Raza Syed in the car and said to Mr Adnan Khan “get out of here before we burn you two with the car”. Mr Khan drove outside the premises  allegedly owned by the assailants, called the police and ambulance. Police and ambulance arrived at the scene and Raza Syed was taken to the hospital for the treatment of serious injuries.  He was kept under observation in hospital for several hours.








It is reported that the alleged assailants have been involved the criminal activities in the US before moving to the United Kingdom where they continued their criminal activities / operations. London metropolitan police have been informed about their activities.

While condemning the incident journalists showed solidarity to Mr Raza Syed and Adnan Khan. They also agreed to continue exposing the criminals and criminal activities of the mafia in the Pakistani community

which bring shame and dishonour to law abiding Pakistanis living in the UK. It was agreed that a close contact with the police be made to deal with these so called honourable who have history of frauds and

criminality. Earlier on senior journalist Mr Farooq Shah was also allegedly assaulted and abused by Dr Ashraf Chohan former MPA of
Punjab Assembly.

A resolution was passed by the journalists condemning the attacks on Pakistani journalists and arrest of the criminals.

Journalists who voted in favor the condemning resolution:
Mr. Khadam Hussain Nasir (Daily Masawt)
Mr Azhar Javeed (Dunya TV)
Mr Ahmad Ali Syed (ARY News)
Mr Mobeen Chaudhry (Editor Kashmir Link)
Dr Shahid Qureshi  ( London Post /
LBC Radio/ Press TV/BBC )
Mr Adnan Khan(TV Anchor,Venus TV)
Mr Raza Syed(Chief Editor Awaaz)
Mr Atta Ul Haq(Chief Editor UK Times)
Mr.Raja Faryad (Editor Ausaf)
Mr. Tariq Choudhary (Urdu Times)
Mr.Farooq Shah (TV Reporter)
Mr.Akber Pervaiz (Editor "The Write")
Mr. Inam Sehgal
Mrs. Sara Sheikh
Mr Musa Hamid (Photo Journalist)

Dr Akthar Gulfam (Nawa-e-Waqat - London)

Asad Ali (Correspondent Khabrain Pakistan)

Mr.Saqlain Imam (BBC), Mr Safdar Hamadani, Chief Editor  Alami Akhbar and Chairman Pak Euro Journalist, Mr Tahir Chaudhry Editor of the Urdu Times, Mr. Tauseaf Mumtaz (Correspondent Ummat ) Mr Wajahat Ali Khan Daily Khabrian, Shahid Khan Chief Editor  & Senior journalist  and respected member of business community Dr Ashfaq Memon  also condemn the incident.Moreover, the journalist community has decided that a large community meeting will be called by next week.

Monday 27 May 2013

Neighbors in Lebanese city fight Syrian proxy war

TRIPOLI (AP) - In a rundown district of Lebanon s second largest city, residents have adapted to waging war with their neighbors.
Whenever violence breaks out, they string large cloths across intersections to block snipers  view, sleep in hallways to take cover from mortar shells and abandon apartments close to the front line.
Sectarian fighting between the two Tripoli neighborhoods, Bab Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen, goes back several decades, but these days it s a proxy battle of the rival sides in Syria. Bab Tabbaneh is largely Sunni Muslim, like Syria s rebels, while most people in Jabal Mohsen are Alawites, or followers of an offshoot of Shiite Islam, like Syrian President Bashar Assad.
The fighting between them has intensified since the start of the Syrian conflict more than two years ago. The latest round over the past week has been the bloodiest yet, leaving at least 28 dead and more than 200 wounded.
The escalating conflict in Tripoli is just one of the signs that the Syria fighting is increasingly spilling over into Lebanon, which is home to a fragile mosaic of more than a dozen religious and ethnic groups. Gunmen from rival religious sects have also gone to Syria to fight on opposite sides there.
Over the weekend, Lebanon s Shiite militia Hezbollah, which has been fighting alongside Assad s forces, said it would do battle until victory over Syria s rebels. On Sunday, two rockets struck Hezbollah strongholds in Beirut, in apparent retaliation for Hezbollah s support of Assad.
In Bab Tabbaneh, many say they are caught in the proxy war between the region s Sunni and Shiite powers; Shiite-dominated Iran backs Assad, while influential Sunni state Saudi Arabia supports the rebels.
Many leave for safer areas during the fighting.
Those who remain behind try to cope. They ve strung large sheets of tarpaulin across streets that are otherwise exposed to snipers from Jabal Mohsen, blocking their aim.
Jabal Mohsen sits on a slope above Bab Tabbaneh. The Lebanese army has set up checkpoints around the Alawite neighborhood. Heading there is risky because of snipers.
Bab Tabbaneh is more safely accessible from the center of Tripoli. The Lebanese army moved two armored vehicles to the edge of Bab Tabbaneh over the weekend, but the deployment seemed largely symbolic.
During a visit Friday, local gunmen controlled the streets.
Some sat in groups on plastic chairs along the sidewalk of Syria Street, a main thoroughfare just a block from Jabal Mohsen.


