Sunday 27 January 2013

IRP workshop on E.L.T at LCWU

LAHORE(Wasim Ch):Recently there was conducted a teachers training workshop at LCWU in colleboration with HEC and US Consulate Lahore. Teachers from numerous schools and colleges participated in the week long workshop.  Dieter Bruhn an enthusiastic teacher from US with a lot of experience at various Asian countries served as the resource person. The college teachers had a very high opinion of him because he tried to minimize the gulf between the cultures the US and Pakistan and appreciated the  uniqueness characteristics of individual cultures. He told the teachers to come out of their shells and become encouraging associates of the learners. The senior staff members of the LCWU also participated in the workshop as participants. It made the workshop all the more lively.


International Conference at LCWU proved a tremendous success

LAHORE (Wasim Ch)The first Intl. Conference held at Lahore College Women University ( LCWU). It  proved a tremendous success. It was all the more risky as no such conference was ever held by any other university.

The initiative rests mostly on Sabiha Mansoor Vice Chancellor of the University. It was participated by a large gathering of intellectuals from all corners of the world. A number of renowned Scholars from within and abroad read papers on a variety of topics. The main theme of the conference was 'Language Sciences and the Developing World'. A large number of students and teachers also attended the conference.

Marvi Memon's Painting 17.01.2013

Bhutto-Zardaris' Indian contact helped break LoC ice

NEW DELHI: India and Pakistan used track-II diplomacy to defuse tensions along the line of control (LoC) just after the killing of Indian soldiers and mutilation of their bodies earlier this month, which had threatened to set the border ablaze and push the dialogue process off rails.

Well-placed sources said that an Indian contact close to Pakistan's ruling Bhutto-Zardari family came in handy as the two sides groped for ways to keep talks on course amid rising fury in India over the killing of two soldiers, one of whom the Pakistani troopers beheaded.

When contacted, the Bhutto-Zardari contact confirmed playing a "small" role, but insisted on maintaining his anonymity.

Sources said that Indian authorities conveyed it to the Pakistani government that while they were keen to carry on the dialogue, the objective would be helped if Islamabad struck a conciliatory note.


Tuesday 15 January 2013

US drone strike kills important Taliban commander: sources

A US drone strike killed a Taliban commander, his deputy and eight others in northwest Pakistan, intelligence sources and tribal leaders said Thursday, weeks after he was wounded in a bomb attack believed to have been launched by Taliban rivals.

Maulvi Nazir Wazir, also known as Mullah Nazir, was killed on Wednesday night when missiles struck a house in Angoor Adda, near the capital of Wana, South Waziristan, near the Afghan border, intelligence sources and residents said. His deputy, Ratta Khan, was also killed, sources said.

Nazir favoured attacking American forces in Afghanistan rather than Pakistani soldiers in Pakistan, a position that put him at odds with some other Pakistan Taliban commanders but earned him a reputation as a "good" Taliban among some in the Pakistan military.

The military has a large base in Wana, where Nazir and his men were based. Residents said the main market in Wana shut down on Thursday to mark Nazir's death. Nazir was wounded there in a bombing in November, widely believed to be a result of his rivalries with other Taliban commanders. Six others were killed in the same bombing.

Both the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban draw support from ethnic Pashtuns, who live on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border. Rivalry between militant factions often reflects old rivalries between Pashtun tribes. Shortly after the bombing, Nazir's Wazir tribe told the Mehsud tribe, related to Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud, to leave the area. Hakimullah Mehsud's men frequently target the Pakistani army.

The army, an uneasy ally of the United States, has clawed back territory from the Taliban since launching a military offensive in 2009. But senior U.S. officials have frequently said that some elements within Pakistan's security services retain ties to some Taliban commanders.

Intensified U.S. drone strikes have killed many senior Taliban leaders, including Mehsud's predecessor, Baitullah Mehsud, in 2009.

Drone strikes have dramatically increased since U.S. President Barack Obama took office. There were only five drone strikes in 2007. The number of strikes peaked at 117 in 2010 and climbed down to 46 last year.

Data collected from news reports by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism say that between 2,600-3,404 Pakistanis have been killed by drones, of which 473-889 were reported to be civilians. Rights groups say that some residents are so afraid of the strikes they don't want to leave their homes.

It is difficult to verify civilian casualties because foreign journalists must have permission from the military to visit the tribal areas along the Afghan border.

Taliban fighters also often seal off the sites of drone strikes immediately so Pakistani journalists cannot see the victims.

Some Pakistanis say the drone strikes are an infringement of their national sovereignty and have called for them to stop. Others, including some residents of the tribal areas, say they are killing Taliban commanders who have terrorized the local population.