They were on a break, smoking and talking. Most of the fighting takes place after dark, when combatants fire machine guns, mortar shells and rocket-propelled grenades at each other.
Their current battle coincides with an offensive by Syrian troops and Hezbollah on Qusair, a predominantly Sunni town in western Syria.
The fighters offered a range of reasons for shooting at their neighbors, from defending their district to taking revenge for previous bloodshed or letting off steam against Assad and Hezbollah. But beyond inflicting as much pain as possible on the other side, there seemed to be no clear objective to the fighting.

African Union to set up emergency military force

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, May 27, 2013 (AFP) - The African Union said Monday it will set up an emergency military force to rapidly quell conflict on the continent, amid frustration that a planned peacekeeping force was still not operational after a decade.
"Almost all countries have agreed that we will have rapid response capability in Africa," AU chairman and Ethiopian President Hailemariam Desalegn told reporters at the close of a two-day AU summit.
The AU s "African Standby Brigade" to intervene in sudden crises -- a proposed force of 32,500 troops and civilians drawn from five regions of the continent -- has made little headway since preparations for it started a decade ago.
Only two of five regional sections are close to becoming operational.
"This is meant as an interim measure pending the full operationalisation of the African standby force," AU security commissioner Ramtane Lamamra told reporters at the pan-African bloc s headquarters in the Ethiopian capital.
"In the meantime, crises, unconstitutional changes of government, massive violations of human rights are likely to happen here and there, so from a responsible point of view, we say we cannot wait until we get a perfect tool to be used."
South Africa, Uganda and Ethiopia have pledged troops to the proposed interim force, Lamamra said. Funding and troop contributions will come from member states on a voluntary basis.
The AU was criticised for not responding fast enough in Mali, after soldiers seized power in a coup in March 2012, opening the way for Islamist rebels to take over the country s north.
This led to the rapid collapse of one Africa s more stable democracies, prompting a French military intervention to oust the extremists in January.
"Africa could have done better, could have moved faster and could have perhaps made some significant effort so that the French contribution would not have been indispensable," Lamamra added.
"It s quite unfortunate that 50 years after our independence our security is so much dependent on a foreign partner."
The AU s Peace and Security Council (PSC), the bloc s body for tackling conflict, remains hampered by financial constraints, with military missions largely funded by western donors.
However, the AU s force in Somalia, where 17,700 AU troops from five nations are fighting to claw back territory from Al-Qaeda linked Shebab insurgents from the government, has made impressive achievements.
But this success is not without cost.
One senior UN official recently estimated as many as 3,000 African troops had been killed in Somalia since 2007, similar to the numbers of UN peacekeepers killed worldwide since 1948.
Although funding for that mission comes mainly from Western backers, its role in Somalia shows the potential for an AU force.
The commitment of African nations to peacekeeping roles is clear: the peacekeeping mission in Sudan s war-torn western Darfur region is a hybrid AU-UN force, while Mali now has a -- belatedly deployed -- African-led international support mission.
Five of the top ten contributors of soldiers and police officers to UN missions are African.