The continuing insecurity is likely to be a key issue in elections scheduled for this spring. The nuclear-armed nation of 180 million has a history of military coups, but these polls should mark the first time one elected civilian government gets to hand power to another.
(Courtesy: Reuters)

Argo scores Golden Globe victory with two top awards

Iran hostage drama Argo scored a sweet double victory at the Golden Globe awards on Sunday, winning best movie drama - the night's top prize - and best director for Ben Affleck on a night that left front-runner "Lincoln" with just one trophy.

Musical "Les Miserables" won the contest for best comedy or musical, as well as acting awards for stars Hugh Jackman and Anne Hathaway.

But elsewhere, it was a night of surprises at Hollywood's second biggest awards show after the Oscars in February.

Actress Jodie Foster publicly acknowledged for the first time that she is gay, and former U.S. President Bill Clinton appeared at the glitzy ceremony.

Yet the big story was the defeat of Steven Spielberg's drama about U.S. President Abraham Lincoln's battle to end slavery - which went into Sunday's ceremony with a leading seven nominations - and the triumph of Affleck in the director's race.

Affleck was overlooked in the directing category when Oscar nominations were announced last Thursday, although "Argo" was short-listed for best film at the Oscar ceremony to be held on February 24.

"Argo" combines the true story of the rescue of U.S. diplomats from Tehran after the Islamic Revolution in 1979 under the guise of making a movie, with a satire on Hollywood.

"Argo" producer George Clooney told reporters backstage on Sunday that he was disappointed at Affleck's personal snub by the Academy Awards voters.

"I think he did a phenomenal job with the film. I felt that he should have been nominated, but you can't figure out what goes on in the Academy and he's still nominated for best picture...It's disappointing, but we're not out of the water just yet," Clooney said.

British actor Daniel Day-Lewis, who plays Abraham Lincoln, got the only Golden Globe win for "Lincoln," which has a leading 12 Oscar nominations.

Instead, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association, which organizes the Golden Globes, showed their admiration for Quentin Tarantino's slavery era Western "Django Unchained."

"Django" won two awards - for Tarantino's screenplay, and Christoph Waltz's supporting actor turn as a dentist turned bounty hunter.

"Wow! ... This is a damn surprise, and I am happy to be surprised," Tarantino said, accepting his screenplay award.

The Golden Globes are sometimes seen as an indication of sentiment ahead of the Oscars, but the two voting bodies are very different and Oscar nominations were announced this year before Sunday's ceremony.

In other key races, Jessica Chastain, won, as expected, for her role as a young female CIA agent who tracks down Osama bin Laden in thriller "Zero Dark Thirty."

"I have wanted to be an actor since I was a little girl...To be here now is a beautiful feeling to receive this encouragement and support," Chastain said.

In the best comedy or musical category, Jennifer Lawrence won best actress for "Silver Linings Playbook" while was best supporting actress.

"Thank you for this lovely blunt object that I will ever more use as a weapon against self-doubt," said Hathaway as she accepted her trophy. The actress lost 25 pounds in weight and chopped off her long brown hair to play tragic heroine Fantine in "Les Miserables."

Turkey s PM Erdogan says won t bow to Kurdish militancy

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday his government would never surrender to Kurdish militants but he was cautiously hopeful peace talks could end a conflict that has brought nothing but "pain, blood and tears" to Turkey.

Late last year Turkish intelligence officials began talks with jailed Kurdish militant leader Abdullah Ocalan on how to end an insurgency which has killed more than 40,000 people since rebels loyal to him took up arms in 1984.

The talks drew fierce criticism from nationalist circles which accused the government of going soft on Ocalan's Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), designated a terrorist organization by Turkey, the European Union and United States.

"Nobody can make us surrender. We did not take a step back in the face of any attack, we will not take any steps back," he told his ruling AK Party in parliament in the capital Ankara.

"Violence and terror has brought nothing to this country but pain, blood and tears. Believe me, we have one goal: that is to halt the mothers' tears," he said.

"We are cautious, careful but hopeful."

The nascent talks were overshadowed last week by the execution-style killings of three Kurdish women activists in Paris, which Erdogan has suggested could be the result of an internal feud in the PKK or a bid to derail the peace talks.

The PKK blamed shadowy elements within the Turkish state or foreign powers and Ocalan issued a call on Monday through his brother for French police to solve the murders. But he gave no indication their killing would disrupt the peace talks.

Ocalan's younger brother Mehmet, who visited him in his jail on the island of Imrali near Istanbul, said the PKK leader did not comment on the peace process but may make a statement later if Kurdish political party leaders visit him.


Dialogue between Ocalan and government officials, which media reports say yielded a framework for full negotiations, began after Ocalan called on hundreds of PKK inmates to end a hunger strike last November. His brother Mehmet had conveyed that appeal after a previous visit.