Kerry in Paris for talks with Russian FM over Syria

PARIS (AFP) - US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Paris Monday for private talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as the two men seek to bring together the warring sides in Syria to end the bloodshed.
Kerry was to brief his Russian counterpart on a Friends of Syria meeting in Amman last week, at which the 11 ministers of the core group told Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that refusing to negotiate was not an option.
In a statement in the early hours of Thursday after marathon diplomatic talks, the Friends of Syria warned Assad that if he refused to back moves to end the fighting they would boost their support for the opposition.
The group "emphasised that until such time as the Geneva meeting produces a transitional government, they will further increase their support for the opposition and take all other steps as necessary," the statement said.
It also voiced "deep concern over the deteriorating humanitarian conditions in Syria, as well as the threat... to the stability and security of neighbouring countries hosting Syrian refugees."
More than 94,000 people have been killed in the war now in its third year, which is threatening to spill over Syria s borders with the growing engagement of Hezbollah militants fighting on the regime side.
Kerry and Lavrov last met earlier this month in Moscow, at which they agreed to work in tandem to bring together the Assad regime and the opposition in a peace conference with the aim of working towards a political transition.
Kerry also wants to hear from Lavrov about his discussions with the Assad regime, which according to the Russians has in principle agreed to attend the conference.
Syrian opposition leaders meanwhile are meeting in Istanbul to choose a new leadership and parliamentary composition, and have so far not decided whether to attend peace talks, which will most likely be held in Geneva next month under the aegis of the United Nations.
The US top diplomat has warned that unless the two sides can be persuaded to come to the table the world would witness "the continued tragic disintegration of a country that will go down further into more violence and more bloodshed and more destruction."
After their talks, French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius was to host a private dinner with the two men.
Kerry arrived from Amman and is on the last leg of an eight-day overseas trip, which has taken him so far to Oman, Jordan, Israel, the West Bank, and Ethiopia.
He is due to fly back to Washington on Tuesday.

NA to meet on June 1, new PM to take office on June 5: Nizami

ISLAMABAD :  Talking to newsmen on the occasion of his visit to National Press Club on Monday, Caretaker Federal Minister for Information Arif Nizami said that the National Assembly will meet on June 1, while elections for the Speaker and Deputy Speaker would be held on June 3.
He said that the President would administer oath to the next Prime Minster on June 5.
Arif Nizami said there were some complaints of rigging in the elections and the Election Commission was addressing these complaints.
He said it is for the first time that a caretaker set up conducted free‚ fair and transparent elections.
Responding to a question‚ the minister said there should not be any secret fund of any ministry including Ministry of Information.
He disclosed that his name was also included in the list of journalists that was submitted to the Supreme Court.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Sanjay Dutt surrenders before court

(Web Desk) - Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt has surrendered at a Mumbai court on Thursday. There was chaos at the court as hundreds of people, including cameramen, crowded his car. The actor was able to get out and make his way into the courtroom only after about 20 minutes and much difficulty.


The actor left his Bandra home on Thursday afternoon, holding wife Manyata s hand, and, accompanied by family and friends, visited the famous Siddhivinayak temple on his way to court. All through the morning many members of the film fraternity, which has stood steadfast by the actor, visited him.


At the trial court, Dutt will be taken into custody and sent first to Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai, where paperwork will be completed. He is then expected to be moved to Pune s Yerawada jail to complete his prison term of five years.


The Supreme Court had in March upheld Mr Dutt s conviction in the 1993 Mumbai blasts case for illegal possession of weapons, including an AK 56 rifle. The court reduced a trial court sentence of six years to five years and ordered the actor to serve 42 months in jail. He has already served 18 months 20 years ago, at the Yerawada jail.


The police and jail authorities have promised adequate security for Sanjay Dutt, who had claimed this week that he had received threats from "fundamentalist groups". The celebrity convict is expected to be lodged in what is known as the "Anda cell" at the Pune jail, which is egg-shaped. Half of it is sunk into the ground and is considered one the most secure cells in the prison.