"He was very saddened by the massacre in France. He condemns it," Mehmet Ocalan told reporters on his return from Imrali late on Monday. "They must solve this massacre right away."

"This massacre was a sign. Hence he was very downcast. He sent his condolences to the families of the three Kurdish women who were killed," he said, without clarifying what the sign was.

French investigators have given no indication as to who might be responsible for the deaths.

Ocalan was long held in virtual isolation after his capture in 1999. Access to him remains tightly controlled and his lawyers have not seen him for 16 months.

Kurdish politicians have demanded improvements in his jail conditions. Erdogan said last week that such changes would be limited but that he would be given a television.

Asked about those reports, Mehmet said his brother had not requested a television. "It was not his own demand. The prison governor convinced him and that's why he accepted," he said.

One of the three women killed in Paris was Sakine Cansiz, a founding PKK member well-known to Kurdish nationalists and believed to be an important PKK financier in Europe. PKK fighters are based mainly in northern Iraq.

The bodies of the three were set to be flown to Diyarbakir, the largest city in Turkey's mainly Kurdish southeast, on Wednesday evening ahead of a funeral ceremony on Thursday.

Erdogan and other political leaders called for calm ahead of the funerals and warned against efforts to provoke trouble.

"Our sensible citizens won't rise to the bait," he said. "Some want to destroy the peace process we have begun. This must not be allowed to happen."

India: Woman raped, killed in moving train in Bihar

NEW DELHI: In a grim reminder of the horrific Delhi rape case, a woman who got down from a Delhi-bound train in Bhagalpur district of Bihar, north Indian state, was gang-raped, killed and her body hanged from a tree in a mango orchard, Indian media reported on Monday.

A day before another woman was molested on Sunday by seven men in moving bus in a small town of Indian Punjab.

Local police said the 32-year-old victim, who was a passenger of the Brahmaputra Mail that was travelling to the national capital, was dragged to the empty buggy and gang-raped by unidentified persons after she alighted from the train between Vikramshila and Kahalgaon stations.

She was strangled and her body hanged from a tree. Police recovered the body and sent it to the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and Hospital in Bhagalpur for postmortem.

The victim, who hails from New Jalpaiguri in West Bengal, took the train from Alipore to Delhi, along with her son. As the train was jampacked, she tried to get down at Sahibganj but was prevented from doing so by co-passengers, ASP, Bhagalpur, Meenu Kumari said. When the train slowed down between Vikramshila and Kahalgaon stations, she jumped out. It is not clear why she took this step.

A group of inebriated people then dragged her to a nearby mango orchard and sexually assaulted her. Liquor bottles were found at the spot, Kumari said.

A railway ticket and cellphone number of her village pradhan written on a piece of paper was recovered from the victim s possession, police said.

UN experts to Tehran, hope to restart nuke probe

VIENNA:- A senior U.N. team is embarking on a new try to restart its probe into suspicions that Iran secretly worked on nuclear arms.

The International Atomic Energy Agency team is flying to Tehran and meeting with senior officials there. Team leader Herman Nackaerts says the IAEA hopes to "finalize the structured approach" that would outline what the agency can and cannot do in its investigation.

Nackaerts spoke Tuesday ahead of the departure of his IAEA squad. The U.N. nuclear watchdog agency has tried for more than a year to restart its stalled investigations into allegations that Iran worked on developing such weapons.

Tehran steadfastly denies any such activity and insists that any new agency investigation must be governed by an agreement that lays out the scope of such a probe.

Court refuses to halt Berlusconi sex trial

MILAN: The judges deliberated for four hours before delivering their decision on Monday. They also decided that they didn t need to hear testimony from the Moroccan woman at the center of the case, Karima el-Mahroug.

El-Mahroug had appeared in court on Monday after having failed to show on two previous dates.

Berlusconi is accused of paying for sex with el-Mahroug, better known as Ruby, when she was 17, and then trying to cover it up. Both deny sexual contact.

One of India rape case is a minor: lawyer

NEW DELHI: He demanded an age-determination test in what could be a tactic to delay the case from being tried in a fast-track court.

The five charged in last month s attack of the 23-year-old student in a moving bus in New Delhi would face a possible death penalty if convicted. A sixth suspect says he is 17 years old, and if he is tried in a juvenile court he would face a maximum sentence of three years in a reform facility.

The rape of the woman, and the brutal beating that led to severe organ failure, has set off an impassioned debate about what India needs to do to prevent such tragedies.

Protesters and politicians have called for tougher rape laws, police reforms and a transformation in the way the country treats women.