The 56 days since the Supreme Court upheld his conviction on March 21 have been dramatic. After the verdict, a stunned Dutt appeared with folded hands and bowed head and wept on camera saying he would not appeal against the order.


As the date for his surrender drew closer, however, the actor appealed that he be given six months more to complete his seven films on the floor since it affected the livelihood of many people. The court gave him a month instead to wrap up all work. That month ends today.
Two men, Keri Adajania and Yusuf Nullwala, who destroyed the AK-56 rifle, will also surrender with Mr Dutt today.

Saudi health workers sickened by SARS-like virus

NEW YORK (AP) - A deadly new respiratory virus related to SARS has apparently spread from patients to health care workers in eastern Saudi Arabia, health officials said Wednesday.


The Ministry of Health in Saudi Arabia told world health officials that two health care workers became ill this month after being exposed to patients with the virus. One is critically ill.


Since September 2012, the World Health Organization has been informed of 40 confirmed cases of the virus, and 20 of the patients have died. The deaths occurred in Britain, Germany, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.


Experts have suggested calling the new virus MERS, for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, but officials have not signed off on that yet.



Experts are watching carefully for signs that the deadly virus can spread from person-to-person. Health officials say the virus has likely already spread between people in some circumstances, including hospital patients in France.


The new virus has caused severe respiratory disease in patients, some of them needing mechanical ventilators to help them breathe.


One of the Saudi health care workers is a 45-year-old man who is in critical condition. The other is a 43-year-oldwoman in stable condition. No other details about their jobs or where they work were released. Health workers were previously infected in a cluster in Jordan, though that was before the new coronavirus had been identified and before any special measures were taken to prevent its spread. That is not the case in Saudi Arabia and officials worry any new spread to health workers could suggest the virus is becoming more transmissible to people.


The new virus has been compared to SARS, an unusual pneumonia that first surfaced in China in late 2002 and erupted into a deadly international outbreak in early 2003. Spread of the virus in hospitals was a key development in the epidemic.
Ultimately, more than 8,000 cases were reported in about 30 countries, including eight people in the United States. The global tally included 774 deaths.


The SARS outbreak was declared contained by the summer of 2003, thanks to such measures as quarantines, hospital isolation of suspected cases, travel restrictions and the screening of airline passengers.


The WHO is currently not recommending any travel restrictions or special screening at airports or border crossings. Officials worry it will flare into an outbreak as big or worse. The new virus and SARS are both coronaviruses, a germ family that includes some cold viruses.


The new virus is distinct from SARS, but health officials worry it has potential to flare into a SARS-like international outbreak. But many questions remain about how it is spread, where it originated, and how deadly it truly is.

Indian doctor arrested for allegedly raping patient

NEW DELHI :  A 51-year-old doctor at a government hospital in New Delhi was arrested for allegedly raping a 21-year-old patient in a clinic in east Delhi, Indian media reported on Thursday.


"Narendra Singh, the chief medical officer of Jag Pravesh Chandra hospital, advised her to undergo an ultrasound. He lured her to a clinic outside the hospital, where he raped after giving her a drink laced with sedatives," a police officer said.


The victim approached police when she regained consciousness. Police said her medical examination confirmed rape.


Singh was arrested from his house in Seelampur area.

Indian bowler Sreesanth, two others arrested for spot-fixing

IPL:  In a sensational development, Indian paceman S Sreesanth and two of his Rajasthan Royals teammates Ajit Chandila and Ankeet Chavan were arrested by the Delhi police on the charges of spot fixing in the ongoing Indian Premier League.


The special cell of the Delhi police arrested Sreesanth from his friend s place in Mumbai while the other two cricketers were arrested last night from the team hotel at Nariman Point for their alleged role in spot fixing.


The arrest took place immediately after the players returned to their team hotel, following their match against Mumbai Indians at Wankhede stadium. The hosts won by 14 runs. The Delhi police source said that these players were under the scanner for their role in spot fixing in some of the earlier IPL match although they did not elaborate which matches were under scrutiny.


The police have also arrested seven bookies in Mumbai and three bookies in Delhi in connection with the same case. They are looking for two more bookies in Delhi. The development comes as a shock for the IPL authorities who have time and again grappled with controversies and scandals ever since the league was launched in 2008.


IPL Chairman Rajiv Shukla said he was awaiting details on the incident. Rajasthan Royals CEO Raghu Iyer said that the three players were picked up by Delhi police last night and the team management was co-operating with the investigation.


"Rajasthan Royals has zero tolerance for corruption and we will take action, if charges are proved," he said.

Hollande vows plan to end Europe's lethargy

PARIS (AFP) - French President Francois Hollande on Thursday vowed to launch an initiative to end Europe s "lethargy" and promised closer political union within the bloc in two years.


"If Europe does not advance it will fall or even be wiped out from the world map... My duty is to bring Europe out of its lethargy," he said at the start of a wide-ranging press conference.


Hollande said his first year in power had been entirely devoted to "defending our sovereignty and putting our economy back into shape" but added that the second year would be marked by an "offensive" to kickstart the economies of France and Europe.


The press conference came a day after Hollande s first anniversary in office was marred by news that France had fallen back into recession amid plummeting economic indicators.

Obama, Erdogan meet as Syrian war rages

WASHINGTON (AFP) - President Barack Obama met Turkey s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Thursday as world leaders scramble to find a way to ease Bashar al-Assad from power and end Syria s bloody civil war.


The talks came a day before another key player in the drama, Russian President Vladimir Putin, was to meet UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and after UN members voted to condemn an "escalation" by Assad s forces.


In a sign of personal respect for Erdogan, and in recognition of Turkey s crucial role, Obama planned to host him at a private dinner after their talks and a joint White House press conference.


Obama has made strenuous efforts to court the Turkish leader, and used his personal connection to end a standoff between Turkey and America s other key regional ally Israel at the end of March.


But, while Obama and Erdogan agree that Assad must be ousted to end the slaughter, their approaches are different and there are signs of frustration in Ankara at Obama s cautious approach towards the Syrian rebels.


Obama has balked at providing arms and ammunition to the guerrillas, fearing they could fall into the hands of extremist elements linked to Al-Qaeda, and is now pinning hopes on a peace conference jointly organized by Russia.
"Everyone in the international community is very much concerned, worried about the radical elements," a Turkish official said on condition of anonymity.


"We are of course concerned more than anyone else, being a neighbor of Syria -- but the way to deal with that problem is not withholding your support. Not doing anything is not a solution."


Obama has said that Washington has a moral and national security incentive to stop the killing, but has demanded more evidence to stand up reports that Syrian forces have used chemical weapons, crossing a US red line.


Turkey also seems skeptical that the peace conference Washington is planning with Assad s ally Moscow will produce the kind of road map to a political transition -- while keeping Syria intact -- that Washington wants.


"We have to be ... realistic and very careful as to not turn this into an open ended process which would give the opportunity to the regime to gain time and to continue its campaign of violence," the official said.


Ozgur Unluhisarcikli, of the German Marshall Fund of the United States office in Turkey, told AFP Erdogan would ask Obama to enforce a "no-fly zone" in Syria and to start directly arming rebel groups.


Obama has resisted both requests before. Enforcing a no-fly zone would require him to deploy US forces into combat in the Middle East once again, after he ran for re-election boasting of having ended the US role in Iraq.


"There is frustration, both among the government but also among the Turkish public. The expectation in Turkey was very high that the United States would intervene militarily somehow," the Turkish official said.


"The line in Turkey was wait for the (US) elections -- once he is re-elected, Obama will move against the Assad regime. It didn t happen."


Erdogan is now under even more domestic pressure on Syria, following deadly attacks in the Turkish border town of Reyhanli that Ankara has blamed on terrorists with links to the Damascus regime.


"The president and his team are constantly evaluating the options available in terms of assisting the Syrian people and assisting the Syrian opposition," said White House spokesman Jay Carney.


"It is our position as of now that our assistance to the Syrian opposition is non-lethal in nature."