The five men charged with various crimes in the incident live in a slum in New Delhi, and were riding in an off-duty bus that picked up the woman and a male companion late in the evening of Dec. 16 in a posh part of the capital. Both were beaten severely and thrown off the bus.

The woman died two weeks later of the injuries in a Singapore hospital.

Manohar Lal Sharma, the lawyer for one of the five charged men, Mukesh Singh, said at a court hearing Monday that his client is under 18, and that police documents indicating Singh is 26 had been "manipulated."

"If you could just see his face, he is only a child," Sharma told The Associated Press. The hearing has been closed to the media under a gag order placed by the magistrate.

Sharma said Singh had added several years to his age to get a driver s license. He said he asked the court to order a medical test to determine his client s age, but that the court did not indicate whether it would meet his request.

The case was expected to be shifted to the fast-track court Monday to avoid the delays that plague most trials in India. But the court addressed only procedural matters and paper work at the hearing, and the case was not handed over.

The next hearing was scheduled for Thursday, but it was not clear whether the case would be handed over then to the fast-track court, which was created this month to deal with crimes against women.

Last week, Sharma made a series of inflammatory and often-contradictory statements, saying that police had beaten the five charged suspects and placed other prisoners into their cells to threaten them with knives.

Monday s hearing had been set for last week but was rescheduled when it turned out that the official list of charges was not completely legible.

On Sunday, police said they had arrested six suspects in another gang rape of a bus passenger in India.

Police officer Raj Jeet Singh said a 29-year-old woman was the only passenger on a bus as she was traveling to her village in northern Punjab state on Friday night.

The driver took her to a desolate location, he said. There, the driver and the conductor took her to a building where they were joined by five friends and took turns raping her throughout the night, Singh said.

The driver dropped the woman off at her village early Saturday, he said, adding that police arrested six suspects on Saturday and were searching for another.

Also on Saturday, police arrested a 32-year-old man for allegedly raping and killing a 9-year-old girl two weeks ago in Ahmednagar district in western India, the Press Trust of India news agency reported.

SRK and Priyanka ‘affair’ hits headlines

NEW DELHI: And all this while these two decided to keep a low profile when it came to showing their affection for each other, to stop tongues wagging on their relationship.

However, an entertainment tabloid writes that at a recently held awards function, the duo shared the stage and had fun together as per the pictures clicked and the bytes given by the sources present at the do.

During their stage interaction, Priyanka kissed SRK on the cheek while the actor’s wife Gauri looked on as she sat among the audiences.

And the ‘PDA’ went on to continue till 2am as SRK and PeeCee performed their stage act for 45 minutes at a stretch. Word has it that the show was supposed to end around 1.35 am but following SRK’s request it was extended for some more time.

Well, a lot of interpretations of this incident are floating around everywhere but here’s hoping that SRK and PeeCee’s relationship is a platonic one else it could spell trouble in Mannat like never before!

England female cricketer wants to play for men's eleven

LONDON: According to The Guardian newspaper said on Monday that Taylor, one of the leading players in international women s cricket, is set to travel to India later this week as a member of an England squad who will be defending the 50-over World Cup title they won in Australia.

The 23-year-old played her school cricket for Sussex-based Brighton College, where former pupils include ex-England women s captain Clare Connor.

Now Taylor is being championed in her quest to play men s county 2nd XI cricket -- just one rung below first-class standard -- by England women s coach Mark Lane.

"Mark is looking at me getting some games with the second XI at Sussex and that will be just phenomenal cricket," Taylor said in an interview published on The Guardian s website.

"The plan is also for me to play some early season games for the MCC (Marylebone Cricket Club) boys. Mark is trying to get me a lot of men s cricket which can only help my game.

"It s just a case of here could be an opportunity for me. Someone at Sussex approached Mark and asked if there was anyone who could keep (wicket) and Laney, being Laney, was quick to back me.

"It s daunting but it s brilliant that he backs me to do it in men s cricket. The MCC also approached him about me playing for them. Part of me knows it would be phenomenal. But there s part of me doubting myself.

"I ve just got to start believing in myself a little bit more. But I would love to do it. It would be such a challenge."

Former England seamer Mike Selvey, now a cricket correspondent at The Guardian, has suggested Taylor is the one woman whose skills as both a wicketkeeper and batsman could conceivably allow her to play first-class cricket.

Many women who have been dominant figures in gender-segregated sports have been attracted to the challenge of competing against men, whose generally greater physical strength is reckoned to give them a huge advantage, after sweeping all before them in women-only events.

For example four-time overall women s World Cup skiing champion Lindsey Vonn is trying to persuade officials to let her race against men.

But US golfer Michelle Wie s forays into male tournaments have been largely unsuccessful, with the 23-year-old making only one cut in a men s event.