Washington and Moscow have issued a joint call to organize an international peace conference to halt the fighting in Syria, but a vote on Wednesday at the United Nations underscored the bitter divide between them.


Russia is a traditional ally of Syria and voted against a motion before the UN General Assembly to condemn what Arab and Western powers denounced as Assad s "escalation" in attacks on civilians.


The vote passed despite Russian anger but the number of states backing the motion was only 107, down from 133 when a similar vote was held in August, suggesting a weakening of international support for Assad s immediate overthrow


Russia and China are veto-wielding permanent members of the UN Security Council and have stymied Western-led bids to ramp up the pressure on Assad to step down several times during the now three-year-old war.


Now, the diplomatic tempo is increasing, with leader shuttling between capitals to try to revive a plan agreed in Geneva last year for a ceasefire followed by the formation of a transitional Syrian government.


Putin is likely to press this point in his talks with Ban on Friday at his Black Sea residence in Sochi, southern Russia, and Moscow bitterly opposed Wednesday s General assembly vote.


Russia s UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin wrote to all 193 UN members ahead of the vote saying that supporting the resolution would "be a serious blow to all attempts to bring the Syrian sides to the negotiating table."


Both Russia and Syria s main regional ally Iran said the vote would embolden the rebel forces fighting Assad s regime and lead to greater violence, although reports from the battlefield were of loyalist forces advancing.


According to rights activists, more than 94,000 people have been killed in the conflict, which erupted in M

Shahbaz, Fazl agree to work jointly for solving problems

ISLAMABAD :  Talking to media along with JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman, former Punjab CM Shahbaz Sharif said although PML-N gained simple majority in the national assembly but it was seeking support of all other elected parties to work jointly for meeting the challenges.
He said it was the vision of Mian Nawaz Sharif that PML-N should take along all political parties to steer the country out of present crises.
Shahbaz said his party wanted to devise a common strategy to resolve the issues like loadshedding‚ terrorism‚ unemployment and corruption.


The PML-N leader said it had been agreed in the meeting with Maulana Fazlur Rehman that both parties would continue to remain in contact to resolve national issues.


He said PML-N fully respected mandate of the people throughout the country, particularly in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


On this occasion, JUI-F chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman said that post-election scenario was discussed during the meeting, adding bringing peace in the country was priority of the both parties.


He said bringing peace was prime responsibility of all the political parties and national harmony was of vital importance.


Responding to a question, Maulana Fazlur Rehman said a meeting of the Executive Council of JUI-F had been convened to discuss the strategy proposed by Mian Shahbaz Sharif for taking steps to counter major problems of the country.

PTI, JI, QWP to share power in KP

PESHAWAR : Pakistan Tehreek-e-Pakistan Insaf, Jamaat-e-Islami amd Qumi Watan Party have agreed to form coalition government in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
Talking to media men Aftab Sherpao said he decided to join the collation after the invitation by Imran Khan, adding his party and PTI have common views about many issues.
Aftab said Local Governments’ elections would be held at the earliest so that problems of masses could be solved at local level.
“Prosperity of masses will be the objective of the new government,” he said.
Rehabilitation of the areas affected by war on terror will be done on priority basis.
Meanwhile, JI leader Sirajul Haq has said it would a great test of the coalition govt to deliver.
“No party can cope with the challenges alone,” he said.

UK Muslim extremists threaten Belgium in online video

Brussels: Belgian authorities are treating with the utmost seriousness a video from Muslim extremist movement Sharia4UK which appears to contain threats aimed at Belgium, De Gazet van Antwerpen and Het Belang van Limburg report. In the video, Abu Abdullah Al-Britani and Anjem Choudary, the leaders of the movement, appear to threaten Belgium, referring to the arrest of Sharia4Belgium spokesman Fouad Belkacem. “If Muslims are prosecuted, then there will be a revolution, and only God knows what the consequences will be for Belgium,” says Anjem Choudary in the post on YouTube. “Whoever forces Muslims to silence will encounter problems. A whole generation will then arise, which will do more than just talk. Do not provoke Muslims.” Al-Britani ends the video with a threat against Belgium: “We are coming to destroy you.” The film is disturbing, according to Peter Velle, an expert in Islamic extremism. “Anjem Choudary is under surveillance by the British security services. He is a fundamentalist who has ties to convicted terrorists. He was also the mentor of suicide bombers in London on July 7, 2005.” Sources within the Ministry of Justice confirmed that these films were being taken seriously because of who the messengers are: “They have already done it in 2005. They never organise an attack themselves, but hope that someone will hear and follow their message.”

Sunday 12 May 2013

Nawaz may be Prime Minister for a 3rd Term

(Lahore)The General Election 2013 in Pakistan have written a new history with landmark achievement of PML (N) and has paved the way for Nawaz Sharif to be the PM for a 3rd Term.
In the wake of high hopes of PTI and Imran Khan's slogans of hunting down the Toger ( PML-N's Symbol), views of senior politicians,huge public meetings and apparent support of the general public the results show an entirely contrasting picture. PML-N might itself was not expecting these type of results. However it is now beyond any doubt that PML (N) has made a landmark achievement with huge majority in the elections 2013 though may results are yet to come.
emerged as the winner. The PML leaders have all ready started declaring him as the new PM and issuing statements declaring their policies for future.
Nawaz Sharif has unequivocally declared that he will respect the manifestos of the other parties ( pointing PTI perhaps) the second big political force that has emerged in these election).
Whatever may be the image of Nawaz Sharif on international level but one thing is clear he is now the voice of the Peoples of Pakistan . He will hopefully not play puppet in the hands of the major players. Neither will he have an excuse as in the past.
The people have given the mandate and now it is the turn of the PML Government to prove worthy of this much support. The counting process is still on. The clear figures of the winning seats by each party will be soon evident. The role of opposition in the coming days can never be overestimated as the major parties may be sitting in opposition now. The PML appears least interested in sharing power with other parties. However the things will be cleared gradually.

Did Imran Khan fail-Election 2013 Pakistan

(Lahore) Some People think that Imran Khan has failed. No surely. He has made a substantial entry into politics. In the recent unofficial incomplete results of Poll 2013 update at 2.00 p.m PTI of Imran Khan has secured 26 seats in the National Assembly and more seats are expected. In the Provincial assemblies as well PTI has arisen as apolitical entity.

Imran khan had been anticipating sweeping victory for the system he wanted to introduce in the country needed full and equivocal support in his mission by the public. Definitely he could not get sweeping victory as he expected but his achievement will never be neglected and change will surely be seen due to his manifesto and presence in the political system. He has changed the mind set of many and will continue to affect future politics. In a recent meeting with fellow politicians Nawaz Sharif has declared that the mandate of all the parties will be considered. His remarks surely point towards Imran Khan.

[caption id="attachment_2202" align="alignnone" width="129"]Imran Khan made his mark Imran Khan made his mark[/caption]

Friday 10 May 2013

Mismanagement of Election Material Distribution of NA-119/ PP 141-142

Lahore(Rep.) Greatly inconvenient show of mismanagement was witnessed at District Courts Campus because of mismanagement of Returning Officer ASJ NA-119 Lahore (II) Sajjad Hussain Sindhar. Presiding Officers belonging to various Teaching and non-teaching Professions and posted at high positions suffered great humiliation due to late distribution of Election materials. The poling staff was called at 8.00 a.m. but the R.O and the materials reached the distribution spot nearly at 4.00 p.m. The distribution process started at nearly 5.00 but due to concentration of power and distributing material with his own hand only one point delivery was opened. As a result distribution process moved very slow, In the end it was so confusing that no body knew what was happening. Army men, policemen, poling staff everybody was accusing and threatening each other. The distribution continued even after 11.00. The polling Staff regretted the behavior of the R.O Staff and in annoyance sent messages of inability of the distribution staff to the election commission and the media men. Dust storm and the rain fall added to the misery of the staff a lot. The Election Commission takes any action in this regard or not is a matter to be seen.