Sports that have long been gender neutral, such as equestrianism, have seen women frequently defeat men, with female riders led by champion Charlotte Dujardin of Great Britain taking all three podium places in the individual dressage at last year s London Olympic Games.

But in sports usually separated by gender,there have been concerns that female participation in men s events would damage the profile of all-women competitions, which generally struggle for media coverage and sponsorship in comparison to their male equivalents.

US not to send troops to Mali

LISBON - The United States has no current plans to send troops to Mali and is still considering how else to help French forces battling al Qaeda-linked fighters there, US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Tuesday.

The clarification of Washington s position came as France launched fresh air strikes on the fifth day of its military intervention in the West African nation.

Paris has poured hundreds of soldiers into Mali and carried out air raids since Friday in the northern half of the country, which was seized last year by an Islamist alliance combining al Qaeda s north African wing AQIM with Mali s home-grown MUJWA and Ansar Dine rebel groups.

Western and regional states fear the insurgents will use Mali s north, a vast and inhospitable area of desert and rugged mountains the size of Texas, as a base for international attacks.

"There is no consideration of putting any American boots on the ground at this time," Panetta told a news conference after meeting his Portuguese counterpart on the first leg of a trip to Europe.

Panetta told reporters on Monday the United States was considering providing France with logistical, reconnaissance and
airlift support. He said on Tuesday no final decision had been made on what kind of help to offer France or when.

"We have commended the French for this effort to try to go into Mali to stop the AQIM, these terrorists and members of al
Qaeda, from being able to develop a base of operations in Mali,"

Panetta told reporters at a 16th century fort overlooking the Atlantic ocean outside Lisbon.

20 killed in Aleppo varsity blasts


BEIRUT: Video footage posted by students on the Internet showed tearful survivors taking refuge in a campus building.

Activists said missiles fired by government jets were reponsible for the blasts. A military source said it was a stray surface-to-air missile fired by rebels.

The explosions struck an area near the university dormitories and the architecture faculty, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

State television said "terrorists launched two rockets" at the university complex, which lies in a government-controlled area of the battleground city.

As well as students, the campus houses some 30,000 people who have fled homes in areas of the city ravaged by fighting since July last year.

Manmohan warns Pakistan on Kashmir ‘killings’

NEW DELHI: Indian PM has said it cannot be business as usual with Pakistan after Kashmir border incident.

His remarks follow the Indian army chief s call form troops to "aggressively" respond to firing from Pakistani troops.

The violence has plunged the neighbours into the worst crisis in relations since the Mumbai attacks of 2008, which were blamed on militants based in Pakistan. Both sides deny provoking last week s clashes

Claimed by both countries, Kashmir has been a flashpoint for over 60 years. Exchanges in the disputed area are not uncommon but rarely result in fatalities.

This is the worst crisis to hit India-Pakistan relations since the 2008 Mumbai attacks and a fledgling peace process under way since February last year looks like it could unravel.

Pakistani hockey players are being sent back from India and a landmark visa-on-arrival scheme has been deferred. These were small but important measures aimed at building trust between the two neighbours, and it is not insignificant that they have been affected.

What is alarming is the strong reactions, particularly in India. Belligerent statements from the army chief as well as opposition politicians have put the government on the defensive, so it will be difficult for it to appear conciliatory towards Pakistan.This is an election year in Pakistan and we are a year away from polls in India - so both governments will have their eye on domestic opinion. An armed confrontation is extremely unlikely. Both sides have indicated that there is a need for restraint, so although the rhetoric is harsh it is unlikely to be matched with action.

The prime minister made his remarks in the capital, Delhi, to mark Army Day.

"After this barbaric act, there cannot be business as usual with Pakistan. What happened at LoC is unacceptable," he said, referring to the Line of Control, which divides Kashmir.

"I hope Pakistan realises this. I hope Pakistan will bring the perpetrators to book."

India was set to begin a landmark visa-on-arrival deal for Pakistani senior citizens at the Wagah crossing, but this has been put on hold.

Officials from both countries held a meeting at the border on Monday aimed at reducing tensions. Neither side have commented on the talks.

Both countries have also summoned each other s envoys to protest about the killings of the soldiers.

The Indian army chief, Gen Bikram Singh, on Monday accused Pakistan of planning the attacks that killed the two Indian soldiers.

He said the 8 January attack was "pre-meditated, pre-planned activity" and urged Indian troops to be "aggressive and offensive in the face of provocation and fire" from Pakistan.

Despite Indian accusations that Pakistan is in breach of ceasefire accords, two Indian newspapers have suggested the reverse may be true.

The reports last week said Indian commanders might have precipitated the clashes by ordering new observation posts on the LoC after a 70-year-old woman crossed it unhindered last year.

The Indian army denied any provocative actions but said there had been "routine maintenance of fortifications".

The border clash has come as a major setback to ties between the two neighbours, with the prime minister saying Pakistan was living in denial, says the BBC s Sanjoy Majumder in Delhi.

In a related development, eight Pakistani hockey players who were due to take part in a tournament in India are being sent back, our correspondent adds.

India suspended a peace process with Pakistan following attacks by Pakistan-based militants in Mumbai in 2008. Negotiations resumed in February last year.

Thousands of people have been killed in Indian-administered Kashmir since an armed revolt against Indian rule erupted in 1989. There has been a ceasefire in Kashmir since late 2003.

RPP case: SC orders arrest of PM Ashraf

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court on Tuesday ordered National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to arrest Prime MinisterRaja Pervez Ashraf in Rental power project case, Dunya News reported.

In this regard, the apex court also has issued short orders comprising three pages.

A three member bench of the apex court headed by Chief Justice Chaudhry Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry resumed hearing of rental power case.

The Supreme Court ordered the arrest of 16 people, including the prime minister, and directed authorities to present Raja Pervez Ashraf in court on Wednesday.

Fawad Chaudhry, an adviser to the PM, condemned the court s order, calling it "unconstitutional".

PM Ashraf served as the water and power minister from 2008 to 2011 and later retained his position in the federal cabinet led by Yousaf Raza Gilani as the information and technology minister in 2012.

He was elected twice as a member of the National Assembly from his constituency, NA-51 Rawalpindi-II of Gujjar Khan in 2002 and 2008.

Raja Pervaiz Ashraf was accused of receiving kickbacks in the rental power projects. He was also accused of buying property in London from money earned through corruption in various scams.

The surprising move has come as Tahir-ul-Qadri, a populist cleric, demanded the resignation of the government in protest attended by thousands of followers in the heart of the capital Islamabad. His supporters welcomed the news, celebrating at their sit-in protest outside the parliament in Islamabad.

Pakistan`s benchmark Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) index fell by nearly three percent after news of the court order, highlighting investor anxiety over political uncertainty.

Yousuf Raza Gilani, the country s last prime minister, was also dismissed by the Supreme Court in April last year after being found guilty of committing contempt of court by refusing to send a letter to Swiss authorities related to corruption investigations against President Asif Ali Zardari.

Iran regrets Mali civilian deaths in French intervention

Indian firing kills Pakistani soldier in Kashmir: ISPR

Indian firing kills Pakistani soldier in Kashmir: ISPR

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s military said Wednesday that “unprovoked” firing by Indian troops had killed one of its soldiers across their tense border in disputed Kashmir.

The Pakistani army said in a statement that one of its soldiers had “embraced martyrdom due to unprovoked Indian firing” at the Line of Control (LoC).“Indian troops again resorted to ceasefire violation and carried out unprovoked firing this evening at LoC in Hot Spring and Jandrot sectors” the statement said.

“Resultantly Naik Ashraf embraced Shahadat (martyrdom) at Kundi Post due to unprovoked Indian firing. Naik Ashraf is survived by a wife and 3 daughters,” the statement added.

A local administration official in Pakistani Kashmir’s Hajira district, close to the border where the soldier died, said that Indian troops were firing at mountain villages.“Indian troops are firing at Pakistani villages intermittently,” Sardar Mushtaq, the local government official, told AFP.

“We do not immediately know about the casualties because of communication difficulties in a mountainous region at night,” Mushtaq said.He said that two civilians had been wounded in cross-border shelling this week and that Indian troops had fired at a Pakistani boat late Tuesday.

While foreign ministers on both sides have warned against escalating tensions, Indian army chief General Bikram Singh has reiterated the sense of outrage within the Indian army’s ranks over the killing of two soldiers on January 8, one of whom was beheaded.

Pakistan denies its troops were to blame for any such incident. It says two of its soldiers were killed by Indian firing in the last 10 days along the Line of Control, a de facto border where a ceasefire has been in place since 2003.

Friday 11 January 2013

Etiam eget turpis arcu

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed non blandit neque. Donec urna massa, vestibulum sit amet lacinia at, dictum quis nisl. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam eget turpis arcu, ac placerat velit. Etiam faucibus nulla id lorem scelerisque vel malesuada lorem laoreet. Aenean vel ornare ipsum.

Cras fermentum porta velit, id mollis dolor vulputate non. In tincidunt blandit neque, interdum pharetra augue lobortis vitae. Nam eleifend nibh eget lectus cursus adipiscing. Duis fringilla tristique viverra. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vehicula tortor eget erat molestie ac vestibulum nisl sodales. Praesent tempor adipiscing egestas. Nullam scelerisque nulla sit amet elit lacinia auctor. Pellentesque ut nisl ut metus iaculis malesuada. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vivamus a consectetur velit.

Monday 7 January 2013

Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios part 1 Full HD

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed iaculis consectetur turpis ut bibendum. Cum sociis natoque fajitin penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed sit amet molestie nisl. Aliquam sit amet auctor bdayh. Donec ipsum urna, suscipit euismod tempus vitae, tincidunt quis leo. Suspendisse nisi lectus, tincidunt ut condimentum eu, pretium a purus. Nullam in quam sed nisi tincidunt convallis nec ac tellus. Quisque sodales lobortis nunc a ultrices. Morbi urna leo, gravida eu tincidunt in, egestas ac eros. Duis imperdiet velit in risus commodo convallis. Donec blandit, diam ut rhoncus fermentum, augue lorem commodo mi, eget varius enim est id nisl. Morbi nibh risus, tempus nec interdum quis, laoreet nec libero.

Fusce tortor nisl, condimentum ac malesuada vel, adipiscing eget tellus. Nulla in neque arcu. Fusce eget mi odio. Praesent consequat, sapien eget cursus hendrerit, risus orci euismod elit, id vestibulum lorem orci molestie nibh. Quisque varius aliquet velit at venenatis. Nunc nec augue quis lacus rutrum placerat. Quisque laoreet turpis eu enim consequat sed tristique lacus porta. Praesent ac imperdiet augue.

This is H1 example

Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoima augue, malesuada in ultricies ac, bibendum quis nulla. Proin libero erat, pulvinar egeti iaculis sed, viverra vel ante. Donec tincidunt facilisis tempor donis enhretii faciam.

This is H2 example

Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoima augue, malesuada in ultricies ac, bibendum quis nulla. Proin libero erat, pulvinar egeti iaculis sed, viverra vel ante. Donec tincidunt facilisis tempor donis enhretii faciam.

This is H3 example

Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoima augue, malesuada in ultricies ac, bibendum quis nulla. Proin libero erat, pulvinar egeti iaculis sed, viverra vel ante. Donec tincidunt facilisis tempor donis enhretii faciam.

This is H4 example

Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoima augue, malesuada in ultricies ac, bibendum quis nulla. Proin libero erat, pulvinar egeti iaculis sed, viverra vel ante. Donec tincidunt facilisis tempor donis enhretii faciam.


Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoi augue, malesuada in ultricies ac, bibendum quis nulla. Proin libero erat, pulvinar egeti iaculis sed, viverra vel ante. Donec tincidunt facilisis tempor.


Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoi augue, malesuada in ultricies ac, bibendum quis nulla. Proin libero erat, pulvinar egeti iaculis sed, viverra vel ante. Donec tincidunt facilisis tempor.


Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoi augue, malesuada in ultricies ac.


Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoi augue, malesuada in ultricies ac.


Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoi augue, malesuada in ultricies ac.


Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulu ultricies. bdayh convallis euismodicies egestas. Vivamus nulla enim, commod vitae eleifend et, interdum in metusnec.


Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulu ultricies. bdayh convallis euismodicies egestas. Vivamus nulla enim, commod vitae eleifend et, interdum in metusnec.


Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulu ultricies. bdayh convallis euismodicies egestas. Vivamus nulla enim, commod vitae eleifend et, interdum in metusnec.


Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulu ultricies. bdayh convallis euismodicies egestas. Vivamus nulla enim, commod vitae eleifend et, interdum in metusnec.


Suspendisse potenti. Sedilimus placerat marus bdayh quis arcu hendrerit aliquam genic facit fer. Aenean vitae nisl mag.


Suspendisse potenti. Sedilimus placerat marus bdayh quis arcu hendrerit aliquam genic facit fer. Aenean vitae nisl mag.


Suspendisse potenti. Sedilimus placerat marus bdayh quis arcu hendrerit aliquam genic facit fer. Aenean vitae nisl mag.


Suspendisse potenti. Sedilimus placerat marus bdayh quis arcu hendrerit aliquam genic facit fer. Aenean vitae nisl mag.


Suspendisse potenti. Sedilimus placerat marus bdayh quis arcu hendrerit aliquam genic facit fer. Aenean vitae nisl mag.


Suspendisse potenti. Sed placerat bdayh quis arcu vam hendrerit aliquam. Aenean vitae nisl magna. Aliquamini elit sem, posuere a vestibulum vitae, hendrerit velaris fe. Sed placerat marus bdayh.


Ut sodales turpis quis mi sagittis tempor. Donec vehicula vulputate sem ut egestas. Morbi vestibulum accumsan aste tellus varius vestibulum. Fusce non sagittis turpis. Duis malesuada ullamcorper erat, eu sagittis nulla vehicula idima. Aenean et est nec orci fringilla rhoncus. bdayh in nibh vel lacus consequat lobortis. Pellentesque libero est, egestas et convallis ac, placerat imperdiet arcu. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nullam sapien erat tristique tempor nulla, blandit sit metus volutpat integer wisi. Sed elementum, nec nec inceptos vestibulum diam proin erat, sociosqu et sit provident pellentesque sed aenean. Faucibus per turpis est pellentesque potenti, tristique iaculis adipiscing bdayh, ante velit et massa donec facilisis, sed felis sed est.

Duis scelerisque dui nec arcu vestibulum ultricies. bdayh convallis euismod egestasis. Vivamus nulla enim, commodo vitae eleifend et, interdum in metus. Quisque lorem inoima augue, malesuada in ultricies ac, bibendum quis nulla. Proin libero erat, pulvinar egeti iaculis sed, viverra vel ante. Donec tincidunt facilisis tempor donis enhretii faciam.


  • Web design

  • PHP development

  • Motion design

  • Flash development

  • Audio processing


  • Web design

  • PHP development

  • Motion design

  • Flash development

  • Audio processing


  1. Web design

  2. PHP development

  3. Motion design

  4. Flash development

  5. Audio processing

Saturday 5 January 2013

UN should implement its resolutions on Kashmir, Says Ali Raza Syed

BRUSSELS: Kashmir Council EU Chairman Ali Raza Syed has said that UN should implement the resolutions for peaceful solution of the Kashmir dispute as these resolutions are still viable.<
In a statement from Brussels on the day of right of self-determination, he said, the Kashmir dispute should be addressed in its right perception.<
He added that durable peace and stability in the region is linked with solution Kashmir and the dispute should be resolved as per the aspirations of Kashmiri people and the UN resolutions.
The resolutions of 5th January 1949 and 13th August 1948 passed by United Nations are guarantees for the durable peace and stability in the South Asian region and Kashmir issue should be resolved in light of the resolutions, he argued.

He said UN charter had accepted the right to self-determination for nations and though the right has been provided to East Timor and South Sudan but the Kashmir, which figures at top in the UN agenda is being ignored.
Ali Raza Syed called upon the UN that to fulfil demand of the people of Kashmir through putting its resolutions in practice. It is just demand of the people suffering since past 65 years”, he maintained.
Kashmiris should be allowed in a free environment to decide their political destiny and future. They should be provided an opportunity to choose their political fate, he continued. He further said the Kashmiris are determined to continue their struggle till complete success.
He also urged the international community particularly the USA, European Union and OIC to play role settling the lingering Kashmir dispute.
Chairman Kashmir Council EU asked the world community to take serious notice of issue of the disappeared people and discovery of thousands of mass graves in Indian Held Kashmir. He insisted that responsible should be brought to justice particularly families of the victims should be given relief by independent investigation and fair trial in the context.
He said, thousands of people, mostly young men, have been disappeared in IHK and there is believe that a large number of them were murdered extra-judicially and buried into unmarked graves.

He called for a thorough inquiry and a collection of DNA evidence to identify the people buried in the thousands of graves.

Thursday 3 January 2013

Pakistan beat India by 85 runs in 2nd ODI

COLCATA: Pakistan remains unbeaten at Eden Gardens against India by winning all four matches played here.
Pakistan has lost only one match here against Sri Lanka.Dhoni blames top order batting for defeat.Nasir Jhamshed declared man of the match for scoring century.Pakistani openers once again played successful innings.
Misbahul Haq said Umar Gul, Juniad and Ajmal bowled extremely well.Pakistan have won the 3 match series 2-0 and will look to end the tour on a high note in Delhi on Jan 6.Captain Misbah said the team really played well.The openers gave us the initiative and the bowlers did a great job as well. The way the wicket was playing, 300 was on the cards. Our bowling unit is doing a great job, especially Junaid Khan,” he said.
Misbah praised Jamshed who is in great form.Indian Captain Dhoni said his bowlers brought the team back into the game.The spinners bowled well and the fast bowlers also contributed. “We lost too many wickets with the bat.
We could get 80 or 90 runs in the last 10 overs but we needed wickets in hand,” he said.Pakistan are yet to lose an ODI against India in Kolkata.

They have played 4 matches here and won all 4.Terrific effort this - 250 was not a great score but they proved once again that a superb bowling unit can do wonders in this format.
Junaid Khan was the star once again and Umar Gul chipped in with a couple of top-order wickets as well. Ajmal, Hafeez, and even Shoaib Malik gave them good support as India s batsmen just capitulated.Dhoni made a half century and remained not out, but that was more of a message to the dressing room than anything else. Not sure if the message got delivered though.